In the underground garage of the National Security Investigation Bureau, four people from the third team of the second section of the operations department set off in four vehicles, an off-road vehicle, a car, and two motorcycles.

Three types of vehicles can cope with almost all situations, especially when stuck in traffic jams, motorcycles are a magical tool!

Li Wanqi ordered through the wireless communication headset,"Everyone pay attention, arrest the target first!"

"yes!"Gong Libin was riding a motorcycle. He is a veteran member of the third team and has rich field experience.

Bao Decai also chose a motorcycle, and he responded affirmatively,"Received! He

Jiahao drove the off-road vehicle at the slowest speed,"Okay, okay, catch the ones alive, I understand.""

When the four people rushed to the target location, Renyi Security Company had already begun to close the net.

Renyi Security Company set up a dragnet, and through an unexpected car accident, accurately intercepted the two knights in yellow vests, subdued them immediately, and also Preventing two people from committing suicide.

When the arrest operation was successfully completed, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan contacted Shi and contacted the Third Team of the Second Section of the Operations Department through Shi Feng

"Hello everyone, we are the special operations team of the Second Section of the Operations Department. We have captured the target. The specific location will be sent to you by our colleagues in the Technical Section."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 used a voice changer to notify Li Wanqi's team.

Li Wanqi, who was driving, raised his eyebrows. The special operations team of the Second Section of the Operations Department?

They belong to the Second Section of the Operations Department, but they don't know that the Second Section There is also a special operations team!

However, Li Wanqi guessed the other party's identity immediately. He ignored the other party's identity and responded,"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, brother. It will take us about seven minutes to arrive at the scene.""

"No problem, we are waiting for you."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded.

Gong Libin, who was riding a motorcycle, looked happy. Before he set off, he said that they also had the opportunity to pick up dead fish. In the end, they really picked up dead fish. That's great!

It only took more than five minutes. Later, Gong Libin took advantage of the rapid passage of motorcycles to arrive at the target location in advance, and then found two security personnel from Renyi Security Company guarding two middle-aged men wearing yellow vests.

"Hey bro, they are..."Gong Libin asked tentatively.

Gui Changwen, codenamed [Suzaku 2], responded affirmatively,"Yes, they are the masterminds behind the Imperial Commercial Bank case."

Gui Changwen's identity was exposed during the life extension plan, and he is suitable for handling matters on the surface.

"Have you found that thing?"Gong Libin asked again.

Gui Changwen shook his head in denial,"We have already searched and found nothing. We will leave it to you for interrogation."

"no problem!"Gong Libin responded.

After Gong Libin responded, Gui Changwen left with another security personnel of Renyi Security Company who had been exposed. As soon as they left, Li Wanqi arrived at the scene.

"Hey hey hey, captain, we really picked up a dead fish!"Gong Libin said happily.

It's really comfortable to pick up dead fish!

They received the task and when they rushed to the target location, the task was completed ahead of schedule. The key is that the credit for completing the task still belongs to them. Isn't this uncomfortable?

Gong Libin will The situation was explained, but there was no need to say it at all, because when Gong Libin communicated with the other party, Li Wanqi heard the whole process through wireless headphones.

"Take them back! Li Wanqi ordered, and then said into the wireless headset,"Brother Shi, on the way back, I would like to trouble you to check the road safety monitoring system more and help us detect dangers in advance.""

"good. Shi Feng responded.

However, everything went smoothly when they returned. Shangui and Yagyu were taken directly to the National Security Investigation Bureau, and nothing unexpected happened.

Because this time the operation against the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices was originally just for stealing. , rather than robbery, they did not arrange too many people at all, and naturally it was impossible for accomplices to intercept the vehicles of the National Security Investigation Bureau to rescue them.

However, the smooth arrest operation was just an appearance, and what happened in the secret interrogation room of the National Security Investigation Bureau An unexpected situation occurred.

When the National Security Investigation Bureau was about to use the Prisoner's Dilemma to solve the problem of the two people, the two chose to resist in a tacit understanding and had a conflict, thus finding an opportunity to kill themselves.

When the two of them sent Millennium Astragalus slices by express delivery, they They promised each other that if an accident happened, they would commit suicide and apologize, and they also reported the matter to their superiors.

So after the accident, they had already thought about committing suicide, but they just never had the chance.

When the interrogation When the room had a chance, they naturally chose to commit suicide and apologize.

Faced with such a result, Huang Guoxiang immediately contacted Anliang personally.

Anliang was visiting Jiuxiangou!

He really didn't care about the disappearance of the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices.

When Huang Guoxiang used When the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software contacted him, An Liang did not get through immediately. He asked Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin to adjust their movements while preparing to take photos of the two of them. After almost half a minute, An Liang got through. Huang Guoxiang’s voice contact

"What's up?"An Liang asked bluntly

"Something big is happening!"Huang Guoxiang quickly described the situation, including the death of the two suspects.

"Actually dead?"An Liang's tone was very calm.

"Did you guess it? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"Still need to use your brain to guess? An Liang responded with a snort,"We all know who is behind the scenes, why bother playing riddles?" Huang

Guoxiang did not answer. He asked,"What should we do about the thousand-year-old Astragalus?""

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