However, there is still a glitch in the interpersonal relationship scanning system, and it is temporarily unable to identify Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin. Fortunately, Anliang has shown that he cannot distinguish Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin before, so if there is a glitch, there is a glitch!

After the two Xia sisters and their two best friends got into the car, An Liang took them directly to Taikoo Shopping Street.

Taikoo Shopping Street is the largest pedestrian shopping mall in Tianfu. There are a large number of Internet celebrity street photos every day, as well as a variety of trendy men and women dressed in fashionable styles.

When An Liang and his party arrived, An Liang asked casually,"Would you like to go shopping first or eat first?"

Xu Nuo was the first to speak,"Eat first!"

"We eat first and then go shopping to eat when we are full."Xu Nuo added.

This statement seems very reasonable!

Xia Ruyi agreed,"Well, it's already past eleven o'clock. Let's eat first."

"OK!"An Liang nodded, and he walked in front to lead the way.

The entrance of Chuyun was very neon, with a torii and stairs. Because of the existence of the torii, the stairs that were originally closed to visitors became attractive.

Also because of the existence of the torii gate, this staircase has become a check-in point for Internet celebrities. However, most of the check-in people sit on the stairs to check in and do not go to Chuyun for consumption.

After all, the price of Chuyun is not affordable for ordinary people. A bit high!

Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo took the two Xia sisters to check in at the torii stairs first. Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin were very sensible and did not ask An Liang to check in with them. They were well aware of some problems, but they were willing to ignore them..

After they finished checking in, An Liang took them to Chuyun store.

The welcoming lady was wearing neon clothes and greeted her gently and politely,"Welcome, do you have a reservation?"

"The person with the reservation is named Xia."An Liang responded

"Hello, Mr. Xia, thank you for visiting Chuyun."The welcoming lady said hello and made an invitation gesture.

An Liang did not correct the wrong address. Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo suppressed their smiles. They followed An Liang and came to the box under the guidance of the welcoming lady. in.

In the private room, the receptionist asked proactively,"Mr. Xia, would you like to have dinner now?" An Liang nodded,"

Well, let's dine now and follow the reservation.""

Anliang booked a set meal for 1,680 yuan per person. There are three prepayments in this set meal. The so-called 'prepayment' is actually the appetizer.

In the season of September, Chuyun chose monkfish as the appetizer. Liver, salted cuttlefish, and a soy product are generally quite satisfactory.

If it is served from March to June, Chuyun will also provide the hot firefly squid as an appetizer.

"I think the taste is really average!"An Liang commented first.

Because the Life Winner System does not give food rewards.

For An Liang, the criterion for judging whether it is delicious or not is extremely simple!

If it is delicious, An Liang feels amazing and his taste buds enjoy it, then the Life Winner System will naturally give out food rewards..

As long as it is really delicious, even small restaurants in the county can trigger food rewards.

For example, Chen Sansheng’s palace restaurant previously triggered food rewards continuously.

As for Chu Yun’s neon cuisine?

Anyway, it’s a side dish. No food reward was triggered!

The subsequent 'Zaoli', that is, the fresh catch of the season, also did not bring any amazing feeling to Anliang, and this situation continued until the end.

If Anliang were to comment on Chuyun, it would be just ordinary. Passed, at a passing level, without any amazing feeling

"What do you think? An Liang asked casually.

Xu Nuo was the first to respond,"It's delicious!" Kang

Yujia seconded,"It's pretty good, especially the ingredients, which are very fresh and better than ordinary neon restaurants." Xia

Ruyi said casually,"Jiajia and I have similar opinions. Apart from the fresh ingredients, it doesn't have much special features.

Xia Hexin agreed,"I have no research on neon cuisine. I just think the ingredients are fresh."

An Liang concluded with a smile,"I don't think it's as delicious as your mother's private kitchen.""

"Shall we go there tonight?"Xia Ruyi took the initiative to propose.

An Liang nodded,"I think it works!"

"I sent a message to my mother to reserve box No. 1. What do you want to eat? I asked my mother to prepare it in advance."Xia Ruyi asked.

An Liang responded,"Braised beef, pickled pepper meal, steamed pork with dried plums and vegetables, and other seasonal vegetarian dishes, let Auntie take care of them."

"OK"Xia Ruyi nodded.

This time, Xu Nuo, a foodie, was very sensible. She didn't say anything about asking for food, which was a very good idea.

After Xia Ruyi sent the message, she took the initiative to say,"I'm a little full. Shall we go shopping?"

"Well, I'll pay first."An Liang agreed.

When checking out, An Liang gave Chu Yun another bad review, because Chu Yun had a 10% service fee, and the service fee for 1,680 people was 168 yuan. Is n't this service fee a bit shady?

Anyway, An Liang felt quite dark!

After checking out, An Liang was taken shopping by the two Xia sisters and their besties. In Tianfu in early September, the weather was still very hot, and Taikoo Shopping Street was not an indoor environment. After shopping for almost an hour, An Liang felt like he was going to melt, but those four girls acted like nothing was wrong. This was simply unscientific!


Update time: July 27, 2021 00:02:45, good night.

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