Faced with Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang responded half-jokingly and half-seriously,"Cold!"

"Have you found slices of thousand-year-old astragalus?"Huang Guoxiang immediately suspected

"No."Anliang responded,"We are analyzing the scope of the two suspects' activities through big data screening, as well as detailed information, but there are currently no results."

This was predicted by Shangui and Yagyu, so they chose the blank area of ​​the security monitoring system to mail the package.

"In that case, aren't you worried that the mastermind behind the scenes will get the thousand-year-old astragalus slices? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"So what if he gets it?"An Liang responded calmly.

Huang Guoxiang was silent, thinking about what An Liang meant.

"Do you know the situation behind the scenes?"An Liang asked

"Have some understanding. Huang Guoxiang answered truthfully, and then added a question,"I suddenly discovered a blind spot. In this incident, your Renyi Security Company seemed to be paddling the whole way.""

"We caught two suspects, how do we paddle?"An Liang asked back.

"Ah! Huang Guoxiang chuckled lightly,"You did catch two suspects, but you didn't take them away for interrogation. Based on your past bad records, you would never hand over the two suspects to us.""

"so what? An Liang replied casually, and then handed the mirrorless camera to Xia Ruyi,"Ruyi, you guys play for a while, I have some work here.""

"Um!"Xia Ruyi nodded obediently.

Naturally, Xia Hexin would not object.

"Could it be that you were behind this operation?"Huang Guoxiang put forward an outrageous guess.

"If it were me, you wouldn't be able to find out these things at all!"An Liang said confidently.

"In addition, we have found the location of Ge Wankai. He was placed in a freezer in a B&B near his home. The lease was extended for half a month and there were still several days until it expired."An Liang told Ge Wankai's location information.

"According to what we know, this time the international criminal [Gemini] is involved. You can try to track him." An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang sighed when he heard that Ge Wankai was killed.

An Liang continued,"As for the man behind the scenes, I can tell you for sure that he suffered from colorectal cancer, and it should be very serious and cannot be used in conventional terms. Means treatment"

"That's why he desperately hopes to obtain slices of thousand-year-old astragalus. An Liang added,"However, slices of thousand-year-old astragalus are ineffective against cancer. At best, they can only slow down the disease.""

"In addition, I estimate that one thousand-year-old astragalus slices are not enough. As long as the other party tastes the sweetness of the thousand-year-old astragalus slices, they will definitely find a way to get more thousand-year-old astragalus slices. An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang immediately asked,"Are you sure?""

"Of course! An Liang replied,"In fact, you provided such experimental data!""

Huang Guoxiang remembered that Anliang had provided slices of thousand-year-old astragalus to seventeen experts. One of the experts had cancer. Although the slices of thousand-year-old astragalus suppressed the cancer very well, it could not completely cure it, and it was only temporarily suppressed.

"If so, the thousand-year-old astragalus owned by others will also be at risk of being stolen. Huang Guoxiang responded.

An Liang complained,"If the other party continues to commit crimes, you won't set a trap?""

"Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against thieves? Huang Guoxiang asked back.

Being a thief is equivalent to calculating mentally but not intentionally, because no one knows when the thief will commit the crime, let alone which target the thief will choose to commit the crime.

Preventing thieves is too passive!

"What if we proactively cooperate with each other? An Liang said in a showdown,"When the other party tastes the sweetness of the thousand-year-old astragalus, what if we reveal the news and express our willingness to cooperate with the other party?""

"What's the meaning?"Huang Guoxiang hesitated

"The other party has a special identity. We can use him to stop the Neon Court's nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, and use him to control the Neon Court's internal decisions!"An Liang showed his ambition.

Targeting the nuclear wastewater discharge plan is only the first step!

Once the former chief minister of Neon really stops the nuclear wastewater discharge plan, he may not be able to return to the top. In the future, Anliang can control the internal affairs of the Neon court. Pointing fingers at some things.

Faced with An Liang's openly revealed ambition, Huang Guoxiang smiled bitterly,"Is it really okay for you to tell me this?"

"Anyway, you will definitely know when it happens, so why not tell you in advance that we will be the masterminds behind the scenes together, and you can also use him, how about?"An Liang proposed cooperation.

Huang Guoxiang was moved without hesitation!

The other party is the former chief minister of Neon!

The emperor of the Neon court is a spiritual symbol, and the highest power is held by the chief minister.

Even if he is only the former chief minister, the other party has reached the top before. Naturally, you have a very deep network of contacts.

If you can take advantage of them, that would be great!

"Lao Huang, I can control this thing. You just need to let it develop and eventually share the results together. What do you think?"An Liang threw out the bait again.

"Although you said we don't have to do anything, I don't believe you, so you first tell me what exactly you want us to do, and then I can consider whether I can agree to it."Huang Guoxiang shrewdly asked

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you! An Liang responded with a smile,"I told you, just let things develop. If there is any accident in our actions, and the Neon Court wants you to cooperate with them in investigating us, just pretend to be dumb and don't do anything." ,is that OK?"

"If that's all, then no problem!"Huang Guoxiang definitely agreed.

"Then it’s a deal!"An Liang asked tentatively.

"A horse is hard to catch! Huang Guoxiang responded.

After Huang Guoxiang responded, he added a question,"How confident are you about this plan?""


Update time: August 7, 2021 00:03:01, good night.

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