In the office of the dean of the School of Electronic Engineering at Tianfu University of Science and Technology, Yuan Bowen is praising Qian Mingyu.

Faced with Yuan Bowen's praise, Lu Weize sighed,"I didn't expect that classmate Qian Mingyu was actually a genius with an IQ of 144!"

"Consultant Lu, if it is convenient to disclose, I would like to ask about the details of the cooperation between your group and Qian Mingyu." Yuan Bowen asked tentatively.

Lu Weize directly refused,"Sorry, I can't reveal the relevant cooperation details. If Dean Yuan wants to know the situation, we suggest that Dean Yuan directly ask the person involved.

Lu Weize added a reminder,"We need to protect the privacy of Qian Mingyu, but there is no confidentiality agreement in our cooperation.""

"Thank you again for the information provided by Dean Yuan, and wish Dean Yuan a happy weekend. Lu Weize expressed his intention to end the call.

Yuan Bowen responded politely,"Consultant Lu, have a happy weekend.""

After the two parties ended the call, Yuan Bowen immediately contacted Qian Mingyu's mentor Nie Yifeng and asked the other party to send Qian Mingyu's contact information. After getting Qian Mingyu's contact information, Yuan Bowen immediately called Qian Mingyu's phone number Number.

Qian Mingyu was rushing back to Tianfu University of Science and Technology when he received a call from Yuan Bowen. He glanced at the caller ID and it was a local call from Tianfu. He was a little disappointed.

Because Qian Mingyu was waiting for the legal counsel of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Department phone number.

Qian Mingyu knows that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is a company in Didu, so the caller ID should be Didu’s number, right?

"Hello."Qian Mingyu slid the screen to answer the question.

"Qian Mingyu? Yuan Bowen asked, and then took the initiative to announce his family name.

"ah! Qian Mingyu was surprised and responded immediately,"Dean Yuan, what's the matter?""

Yuan Bowen explained that the legal department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group contacted the college, and then added a question,"What kind of cooperation do you two have? Qian

Mingyu was silent for a few seconds before speaking selectively,"The specific terms of cooperation have not yet been fully confirmed. The terms that have been confirmed so far are that the other party is willing to spend 2 million to purchase high-power motor technology and patents." Yuan

Bowen naturally knew the shortcomings of high-power motor technology. He sighed,"The price is a bit low!""

Compared with the advantages of high-power motor technology, this price is indeed relatively low.

Of course Qian Mingyu knows that this price is a bit low, but Anliang promised to invest up to 100 million in research and development a year, plus give him Provide job opportunities, and if you add up an annual salary of one million, bonuses, etc., then the conditions are very good.

"There are other conditions that have not been determined. Only when other conditions are determined together will our cooperation take effect. Qian Mingyu said conservatively

"I see. Yuan Bowen understood that Qian Mingyu had reservations,"Classmate Qian, if you successfully cooperate with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, I hope you will cooperate with the college to promote it. What do you think?""

Of course Qian Mingyu can't refuse. This is obviously a return home in fine clothes, why wouldn't he want to?

If the school didn't know about this, Qian Mingyu would be distressed!

Because what's the difference between that and a night trip in fine clothes?

"no problem!"Qian Mingyu agreed.

The two parties exchanged some pleasantries before ending the call. When Qian Mingyu just hung up the phone, he received a new call, and the caller ID was the number of Imperial Capital.

Qian Mingyu was slightly excited. Swipe the screen to answer,"Hello, this is Qian Mingyu"

"Hello, classmate Qian Mingyu, I am Lu Weize from the legal department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. I will be responsible for your cooperation with our group."Lu Weize said in response.

"Qian Mingyu, is this mobile phone number your WeChat? I will add your WeChat and send you the corresponding cooperation terms. How about you check it first?"Lu Weize added

"OK"Qian Mingyu agreed.

About ten minutes later, Qian Mingyu read the corresponding contract terms. The most important terms were agreed upon by him and Anliang. The legal department only stipulated some details, including the right to use research and development expenses, and the disclosure Financial details of R&D expenditures, etc.

There are also provisions of the non-competition agreement, which restricts Qian Mingyu from joining other competitor companies after leaving the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

After Qian Mingyu read it, he nodded with satisfaction and then gave The other party sends information

‘Qian Mingyu: I think there is no problem with the contract’

‘Lu Weize: Okay, is Qian Mingyu free tomorrow? If so, we will visit Qian Mingyu in person to formally sign the relevant contract.’

‘Qian Mingyu: No problem’

‘Lu Weize: Then see you tomorrow. We plan to leave at nine o'clock in the morning, have a banquet with Qian Mingyu at noon, and sign the agreement after two o'clock in the afternoon.’

‘Lu Weize: Does Qian Mingyu have any other requests? '

Qian Mingyu looked at Lu Weize's inquiry and replied with a sudden thought in his heart.

‘Qian Mingyu: Can you sign a contract with our school?’

‘Lu Weize: Of course, we have contacted Dean Yuan of your college before to get some information about Qian. We will contact Dean Yuan of your college to apply for this matter.’

‘Qian Mingyu: Thank you’

‘Lu Weize: You’re welcome’

‘Lu Weize: Then we’ll see you tomorrow’

‘Qian Mingyu: See you tomorrow. After the exchange between Lu Weize and

Qian Mingyu ended, he sent the relevant information to An Liang.

It was An Liang's order that Lu Weize contacted the School of Electronic Engineering at Tianfu University of Science and Technology.

An Liang is well versed in people's hearts, and of course he understands the feeling of returning home in glory, so he used another trick to manipulate people's hearts, asking the legal department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to contact Tianfu University of Science and Technology, thus revealing the cooperation information between the two parties on Qian Mingyu's behalf.

Otherwise, according to Qian Mingyu's character, he shouldn't take the initiative to reveal it, right?

After all, active beeping and passive beeping have two completely different effects.

Active beeping is easy to be disgusted by others, while passive beeping is more likely to be accepted by others, and they will think it is really awesome!

When Lu Weize sent the message, An Liang was waiting for the two Xia sisters downstairs in the girls' dormitory of Tianfu Normal University. After reading the corresponding message, he immediately thought of an idea to manipulate people's hearts....

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