Tianfu Normal University, downstairs of the third building of the girls’ dormitory.

An Liang answered Zhao Wanxi's call while waiting for Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

Even if a major incident occurred in the Imperial Capital where thousands of Astragalus slices were stolen, An Liang had no plans to change his itinerary.

After all, the thousand-year-old astragalus slices have been stolen, and the specific time of the theft is not known. It was only discovered just now.

Coupled with the fact that the National Security Investigation Bureau was involved in the investigation, An Liang was very relieved about that old fox Huang Guoxiang.

Even if the National Security Bureau has not found it, Renyi Security Company is still tracking it!

Within the imperial capital, Renyi Security Company has very strong control. When it comes to finding people, Renyi Security Company is more reliable than the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Even if an accident does occur, whether it is the National Security Investigation Bureau or Renyi Security Company, both of them have failed, so what does it matter?

An Liang had originally planned to secretly 'send' a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus to the former chief minister of Nihong, but he had not yet found a proper method. As a result, the former chief minister of Nihong took advantage of it himself.

Faced with such a situation, Anliang has to wonder if it is the [Hebi Blessing] and the little vixen's [Luck] taking effect, so that things always go so smoothly.

"Let’s not talk about it for now. I’ll contact you if there is any new situation."An Liang expressed his intention to end the call.

Zhao Wanxi snorted and hung up the phone.

How could the smart Zhao Wanxi not guess the reason why An Liang hung up?

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin had already left the dormitory. When they walked out of the door, they did not have any large or small luggage, but only one suitcase.

An Liang went up to meet them, took their suitcases, and found that both suitcases were very light.

"Didn't bring anything?"An Liang asked casually

"I only brought three changes of clothes, skin care products, and toiletries."Xia Ruyi responded.

Xia Hexin seconded the opinion.

Summer clothes are naturally very light, plus skin care products and toiletries, they are actually quite light.

An Liang put the two suitcases into the trunk of the Maisarui version of the Audi RSQ8 , he does not need luggage himself, because he can buy a change of clothes locally.

Although Anliang prefers all kinds of high-luxury brand clothing, it does not mean that Anliang does not accept ordinary brand clothing, just like he can accept the school’s second cafeteria , Anliang also fully accepted ordinary brand clothing.

Anliang put the two suitcases, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin still chose the back seat, Anliang started the engine and set off.

There are four to five hundred kilometers from Tianfu Normal University to Jiuxiangou distance, Anliang plans to arrive at Jiuxiangou tonight and stay and rest there.

The power of dual-talented warriors is not only effective in alliance games, but also effective when driving. The distance of four to five hundred kilometers, An Liang chatted with the two sisters from the Xia family while easily solving the problem. At around ten o'clock in the evening, An Liang arrived at the Jiuxiangou Hotel. Renyi Security Company had already arranged the hotel. They followed An Liang's habit of giving An Liang and the Xia family The two sisters booked two suites.

An Liang was taking a bath in his own suite, and the two Xia sisters were washing in the suite next door.

An Liang takes a bath faster. Under normal circumstances, if a boy takes a serious bath, ten minutes is enough, right?

Of course. , some strange boys may need less time?

After taking a shower, An Liang sat on the sofa in the living room of the suite. While wiping his hair with a towel, he checked the information in the confidential group of Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

As he guessed Same as before, Ge Wankai is still missing. Neither the National Security Investigation Bureau nor Renyi Security Company has found any trace of Ge Wankai.

Wei Ziyang, codenamed [Suzaku One], is responsible for investigating Ge Wankai’s disappearance and is reporting detailed information to An Liang

‘Zhuque 1: According to our investigation, it is not just the safety monitoring system of the Xisandao Branch of Imperial Commercial Bank that has a problem, but also that with the Xisandao Branch as the central location, all social public safety monitoring systems and road safety within a two-kilometer radius Monitoring systems, all blocked by hackers’

‘Suzaku 1: We consulted Mr. No. 4, and Mr. No. 4 gave a clear reply. When the security monitoring system is blocked on a large scale, it is impossible to analyze much useful information through big data.’

‘Zero: Have you found any news through the gray area?’

‘Suzaku 1: The other party seems to have understood our situation and should know that we control the gray area, so the other party has no contact with the gray area.’

‘Suzaku 1: We secretly blocked the airport, train station, long-distance bus station, and the entrances and exits of various highways in advance to prevent the target from leaving.’

‘Suzaku Yi: When we were carrying out a secret blockade operation, we discovered that the National Security Investigation Agency was also carrying out such a blockade operation. There was no conflict between the two sides.’

‘Number Zero: Expand the scope of investigation!’

‘Suzaku 1: Your Excellency No. 4 has expanded the scope of big data search’

‘Suzaku 1: Your Excellency No. 4 is currently searching for the status of the target in the security monitoring system in the past week. If there is any new information, I will report it to BOSS immediately. '

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