Faced with Liu Jingxi's rhetorical question, Ye Qiangwei sighed,"Whether he is a scumbag or not has nothing to do with me."

Liu Jingxi responded jokingly,"Not tempted?"

"How can it be?"Ye Qiangwei denied without hesitation.

"If it's him, if it's you, even if a little bit leaks out from between his fingers, he can actually help you solve the problem. Liu Jingxi said casually.

Liu Jingxi continued to add,"What I just said about his girlfriend is actually not nonsense. He is really good to his girlfriend.""

"Liu Jingxi!"Ye Qiangwei looked at Liu Jingxi a little angry,"I can work hard on my own!"

"come on!"Liu Jingxi no longer mentioned what happened before. She just waved her fist to cheer for Ye Qiangwei.

Ye Qiangwei returned to her room. She took a deep breath and suppressed some restless thoughts. She took out her mobile phone and opened the Yuyue app to check the preliminary rankings of the Teachers' Day concert event.

However, Ye Qiangwei was interrupted by a call message. Ye Qiangwei looked at the caller ID, her face changed slightly, and then she quickly swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Mom, it’s so late, why aren’t you sleeping yet?"Ye Qiangwei spoke first.

Cheng Yuhan responded,"I'm worried about you going out for a road show at night."

"mom!"Ye Qiangwei was moved in her heart, but she was complaining,"I'm such an old man, there won't be any problem! Cheng

Yuhan ignored Ye Qiangwei's complaint and asked softly,"Did the road show go well today?""

"It went quite smoothly."Ye Qiangwei responded that she didn't say anything about Anliang to avoid Cheng Yuhan's worries.

"Well, you go to bed early and don't affect tomorrow's work."Cheng Yuhan instructed.

"you should also rest earlier."Ye Qiangwei warned,"Your heart is not good, so don't stay up late next time."

"I know my own things."Cheng Yuhan responded.

The two chatted for a while about family issues before ending the call.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qiangwei clicked on the ranking list of Teachers' Day concert events. She was still in second place, but the number of votes had changed from 30,000 to 30,000. The number of votes in Chutou increased to more than 32,000, which is equivalent to an increase of more than 1,000 votes.

This shows that her road show is valuable!

But the problem is that Ji Xiaoyu, who ranked first, also increased by more than 1,000 votes, and the total number of votes exceeded 38,000. Thousand votes, the gap between the two sides is still more than 6,000 votes, and the gap in votes has not been narrowed.

Simply put, the value of the road show is that the gap has not been widened by Ji Xiaoyu.

Ye Qiangwei sighed secretly in her heart, Tianfu Academy of Fine Arts The number of students is only more than 3,500, while Tianfu Normal University has more than 16,000 students. This is the biggest gap!

‘If there are no accidents, after twelve o'clock, the difference in votes between Ji Xiaoyu and me should be even greater. Ye Qiangwei felt a little sad.

The voting rights of Yuyue members will be refreshed at zero o'clock. According to the size of Tianfu Normal University's students, Ye Qiangwei would guess that at zero o'clock, the gap in votes between her and Ji Xiaoyu would be larger.

On the other side, Tianfu School of Economics, inside dormitory 307, Building 7, Boys' Dormitory.

As soon as An Liang came back, he was interrogated by the dogs in three sessions.

"Brother Liang, do you know Teacher Ye? Shen Shizhong was the first to ask.

Ma Long also asked anxiously,"What exactly is going on?" Lu Wenshan was the last to speak,"

I calculated with my fingers that Brother Liang's genes should have been affected!""

"..."An Liang stared at Lu Wenshan with death.

This beep is really poisonous!

"There's nothing wrong with it, so don't make blind guesses, I have a girlfriend!"An Liang responded calmly.

"I believe it!" Lu Wenshan made it clear that he didn't believe it.

Ma Long sighed,"It's over, it's over, my goddess is being targeted by Brother Liang again, I'm so heartbroken!

Shen Shizhong made a stab at the side,"Since Brother Liang didn't make a move, you have the same chance." Don't worry, Brother Champion, you have no chance!"

"..."Ma Long also stared at Shen Shizhong with death

"Brother Liang, let me find out for you that Teacher Ye does not have a boyfriend, and his reputation at the Academy of Fine Arts is very good!" Lu Wenshan explained.

An Liang determined through the interpersonal relationship scanning system that Ye Qiangwei's purity is 100 points, and her moral character evaluation is as high as 95 points. He naturally knows that Ye Qiangwei's reputation will not be bad.

"How did you know? An Liang asked back.

Lu Wenshan chuckled,"We old drivers have a communication group!""

"Brother Wenshan pulls me!"Shen Shizhong responded immediately.

Ma Long also hurriedly said,"Brother Wenshan, take me!"

An Liang ignored the three old snakeskin. He wanted to wash up first. The weather in Tianfu was too hot. Even when he was driving most of the time, he was sweating.

Late at night and early in the morning.

Ye Qiangwei was paying attention to the Teacher's Day concert According to the voting situation of the event, although according to the rules of the preliminary round, the top 32 colleges with the total number of votes can advance, Ye Qiangwei also wants to compete for the first place.

Because the first place receives more attention, it is easier to win in the finals Gain an advantage in the competition.

Ye Qiangwei's goal is to be first in the finals and get one million Yueyue points. That is the reason why Ye Qiangwei works hard!


Update time: July 31, 2021 00:02:38, good night...

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