An Liang has a deep understanding of people's hearts. He knows how complicated and hypocritical people's hearts and human nature are, so An Liang likes to manipulate people's hearts.

For example, it was obviously a reward given by the winner system in life, but An Liang still arranged things properly, allowing Qian Mingyu to have the honor of returning home in glory.

Now Lu Weize feeds back the relevant information to An Liang, indicating that Qian Mingyu hopes to sign a contract at Tianfu University of Science and Technology, which means that the return to his hometown in glory that An Liang arranged previously has taken effect.

‘An Liang: Since the other party wants to sign at Tianfu University of Science and Technology, then sign at Tianfu University of Science and Technology.’

‘An Liang: When you contacted the University of Science and Technology, you donated 1 million yuan in aid to poor students in the name of Qian Mingyu.’

‘Lu Weize: Got it. '

Just donating 1 million in aid to poor students does seem relatively small, but the donation is not in the name of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but in the name of Qian Mingyu.

Donating in the name of Qian Mingyu is equivalent to pretending for Qian Mingyu and letting Qian Mingyu shine again.Qian Mingyu arranged everything clearly.

The former richest man Ma once said that if employees want to resign, it is either because they are not paid enough or because they feel wronged.

An Liang now gave enough money and made the other party feel happy again!

Now that I have given enough money and feel happy, is it time to work hard?

An Liang is becoming more and more skilled in this method of manipulating people's hearts.

Just as An Liang finished giving instructions to Lu Weize, the two Xia sisters walked out of the dormitory door, and An Liang even greeted the dormitory aunt warmly.

This dormitory aunt has something special!

The dormitory does not close the door at all times and leaves the door open for the girls. This is simply amazing!

The dormitory aunt obviously remembered An Liang, and she curled her lips helplessly.

Xia Ruyi lowered her voice and said,"The dormitory aunt knows you."

An Liang pretended to be arrogant,"Isn't that normal?"

Xia Ruyi snorted, and then took the initiative to take An Liang's right hand,"Let's go I'll take you to a Xichuan restaurant. Their spicy chicken is particularly delicious."

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"How did you find out?"

"It was discovered by Xu Nuo."Xia Ruyi responded.

An Liang nodded slightly. Xu Nuo is a standard foodie. She is the only spokesperson for the fat industry in the dormitory of the two sisters of the Xia family.

"Where? An Liang asked.

Xia Hexin answered from the side,"I sent you the location. It's very close, next to the Institute of Science and Technology.""

Next to the Institute of Science and Technology?

What a coincidence!

An Liang greeted the two Xia sisters to get on the bus, and they sat in the back row, showing that they were on equal footing.

In less than half an hour, An Liang arrived based on Xia He Xinfa's position 'Xunla' Xichuan Restaurant near Tianfu University of Science and Technology.

This Xunla Xichuan restaurant looks a bit bourgeois-style from the outside. An Liang parked the car in a temporary parking space on the roadside, and then took the two Xia sisters into the Xunla Xichuan restaurant.

The decoration layout of the store is in a retro style, a bit like the last century, and the shop assistants are also dressed in the same way. The service staff asked casually,"Are there three of us?"

An Liang nodded,"Three people"

"There is also a seat by the window."The service staff led Anliang and the other three to the window seat. When they arrived at the window seat, the service staff added,"There is a QR code on the table. We scan the code to order. If there are any problems, we will call."

After saying that, the service staff left in a hurry.

An Liang didn't care about the other party's service attitude at all, because there is no service fee in such a Xichuan restaurant, and the salary of the service staff is relatively low, so why should he demand the other party's service attitude?

Always Some people think that they are customers and that they are God.

There is nothing wrong with customers being God, but waiters are not bosses. They just get low wages and do what they should do.

Only when he is in a high-end restaurant, Anliang will care about service attitude Regarding the details, in an affordable restaurant, Anliang will blend in perfectly, rather than insisting on stressing service attitude, thereby showing that he is superior to others.

"See what you want to eat."An Liang motioned to Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to scan the QR code to check.

Now the ordering by scanning the QR code is one code per table. The three of them can use their mobile phones to order separately, and they can see what dishes others have chosen.

This It’s modern technological convenience

"Nono recommends the spicy chicken and Kung Pao oysters."Xia Ruyi explained while choosing.

"etc! An Liang asked on the side,"What kind of dark dish is Kung Pao oysters?""

"New Sichuan cuisine! Xia Ruyi responded,"Nono has already eaten it and highly recommends it. It's not some dark cuisine.""

"Then try it."An Liang expressed his doubts.

What Xia Hexin ordered was normal. She chose pickled fish noodles and cold abalone slices, and added a tomato soaked in perilla to relieve greasiness.

An Liang ordered two authentic dark noodles. One of the dishes is scrambled eggs with pumpkin flowers, and the other is cold amaranth.

The main reason is that these two dishes are on the menu, so An Liang wants to try them.

Among them, the cold amaranth is An Shengyu’s favorite, and An Liang also ate it when he was a child. , and thought it tasted pretty good!

Xia Ruyi looked at the dishes An Liang ordered, and she suddenly wondered if An Liang was deliberately causing trouble?

After all, the dishes An Liang ordered seemed to be dark cuisine....


Update time: August 4, 2021 00:02:08, good night, treasure.

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