In order to stop Neon's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater, Anliang originally planned to launch various attacks against Neon, thus forcing Neon to abandon the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater due to huge losses.

But there's a problem with such a plan.

If Anliang's plan causes too much damage to Neon, Neon may be even more unwilling to spend huge costs to treat nuclear contaminated wastewater.

After all, it has already lost a lot of economic benefits. Who knows if Neon is willing to sacrifice more economic benefits?

Now that the former chief minister of Neon is in poor health, Anliang sees an opportunity.

What if the former chief minister of Neon is used to turn against him?

The former Chief Minister of Neon once strongly supported the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan. In order to prove that nuclear contaminated wastewater poses no threat and that there are no problems with agricultural and sideline fishery products in nuclear contaminated areas, the former Chief Minister worked very hard!

The former chief minister of Neon has a long history of colitis. Under such circumstances, in order to prove that nuclear contaminated wastewater is harmless, he actually tasted seafood and some agricultural products from nuclear contaminated areas.

The result...

There used to be a saying: If you don’t seek death, you won’t die!

When the former chief minister of Neon wanted to commit suicide, his colitis deteriorated into colorectal cancer, and his life and health were seriously threatened. Under such circumstances, he put almost all his chips on Millennium Astragalus.

That's why he sent people to test again and again, and tried various plans to snatch the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices, but they failed.

An Liang was prepared to take advantage of this special situation to get the former chief minister of Neon to defect and criticize the Neon court's nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan, especially using himself as an example to criticize the Neon court.

As for whether the former Chief Minister of Neon is willing?

An Liang is not worried about this at all!

If the former chief minister of Neon was down on life and death, he would never arrange for someone to come over and try to steal slices of thousand-year-old astragalus.

Since he sent people to steal slices of thousand-year-old astragalus, it means that he has not put aside the issue of life and death.

As long as you don't let go of the issue of life and death, when faced with the choice between life and death, you will desperately want to seize the opportunity to survive, and that is also an opportunity for peace and good.

An Liang was silently thinking about the plan to prevent the discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater.

This matter has been delayed for a long time, but continued delay is normal. After all, it is a matter decided by the Neon Court and is the internal affairs of the Neon Court.

Why should An Liang participate?

If An Liang solved this matter easily, it must have been in a dream, right?

After all, what’s wrong with dreams?

Now that An Liang has finally found a relatively safe way to solve the problem, he is ready to plan carefully and strive to completely solve the neon nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan.

Even without the rewards of the Life Winner System, An Liang still wants to solve this problem.

After all, Neon’s discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea will really have a huge impact!

It's approaching noon.

An Liang drove to Tianfu Normal College across the street. He would accompany the two Xia sisters to eat in the No. 1 cafeteria of their school at noon.

In the first cafeteria, two sisters, An Liang and Xia, were eating and chatting.

"Your teacher Ji is amazing!"An Liang shook his phone.

At present, Ji Xiaoyu has received nearly 60,000 votes, firmly occupying the first place. The second place is still Ye Qiangwei, who has received nearly 40,000 votes. The gap between the two sides has further widened!

Yesterday, the gap between the two sides was only less than 5,000 votes, but today it has expanded to 20,000 votes. If no one commercially supports Ye Qiangwei, then Ye Qiangwei will definitely lose.

"Teacher Ye, ranked second, is also very good."Xia Ruyi said casually

"Not even close. An Liang responded,"Generally speaking, Teacher Ji is more powerful.""

"Who did you vote for?"Xia Ruyi was curious

"Voting for my counselor of course! An Liang responded righteously,"My counselor is very nice." Xia

Ruyi rolled her eyes at An Liang and said,"Your school is already in trouble. It would be a waste to vote again. Just vote for our teacher Ji.""

"Yo ho? An Liang said jokingly,"Canvassing votes?""

Before Xia Ruyi answered, An Liang added,"No wonder Teacher Ji's vote count is so high. I'm afraid there are a lot of canvassers like this, right? Xia

Hexin responded on the side,"Our school does have such a canvassing situation. Many people will ask their friends to download the Yuyue app together, and then vote after registering.""

"That's very good! An Liang said jokingly,"We at Yuyue have easily acquired new users without paying any cost.""

"The cost of soliciting customers is too high now! An Liang sighed,"In order to acquire new users, the cost of attracting customers for some apps has exceeded ten yuan per person!""

This cost is not exaggerated at all!

Because there is nothing even more exaggerated?

" Xia Ruyi hummed,"So this Teacher's Day concert is still your Yuyue's routine. It not only promotes your Yuyue, but also brings you A large number of registered members. Xia

Ruyi continued to add,"Although these members may not necessarily consume, every time they consume is an additional new customer, right?""

"Yes!"An Liang laughed.

Do you really think that Yuyue is not good for you?

Isn't that a joke?


Update time: August 1, 2021 00:03:27, good night, do you still like it?

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