To be honest, if Anliang knew about Yagyu's plan, he would have to give Yagyu a thumbs up!

Because Yagyu's plan was indeed very good. He made full use of the information gap to create mental arithmetic and unintentional tricks, and he knew that he would follow the Romans and take advantage of Xia's favorable conditions.

But this time they made a mistake!

There is a saying that the yellow vest delivery boys in Xia Guo have a service range, which means that the yellow vest delivery boys in a certain area will only serve a nearby range.

However, when the two men pretended to be deliverymen in yellow vests, they were only focused on escaping and did not pay attention to the situation in the cross-regional area.

This situation was immediately discovered by the road safety monitoring system!

Renyi Security Company stole some of the network permissions of the National Security Investigation Bureau, such as the road safety monitoring system and the public security monitoring system, and they were controlled by Renyi Security Company.

The divine calculation No. 4 just happened to set the service scope of the yellow vest deliveryman as a screening condition for abnormal situations.

After all, Renyi Security Company used such a plan to hide its whereabouts when it was operating, so Tianji Shensuan No. 4 would naturally pay attention to this.

Yagyu and Shangui have not yet discovered that they have been exposed. They have now turned from darkness to light, Renyi Security Company has turned from light to darkness, and the advantages of both parties have been exchanged!

Previously, Yagyu and Yamauki were able to stay one step ahead simply because they were hiding in the dark.

Now that the two of them are exposed, how can they escape the dragnet of Renyi Security Company?

After No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation confirmed the existence of the two people through the road safety monitoring system, they had already begun to weave a web.

An Liang received the corresponding information and directly ordered the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator to feed back this message to the National Security Investigation Bureau and let the National Security Investigation Bureau take action together.


National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

Shi Feng from the Information Security Department received the message from the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, and he immediately reported the situation to Huang Guoxiang.

After Shi Feng finished his report, Huang Guoxiang looked at Shi Feng,"So you have contact with No. 4 of Renyi Security Company?"

Shi Feng quickly denied,"No, we have no contact, but sometimes we exchange information."

"So there is still contact!"Huang Guoxiang stared at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng waved his hand again,"He and I are not the same group. I have been trying to track him!"

"Okay, okay, I'm just kidding."Huang Guoxiang just tried it casually, and he added instructions,"You immediately contact the second section of the Operations Department, you provide them with remote information support, and try to catch those two people before Renyi Security Company!"

Shi Feng said straightforwardly,"The other party informed us that they probably want us to carry out the arrest mission."

"Act now!"Huang Guoxiang snorted. How could he not understand?

But catching the target before Renyi Security Company is a great achievement. Huang Guoxiang is doing it for the benefit of his subordinates!

"OK"Shi Feng has a somewhat straightforward personality, so he started taking action as soon as he agreed. The person who carried out this arrest was the third team of the second section of the Operations Department, led by team leader Li Wanqi himself.

When the operation started, the third team of the second section Senior team member Gong Libin said,"Captain, I heard that this time the clue was provided over there."

In the National Security Investigation Bureau, 'over there' is a code word, which means Renyi Security Company. The

National Security Investigation Bureau and Renyi Security Company cooperate a lot, especially in overseas areas. When the two parties cooperate, Renyi Security Company often It will be of great help

"I heard that field missions in overseas areas are basically sightseeing tours. The missions have been completed long ago and can only be confirmed by the field team."Gong Libin continued.

Such information is not a secret in the National Security Investigation Bureau, or it is an open secret. Everyone knows it tacitly.

"I'm already lying down anyway, and when the help over there takes care of things, we'll just pick up the dead fish!"Gong Libin said jokingly.

If you can win, why should you go to Kerry?

Another team member, He Jiahao, also added,"This time in the case of Imperial Commercial Bank, I heard that a lot of money was used there. With power, we should have the opportunity to pick up dead fish.

Li Wanqi snorted,"Shut up!""

"This time there is remote support from the technical department. Wait for the remote support to be connected. Please be quiet. What should be said and what should not be said? You have more to say than you think!"Li Wanqi reminded

"Don't worry, captain, we understand!"Gong Libin responded.

Bao Decai, the youngest team member, whispered,"I heard that the technical department is the closest to that."

"..."Li Wanqi stared at Bao Decai with death.

He Jiahao patted Bao Decai's arm,"Baozi, don't talk nonsense!"

Li Wanqi made a silent gesture,"Okay, get ready to turn on the wireless headphones and wait for me to contact remote support."

The three team members stopped joking, Although some things are open secrets, secrets are secrets. Whether they are made public or not, they are not suitable to be put on the table.

"Hello, Captain Li, I am Shi Feng from the Technology Department. I will provide you with remote information support for this operation."Shi Feng explained the situation.

"Hello, Brother Shi, we can take action now and send us the location of the target."Li Wanqi responded

"The location of the target has been sent to your tactical tablet, please act immediately!" Shi Feng responded

"Set off!"Li Wanqi ordered.

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