In the black monster of the Maxari version of the Audi RSQ8, An Liang started the engine first, and then asked,"Teacher Ye, are you going back to your school?""

"Well, yes, I was in the faculty dormitory of the Academy of Fine Arts."Ye Qiangwei explained, and then added,"Thank you, classmate An."

"You're welcome. An Liang responded with a smile,"If I have to thank you, it should be me thanking Teacher Ye for bringing new attention to our Yuyue."

Ye Qiangwei showed a faint smile and said,"Classmate An is so polite.""

An Liang laughed twice without any intention of responding.

The interpersonal relationship scanning system has confirmed Ye Qiangwei's information. An Liang knows the principle of relaxation and relaxation. He did not chat awkwardly with Ye Qiangwei anymore and just drove quietly. Facing the Ye Qiangwei, who was sitting in the back row, was a little uncomfortable with the suddenly quiet situation, because Ye Qiangwei originally guessed that An Liang would continue to find topics to increase the distance between the two parties.

But An Liang just didn't follow the routine.

Almost ten minutes later , An Liang arrived at Tianfu Academy of Fine Arts smoothly.

Ye Qiangwei reminded,"Classmate An, just leave me at the school gate. Our school does not allow outside vehicles to enter.""

"OK" An Liang agreed and drove forward. The access control railing at the entrance of the Academy of Fine Arts automatically lifted, indicating that An Liang was allowed to pass.

Ye Qiangwei's eyebrows were slightly curved.

An Liang said casually,"I have been to the Academy of Fine Arts before."

In fact, the license plate [Rong A·168AL] owned by An Liang has access control rights in surrounding schools. After all, if you can get two or three cigarettes a month and arrange a hot pot meal, is it still a big deal?"

"Teacher Ye, please show me the way."An Liang reminded.

Under the guidance of Ye Qiangwei, An Liang drove the car downstairs to the staff dormitory. Ye Qiangwei thanked him before getting out of the car,"Sorry for bothering you, classmate An. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome."An Liang responded.

Ye Qiangwei was confused again, because An Liang didn't show any intention to get out of the car to see her off, let alone send her upstairs.

After Ye Qiangwei got off the car, An Liang drove away directly.

Ye Qiangwei watched the taillights of the Maisha Rui version of the Audi RSQ8 disappear before turning and walking into the faculty dormitory. Her heart was still full of doubts. What did Anliang mean?

When Ye Qiangwei returned to the dormitory, her roommate Liu Jingxi immediately asked,"Qiangwei, who sent you back just now?"

Before Ye Qiangwei answered, Liu Jingxi continued,"I was on the balcony just now. Although it was too dark to see clearly, I could tell by the sound of the engine of that car that the car was not cheap."

"So tell me the truth, who sent you back just now? Liu Jingxi asked.

Ye Qiangwei and Liu Jingxi are both counselors at the Academy of Fine Arts. Liu Jingxi is a counselor in Class 1 of the Photography Department. Since there is no extra single apartment, they were arranged in a two-bedroom apartment. In the dormitory of the hall.

Faced with Liu Jingxi's inquiry, Ye Qiangwei did not hide anything. She quickly explained the situation, and finally repeated,"The other person is a student of Tianfu School of Economics. I did him a favor and he dropped it off by the way. I'm just back"

"I know who he is! Liu Jingxi snorted,"That guy is not simple!""

"Um?"Ye Qiangwei looked at her roommate in confusion.

"Do you think that guy is just Yuyue’s boss? Liu Jingxi asked back

"Is not it?"Ye Qiangwei asked back.

"of course not!" Liu Jingxi said negatively,"Rumors say that classmate An is from Shengqing, and his family's company is very powerful in Shengqing. Rumor has it that it is worth tens of billions."

"Secondly, their family also has an investment company in Tianfu. It is rumored that the scale of funds managed by this investment company may exceed 100 billion! Liu Jingxi said with bright eyes.

"By the way, that classmate An must be a scumbag!" Liu Jingxi added,"According to the gossip, Yu Yue was a gift from him to his classmate Bai Yue."

"Yuyue is Yuyue, which means giving it to Baiyue, but I don’t know the specific relationship between him and Baiyue’s classmate. Liu Jingxi said gossiping

"But on the surface, that classmate An has two girlfriends, and they are a pair of twins. The ones I have seen are indeed very beautiful and have very good figures!" Liu Jingxi said enviously.

Ye Qiangwei frowned slightly.

Liu Jingxi discovered the details of Ye Qiangwei's frown, and she immediately asked,"Are you wondering why the scumbag was not hammered?"

"Why?"Ye Qiangwei asked back.

"Because that classmate An’s methods are very clever!" Liu Jingxi responded,"I heard that classmate An helped his girlfriend open a private restaurant at home, and the profit every month was hundreds of thousands."

"In addition, he is very good to his two girlfriends. Someone on the campus wall of the Normal College calculated that the things he bought for his girlfriends in one semester probably exceeded 5 million in total. Liu Jingxi said enviously

"Note that it is five million for each person, not two people together. Liu Jingxi added

"So why was he hammered? Liu Jingxi asked back.

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