An Liang didn't know that the man behind the scenes had found a way to escape. He was lamenting Xia Ruyi's poor memory because Xia Ruyi once again forgot to bring her mobile phone charger.

This kind of thing happened not once or twice. An Liang has long been used to it.


The next day.

While the National Security Investigation Bureau and Renyi Security Company were still carrying out secret blockade operations, Shangui and Yagyu had already begun to take action.

The two first purchased an affordable luxury brand backpack, and then contacted Shunfeng Express to send the backpack from the Imperial Capital to the collection point in the Magic Capital, thus using the express logistics industry to avoid the secret blockade.

The two acted very cautiously. They deliberately chose a blank area for security monitoring, and then mailed the light luxury brand backpack together with the target items via Shunfeng Express.

The entire operation went without incident.

After all, how could the courier boy of Shunfeng Express think that the two of them were criminals?

This is standard arithmetic without intention!

Renyi Security Company likes to do this kind of thing the most, by hiding behind the scenes with mental calculations and unintentional intentions, so as to stay ahead step by step.

Now Shangui and Yagyu are doing the same thing. They hide their evil intentions through information gaps.

What's more important is that their actions are very secretive, there is no abnormality at all, and it is naturally impossible to be discovered.

After all, there are so many express mails sent every day, plus it is just an ordinary luxury brand backpack, how can it arouse suspicion?

It can only be said that the advantages are indeed huge if there is mental arithmetic but no care.

It's nearly ten o'clock in the morning.

An Liang and the Xia sisters woke up. An Liang was driving yesterday and playing alliance games, which consumed a lot of energy, so he needed more time to recover.

"Ruyi, He Xin, let’s have something to eat first and then go out for a walk?"An Liang casually talked about the itinerary.

"OK Xia Ruyi yawned in response.

Xia Hexin nodded,"Well, I have no objection.""

While the three of them were having breakfast, An Liang received a voice request from Wei Ziyang's confidential communication software, and he put on a wireless headset to answer it.

"What's up?"An Liang responded first

"BOSS, we found some clues."Wei Ziyang responded

"you say."An Liang responded.

"Lord No. 4 discovered a problem with Ge Wankai's situation when screening big data. According to Lord No. 4's analysis, there were two Ge Wankais in this theft incident."Wei Ziyang explained the situation.

"What? An Liang was surprised,"What is the specific situation?""

"Please wait a moment, BOSS. The specific situation will be reported by Mr. No. 4."Wei Ziyang explained.

A few seconds later, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation joined the encrypted voice communication channel

"BOSS, [Gemini] did what happened this time!"Explanation of the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Report,"I have determined this piece of information in the big data!"

"Talk about the situation."An Liang asked

"Gemini is an internationally notorious criminal. He is very good at makeup and facial modification through special silicone, and is proficient in behavior and psychology. We have now determined that Gemini was impersonating Ge Wankai and thus stole the thousand-year-old Astragalus."Explanation of the Divine Calculation No. 4.

An Liang rationalized his thoughts, and he understood the meaning of the Divine Calculation No. 4.

To put it simply, the criminal code-named [Gemini] impersonated Ge Wankai through makeup and facial transformation, just like the ever-changing enchantress. Execution of stealing thousand-year-old astragalus

"What about the real Gewankai people?"An Liang asked

"Through big data analysis, we have identified three suspect locations and are currently investigating."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded,"We have also discovered other people who have contacted Gemini and are currently tracking them."

"Keep investigating!" An Liang gave an order and ended the call.

When An Liang took off the wireless earphones, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin both looked at An Liang.

Xia Ruyi asked,"What accident happened?

Xia Hexin added,"If you need to deal with work matters, we will rush back today." An Liang shook his head in denial,"

Don't worry, it's just a small matter!""

Whether it's the theft of thousand-year-old astragalus slices from Liu Neng's family or the two 'Ge Wankai's, it's all a small matter for An Liang.

Otherwise, his danger premonition ability should have warned him, right?

An Liang took the two Xia sisters on a tour At Jiuxiangou, Renyi Security Company discovered Shangui and Yagyu through Gemini and was trying to track them.

The tracking of Renyi Security Company was also discovered by Shangui and Yagyu. The two did not break out infighting or blame each other. They After a quick analysis, it was finally determined that the problem lay with Gemini.

Gemini must have been exposed, so the trouble was brought to them.

However, Gemini helped them complete the task of stealing thousand-year-old astragalus slices, and then quietly left using other identities , even if they wanted to divert trouble to the east, it was impossible.

Faced with the tracking of Renyi Security Company, the two of them did not sit still and wait for death. They had already prepared an escape plan, and naturally they would not flee in a hurry.

Their escape plan still followed the Romans!

They The two disguised themselves as yellow vest deliverymen walking around the streets. Taking advantage of the inconspicuous characteristics of the yellow vest deliverymen, the two once again escaped the blockade of Renyi Security Company.

But they made a mistake!


Update time: August 6, 2021 00:02:05, treasure, I wear a yellow robe to support you!

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