Imperial Capital is the second headquarters of Renyi Security Company. Renyi Security Company has very strong control in Imperial Capital. It can secretly block airports, train stations, long-distance bus stations, and even highway intersections without any problems.

Through secret blockade operations and human facial feature recognition programs, it is basically impossible to escape as long as Ge Wankai appears in these places.

However, An Liang guessed that Ge Wankai was just an abandoned son, and the mastermind behind the scenes would not rely on Ge Wankai to transfer the thousand-year-old astragalus slices.

‘Number Zero: Spread a reward information to the outside world. Anyone who provides information to help us find Ge Wankai will receive a reward of 1 million, and we will keep the clues confidential.’

‘Zero: I will also notify the National Security Investigation Agency and ask them to issue a wanted order.’

‘Suzaku 1: Received’

‘Zero: When executing the secret blockade operation, I allow you to be more aggressive, especially when targeting the Neon People. You can ask for a more detailed inspection of each other's situation.’

‘Suzaku 1: Got it. '

This measure is not that An Liang is discriminating against the Neon people, but because An Liang guesses that Ge Wankai is an abandoned son, the Millennium Astragalus slices may be taken out by other Neon people.

That's why An Liang asked Renyi Security Company to target the Neon Man.

Of course, this is just for show!

Because the value of the thousand-year-old astragalus slices is very high, An Liang believes that the mastermind behind the scenes would not dare to hand over the thousand-year-old astragalus slices to others easily.

After all, there is the possibility of a black man eating a black man!


Late night and early morning.

In an unknown room in the imperial capital, two men whose faces were unclear were communicating in a low voice.

"Shangui, are you sure about the situation there?"The person on the left asked.

The mountain ghost sitting on the right responded,"Of course! My people have determined the situation. The entire Imperial Capital Airport is completely blocked. Whether it is the airport lobby, the security check area, or the waiting area, there are people from the other side."

"Your people haven't been exposed, right?"The person on the left added a question.

"snort!"The mountain ghost snorted,"Sir Yagyu, although I am not as noble as you, I am not a fool either."

The mountain ghost continued,"Has that idiot been solved?"

The man called 'Sir Yagyu' responded,"Don't worry! I personally arranged it and solved it completely. No accidents will happen in a short time."

"hope so!"The mountain ghost snorted again,"I hope Lord Yagyu can understand that our opponent is very powerful. The opponent not only controls the powerful power on the surface, but also controls the power in the gray field. If we reveal our flaws, we will definitely die.!"

The mountain ghost added,"I also want to see next year's cherry blossoms."

"I thought of a solution to my current predicament!"Yagyu explained

"any solution?"The mountain ghost asked immediately.

With the current situation, it is basically impossible to leave the imperial capital through regular channels. But if they are asked to hand over the slices of the thousand-year-old astragalus to others for transportation, they will worry about the thousand-year-old astragalus. Slice's security, that's why they were in a stalemate

"There is a saying in the Xia Kingdom: When in the country, do as the Romans do."Yagyu showed off his understanding of Xia Kingdom's culture,"We are in Xia Kingdom, so let's deal with it according to Xia Kingdom's way."

"Xia Guo currently leads the world in e-commerce, and the same is true in the express logistics industry. We can use the other party's express logistics industry to solve the current dilemma."Yagyu added.

"You mean, we express it?"The mountain ghost asked suspiciously.

"Yes."Yagyu responded affirmatively,"I have studied the express logistics industry in Xia Kingdom before. We can buy a backpack first, and then pretend to sell the backpack as a second-hand item through the Internet. Using this kind of thing, we can target Sending items secretly"

"How sure are you?"The mountain ghost asked

"If we carefully select the blank areas of the security monitoring system so that the security monitoring system cannot determine our actions, we will be 100% sure. Yagyu vowed.

Yagyu continued,"It is actually very easy to hide the target item through a backpack." I have already chosen the target. We use Xia Guo's Shunfeng Express to mail things. The delivery time is very good. If there are no accidents, it can be completed in two days at most."

The mountain ghost took a deep breath,"What if something goes wrong?"

"Only the two of us know this, so there will definitely be no problem!"Yagyu stared at the mountain ghost,"Other than this method, we have almost no way to take it out of the imperial capital. The mountain ghost thought about it for almost ten seconds before suggesting,"If an accident happens, we two commit suicide together to apologize. Do you dare?"

Yagyu stared at the mountain ghost,"I dare!""

"Then let's report the situation together. We won't talk about specific plans. We just say that we can get the target items out. If an accident occurs, we will take responsibility together and commit suicide together to apologize."The mountain ghost stared at Yagyu.

Yagyu agreed again,"No problem."

After the two reached an agreement, they quickly reported the information through the encryption scheme and received a positive reply. The original turtle in the urn actually found a way to escape!

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