It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening on September 9th.

At the headquarters of Anxin Investment Company in the International Financial Center, An Liang was checking the voting status of the Teacher's Day concert in his office.

Both the Yuyue app and the mini program issued announcements stating that voting will end at 8 o'clock tonight.

There are still a few minutes left before voting ends, but there is no suspense about first and second place.

The first place is Ji Xiaoyu, with a total of 123,995 votes, and is the only contestant with more than 100,000 votes.

The second place is Ye Qiangwei. The total number of votes almost exceeded 100,000. Currently, she has received 99,203 votes. It should not break through in the remaining few minutes.

After all, those who are willing to vote for Ye Qiangwei have basically already voted in the early morning, so how can they delay the deadline?

In the faculty dormitory of the Academy of Fine Arts, Ye Qiangwei was also paying attention to the rankings. When the time jumped to eight o'clock, she sighed because in the last few minutes, she still failed to break through 100,000 votes, and finally got stuck at 99,890 votes..

On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyu added 815 votes in the last few minutes!

‘Is this the advantage of being first? Ye Qiangwei sighed silently in her heart.

Although in the preliminary round, the top 32 can enter tomorrow's finals, the first place is the first place, but it is a pity that Ye Qiangwei did not get it.

The fact that An Liang's Tianfu School of Economics did not enter the top 32 has become a hot topic because many people had speculated that An Liang might have pushed Tianfu School of Economics up through secret manipulation, but it turned out that this was not the case at all!

This situation made the other participating teachers feel at ease, because An Liang did not cheat, which means that the first place prize worth one million yuan has not been determined, and each of them has a chance.

Although there are strong rivals like Ji Xiaoyu and Ye Qiangwei, what if they perform abnormally?

At least there is a glimmer of hope!

When the results of the preliminary round of the Teacher's Day Concert came out, the Yuyue app immediately updated the announcement information.


Ticket drawing rules for the Teachers' Day concert:

1. Each of the top 32 colleges will receive 1,000 tickets, and students from this college will be selected based on voting records.

For example, if Xia, a student from Tianfu Normal University, voted for Teacher Ji Xiaoyu, he might be randomly selected to receive tickets to a Teacher’s Day concert.

2. From the remaining tickets, we will randomly select users who have supported the top 32.

For example: Zhang San from Tianfu Academy of Fine Arts voted for teacher Ji Xiaoyu, and student Lu Wenshan from Tianfu School of Economics voted for teacher Nie Yifeng, who ranked 32nd. Both have the chance to be randomly drawn.


1. Users who have not bound their student status should bind their student status as soon as possible to qualify for the lottery.

2. In order to protect the environment, this ticket is in the form of electronic ticket.

The preliminaries of this Teacher's Day concert event have been successfully completed. The finals will start at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening at the Tianfu Sports Center. The earliest entry time is 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Students are asked to arrange their time reasonably and avoid skipping classes. thank you all!


Less than three minutes after the Yuyue app and mini program updated the announcement information, An Liang received a call from Xia Ruyide.

"Brother-in-law, do we have tickets?"Xia Ruyi asked straight to the point.

"Of course there is. An Liang responded,"I have reserved some front row tickets, and I will arrange twenty for you. Is that enough?""

"Uh-huh!"Xia Ruyi is not greedy either.

"Then I'll hang up first, there are still people asking me for tickets. An Liang responded teasingly.

Xia Ruyi snorted,"I know!" Just as Xia Ruyi hung up the phone, Shen Shizhong called,"Brother Liang, do we have exclusive tickets for our dormitory?""

"How much?"An Liang asked back.

"I only want one, Brother Champion only wants one, and this piece of shit Wenshan wants four, one for himself and one for his girlfriend, and his girlfriend wants to bring two of her best friends."Shen Shizhong said quickly

"Okay, I'll give you six."An Liang responded

"Thanks."Shen Shizhong immediately thanked

"My brothers don’t need to be polite! An Liang responded before hanging up the phone, and then received another call from Wan Yunfei.

Wan Yunfei said a little embarrassed,"Classmate An, do you have more tickets over there?""

"Teacher Wan wants to see it too?" An Liang deliberately teased.

Wan Yunfei responded awkwardly,"Although our school has not entered the top 32, we still want to go and have a look."

"How many tickets are required?"An Liang asked back.

Wan Yunfei quickly responded,"It would be best if there are ten votes."

"OK! An Liang responded,"I'll send you ten.""

"Thank you so much!"Wan Yunfei responded gratefully.

"Teacher Wan is polite. An Liang replied with a smile,"By the way, Teacher Wan, you support Teacher Ji, right?""

"this...I...I..."Wan Yunfei suddenly stuttered

"Ha ha ha ha! An Liang laughed loudly,"I still have something to do here, so I'll hang up now. See you tomorrow.""

Wan Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief. He did support Ji Xiaoyu, but he only supported him a little, because Wan Yunfei was self-aware. How could he be worthy of Ji Xiaoyu?

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