Chen Siyu likes racing very much and has a very good talent for racing. Previously, Chen Siyu set the 98th record in the lap time of Jinggang International Circuit.

If Chen Siyu wasn't very talented at the piano, she might have considered transforming into a racing driver?

Many people in Tiantian Baiyujing Club know Chen Siyu, Hu Xiaoyu, Zhou Linlin, Luo Mandie, Xu Siwen, Pang Zhaoxia, Wen Jingshu, etc., all of whom are Chen Siyu's good friends.

Chen Siyu naturally knows about the racing activities of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

That's why Chen Siyu was a little angry.

After An Liang knew the reason, he walked behind Chen Siyu. Chen Siyu deliberately ignored him and concentrated on playing the piano.

Ten seconds later, An Liang reminded him,"If your heart is confused, the sound of the piano will also be disturbed."

Chen Siyu stopped playing the piano.

An Liang continued,"In the previous International Piano Competition, you finally won the 17th place. You said at that time that you would practice piano hard and strive to reach the top eight next year. Do you remember?"

Chen Siyu snorted,"I know, I know, I will work hard, but next time there is a racing event like this, I also want to participate."

An Liang hugged Chen Siyu,"Well, next time there is a racing event, if it is a Saturday or weekend, I will call your"

"snort!"Chen Siyu snorted, but she heard it clearly. An Liang added the qualifier, it must be Saturday or weekend.

An Liang sat next to Chen Siyu,"I'll play with you for a while."

"just you?"Chen Siyu said arrogantly,"I've been making progress, you've been regressing, your skills are really not good."

"Is my technique bad?"An Liang turned his head and looked at Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu didn't realize that the danger was about to come. She responded affirmatively,"Your skills are indeed not very good!"

"Okay, okay, I'll let you see if my skills are good now!"An Liang picked up the big cat in the imperial capital and carried it on his shoulders, and walked directly towards the master bedroom.

Ning Ruoshuang foresaw the danger early. She escaped first and returned directly to Room 8805 opposite, thus avoiding harm to Chi Yu.


Almost an hour later, An Liang took Chen Siyu out of the main bathroom. In the league game just now, An Liang still chose the shooter position, and Chen Siyu was of course the auxiliary position.

Under An Liang's strong output, how could Chen Siyu be able to resist?

After all, this big cat in the imperial capital is fighting against the fifth scum!

After an alliance game ended, Chen Siyu snuggled into An Liang's arms obediently. She yawned lazily and asked casually,"Why did brother Gangzi lose today?"

"He made too many mistakes."An Liang briefly explained the situation at that time.

"Brother Haiyang is so miserable!"Chen Siyu changed the topic," He was even banned from the solo lap race. I think Brother Haiyang is really uncomfortable."

"Even without a suspension, he couldn't win."An Liang teased.

It's not like Yun Haiyang didn't do laps alone at Jinggang International Circuit, but his results were really mediocre, and he was indeed no match for Qian Xiaogang.

Chen Siyu said confidently,"If I play, those guys from the club will , none of them are my opponents!"

"Yes, yes, you are awesome!" An Liang said with praise, and then prepared to drag the big cat of the imperial capital into the alliance game again.

But Chen Siyu directly betrayed his best friend,"Good husband, you go find Shuangshuang, I have to practice the piano for a while."

An Liang didn't insist. He knew that Chen Siyu's combat effectiveness was weak, so he came to room 8805 on the opposite side and pulled his best friend who was betrayed by Chen Siyu into the alliance game. At nearly 0:30 in the morning

, An Liang carried Ning Ruoshuang to 8806 Room No. 1 is ready to rest.

As for the neon thing?

What does the neon thing have to do with Anliang?

Anliang only fanned the flames, and the subsequent events have nothing to do with Anliang.


Neon time, 1:15 am; Dongjing International Airport.

Neon United Airlines flight JP04078 landed successfully. A group of secret agents from the intelligence agency were paying attention to the situation of this flight, waiting for Makoto Shimizu, who was carrying slices of thousand-year-old astragalus, to surrender.

Corea's Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau arranged for a four-person team to participate in the operation. Their number was the smallest, but they did not think about grabbing the thousand-year-old astragalus slices, they were just preparing to cause trouble for Neon.

The Fifth Intelligence Service of Great Britain and the Foreign Intelligence and Investigation Bureau of the North Bear Country arranged more than ten secret agents to participate in the operation, obviously trying to snatch the thousand-year-old astragalus slices.

However, none of these three families expected that the Bald Eagle Country actually sent more than 30 people to participate, and they were armed with live ammunition. As soon as Shimizu Makoto appeared, they publicly arrested Shimizu Makoto, and then directly escorted Shimizu Makoto back to the Bald Eagle Country.

This is probably the privilege of Bald Eagle Country in Neon, right?

After all, there are rumors from the outside world that Bald Eagle Country is the father of Neon Country!

However, the secret agents of these intelligence agencies waited and waited but did not wait for Shimizu Makoto, nor did they wait for other personnel who performed operations with Shimizu Makoto.

Such anomalies made secret agents from several intelligence agencies suspicious.

Just a few minutes later, Great Britain's Fifth Intelligence Service discovered the problem. The 'Makoto Shimizu' registered in the passenger manifest of Neon United Airlines flight JP04078 actually had the same name.

The real Makoto Shimizu was not on Neon United Airlines flight JP04078 at all!


Update time: August 14, 2021 00:01:52, good night, I went to the humble author movement, see you tomorrow.

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