Tianfu, Taikoo Shopping Street.

An Liang spent almost an hour shopping with the two Xia sisters and their close friends before he expressed that he couldn't stand it anymore.

"How about we go to Snow Tea first?" An Liang suggested.

Xia Hexin glanced at An Liang, who was sweating on her forehead. She nodded affirmatively,"Well, it's getting hot now. Let's go to the snow tea and sit for a while."

Almost ten minutes later, An Liang and his party arrived at the snow tea shop in the International Finance Center next door.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin like snow tea very much, and An Liang also likes snow tea, but he doesn't like snow tea's fruit tea or milk tea. , but I like Snow Tea’s business attitude.

In the milk tea industry, Snow Tea is different from other coquettish bitches. The milk tea industry in Xia Country is very strange. Some people always think that opening a milk tea shop will make money, but do milk tea shops really make money?

Milk Tea There are many tricks in the industry, such as asking people to queue up to create a hot scene for milk tea.

The purpose of these tricks is to trick people into joining!

For serious milk tea brands, who makes money by selling milk tea?

Isn’t the franchise fee good?

A franchise A store can charge hundreds of thousands in franchise fees. How can you earn so much by selling milk tea?

Most milk tea stores only work for landlords and brands.

Want to make a lot of money?

Go to sleep!

Snow Tea is here There is no serious brand in the milk tea industry, because Snow Tea has never thought about making money through franchise stores, but is planning to become the first listed company in the milk tea industry.

Isn’t it good to make money in the stock market?

Waving a sickle in the stock market, then It's your own ability.

There seems to be a little bit about asking people to line up and trick them into joining....

Taste it yourself!

As a worker in the financial industry, An Liang likes the unorthodox milk tea brand like Snow Tea. After all, the other party has a bottom line.

In the snow tea shop, Xia Ruyi took her mobile phone to order a drink,"Do you still want orange juice?"

An Liang nodded,"Yes, orange juice is fine."

When Xia Ruyi, Kang Yujia, and Xu Nuo were discussing what to drink, Xia He Xin Hexin was looking at his phone, and An Liang asked casually,"What are you still busy with?"

Xia Hexin responded,"It's still about the Teacher's Day activities."

"has a problem?"An Liang asked back.

"There is a little contradiction."Xia Hexin frowned slightly.

"I heard you talk about Teacher's Day activities before, and we are also planning to organize a Teacher's Day event here. An Liang said casually.

Xia Hexin asked curiously,"Are you going to organize Teacher's Day activities in your college?""

"No no no. An Liang denied,"It's not my organization, nor is it in our college."

An Liang continued,"Yuyue is planning to organize a Teacher's Day event and invite all university teachers in Datianfu to participate."

Xia Hexin reminded,"Will it cause controversy if only university teachers are allowed to participate?""

"In view of the short preparation time, this year’s Teacher’s Day event only invites university teachers to participate. Next year, we will be more prepared and will expand the scope to include teachers from high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools."An Liang added

"What activities is Yuyue planning?"Xia Ruyi participated in the discussion.

An Liang responded,"Yuyue is going to hold a Teacher's Day concert. Yuyue plans to contract the Tianfu Sports Center to hold a Teacher's Day concert on the night of Teacher's Day."

An Liang added,"The singers for this Teacher's Day concert are all teachers selected from various universities, and students from the corresponding universities are invited to participate.

Kang Yujia asked doubtfully,"Will teachers from other universities participate?""

The two sisters of the Xia family and Xu Nuo also have such doubts.

"Yuyue will provide certain rewards. An Liang explained,"In the Teacher's Day concert, the first place will receive 100 million points.""

Xia Ruyi knows the role of Yuyue points. In Yuyue's membership system, you get 1 point for every 1 yuan spent in Yuyue, and every 100 points can be equivalent to 1 yuan spent in Yuyue.

If it is 100 million Yuyue points, then It is equivalent to a pick-up card worth 1 million yuan Yuyue.

Xia Hexin guessed,"You use Yuyue points as rewards to avoid causing controversy, right?"

"certainly!"An Liang nodded.

If he directly said that the first prize of the Teacher's Day Concert would be worth 1 million yuan, it would be somewhat philistine. Some university teachers, especially famous professors, may refuse to participate because they cherish their feathers, or even It was a criticism of the teachers who participated.

But it is different if it is replaced by Hazuki points, at least in name it will be much better.

An Liang added,"As long as you sign up for the Teacher's Day concert, regardless of whether you pass the preliminary round, Hazuki will Give away 50,000 Yuyue Points."

This is equivalent to getting a 500-yuan Yuyue pick-up card for free.

Even if you are tone deaf, as long as you sign up and participate in the preliminary round, you can get 50,000 points from Yuyue, which is equivalent to a 500-yuan Yuyue pick-up card for free.

Xu Nuo asked on the side,"Can students participate? I sing very well! Kang

Yujia complained,"Nono, I beg you, do you sing well?" Xia

Ruyi also complained,"If I hadn't heard you sing, I would have almost believed your lies!" Xia

Hexin explained to An Liang,"Nono's singing is particularly unpleasant. The key is that she doesn't feel it yet.""

So Xu Nuo is a self-promotional singer?

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