An Liang stopped listening to Gao Fuyang's class. He dived to check the chat information of the confidential group of Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

The members of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club have now completely moved to the confidential group in the confidential communication software, because the information exchanged may involve confidentiality, and it is more convenient to speak freely in the confidential group

‘Qian Xiaogang: @Liu Neng: I heard that you caught a thief yesterday?’

‘Li Cunyuan: @Liu Neng: Come out quickly and talk about the situation’

‘Yun Haiyang: I also heard some gossip’

‘Yun Haiyang: It seems that Liu Neng’s cousin is planning to steal their things.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Is it so cheating?’

‘Lin Yili: Sit back and wait for gossip’

‘Liu Neng: Guys, I'm sorry, I was just dealing with something.’

‘Liu Neng: The general situation is just the gossip that Brother Haiyang heard.’

‘Liu Neng: A cousin of mine came to my house to play. He stayed at our house because he drank. But I found him in the middle of the night. He was quietly trying to open the safe.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Your safe?’

‘Liu Neng: Yeah!’

‘Liu Neng: It’s that guy Cai Hao!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Little mouse?’

‘Liu Neng: Yes!’

‘Liu Neng: He has played with us before, and I am very good to him. I made money with Brother Liang some time ago, and I even gave him a 911.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: What is he going to do?’

‘Liu Neng: He knows that I am following Brother Liang now, and he also knows that our family has a thousand-year-old astragalus.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: He wants to steal thousand-year-old Astragalus?’

‘Liu Neng: Yes’

‘Liu Neng: My father and his father have already broken his legs! '

While looking here, An Liang couldn't help but answer the question

‘An Liang: @Liu Neng: What’s the motive?’

‘Liu Neng: Hello brother Liang!’

‘Liu Neng: Our thousand-year-old astragalus slices are safe and have not been stolen by that piece of shit.’

‘Liu Neng: In fact, our thousand-year-old astragalus slices are not kept at home at all. '

Liu Neng first explained that the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices had not been stolen, and then continued to send messages.

‘Liu Neng: Based on that bitch’s explanation, we judged that he was tricked and owed 60 million at the gambling table.’

‘An Liang: Gambling table?’

‘An Liang: Check this situation!’

‘Liu Neng: We have already checked. It is just a temporary gambling table. According to that idiot, those people are foreigners. They participated in drag racing activities together and started playing cards as soon as they became familiar with each other.’

‘Liu Neng: In the beginning, that bitch won one or two million, and then fell into the trap.’

‘An Liang: Find these foreigners!’

‘Liu Neng: Those people have run away, and after our investigation, we found that those people were very cautious and didn’t even have photos or surveillance records.’

‘An Liang: Looks like a professional!’

‘An Liang: All of you, be careful’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, don’t worry!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Blind guessing that those neon boys who had a good life were causing trouble’

‘Yun Haiyang: It should be the former chief minister of Neon who is causing trouble’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: @安梁: Brother Liang, should we take the initiative to fish?’

‘An Liang: How to fish?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: We deliberately used a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus as bait to fish with a straight hook’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Since the other party wants to steal slices of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, we will provide an opportunity. Even if the other party knows it is a trap, they can only try head-on, right?’

‘An Liang: It makes sense’

‘An Liang: But it’s not necessary’

‘An Liang: In fact, from the analysis of Liu Neng’s cousin, I think the other party has started to jump over the wall in a hurry, even thinking of such dirty tricks.’

‘An Liang: We just have to wait patiently.’

‘An Liang: Everyone should pay attention to protecting their thousand-year-old astragalus’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Our home is very safe’

‘Li Cunyuan: Safety +1’

‘Yun Haiyang: If I say that I don’t even know where to store the thousand-year-old astragalus slices in our house, will you laugh at me?’

‘Lin Yili: No, me too’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Same situation’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: To be honest, it’s normal that you don’t know, but I am already in my thirties, and I am the third eldest in my family. I don’t even know where the thousand-year-old astragalus slices are kept at home. '

This is actually the norm!

Although young people have risen, most of the people who are really in power are still the older generation or the older generation, so young people don’t know where the thousand-year-old Astragalus is hidden.

‘An Liang: Anyway, as long as everyone pays attention, I will handle this matter. '

An Liang just rejected the fishing plan proposed by Hu Xiaoyu. In fact, it was because An Liang had his own ideas. The former chief minister of Neon was obviously anxious. The other party urgently wanted to obtain slices of thousand-year-old astragalus, which proved that the other party's physical health was relatively poor.

After all, if you are going to lose your life, do other things matter?

In view of this situation, Anliang is ready to use the other party to prevent the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan.

If An Liang wants to stop the Neon court's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater, it will be extremely difficult. Even if An Liang has planned various plans against Neon, Neon is more likely to break the pot.

However, it would be much easier if the former chief minister of Neon rebelled and stood up to stop the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan!

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