As early as when Shimizu Makoto reported the cooperation conditions proposed by Anliang, Neon's former chief minister Anbei Jinshan judged that Anliang would definitely give them a stumbling block, so how could he not be prepared?

Makoto Shimizu and related operators did not take Neon United Airlines flight JP04078 at all. They were all passengers with the same name.

Through this trick, Qingshui Cheng's whereabouts were completely hidden.

When the Fifth Intelligence Service of Great Britain discovered the problem, other intelligence agencies also found the corresponding situation. Such changes made many intelligence agencies have no choice but to return without success.

After all, the time they had to obtain the information was too short, only two hours, and there was no time to investigate more information.

As for investigating passengers with the same name?

All intelligence agencies knew it was not necessary.

Because since the other party dared to use the trick of substituting one thing for another, there would naturally be no loopholes. Otherwise, how could they possibly send back these passengers with the same name?

Isn't that a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

Winter Kyoto, Chiyo District, Neon's former chief minister's residence.

Kenta Takeda rang the doorbell, and after confirming his identity, Kenta Takeda was allowed to enter.

Inside the mansion, Takeda Kenta's identity was checked again and he was searched before being allowed to pass.

Takeda Kenta came to Abe Shinzan.

Anbei Jinshan spoke first,"Where are the things?"

Takeda Kenta took out the vacuum-packed thousand-year-old astragalus.

Anbei Jinshan had obtained a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus before. He recognized it at a glance. It was indeed a thousand-year-old astragalus slice, so he immediately took the thousand-year-old astragalus slice.

"Takeda-kun, you are lucky this time!"Abe Jinshan praised.

Kenta Takeda bowed respectfully,"Your Majesty Anbe, you are so polite."

Abe Shinzan personally helped Takeda Kenta up,"Is Shimizu-kun okay?"

"He still stayed in the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom, where he was very safe."Kenta Takeda responded.

After receiving the thousand-year-old astragalus, Kenta Takeda took a private plane and set off. He did not wait at the Teito International Airport until ten o'clock in the evening.

"That's good!"Abe Jinshan sighed,"Give me the promised bonus. Mr. Takeda, you can handle this matter personally."

"Hi!"Kenta Takeda responded respectfully again.

Abe Shinzan waved his hand and motioned Kenta Takeda to deal with the bonus distribution. He personally took the scissors to unpack the vacuum packaging of the thousand-year-old astragalus slices, and then carefully cut the thousand-year-old astragalus slices into pieces. and placed it in the teacup.

This time Anbei Jinshan still licked the scissors. After soaking the thousand-year-old astragalus in water and swallowing it, he still licked the cup four times to avoid wasting any medicinal effect.

Anbei Jinshan felt it quietly The medicinal effect of thousand-year-old astragalus and the vague warmth made Anbei Jinshan very comfortable. He clearly felt that his energy had become better.

However, in order to understand the specific condition of the body, even at two o'clock in the morning A few minutes later, Anbei Jinshan also called Dr. Kawamura for a physical examination.

After some examinations, Kawamura Taro determined that Anbei Jinshan's condition had further improved, including a further reduction in the activity of cancer cells.

"Kawamura-kun, according to the current situation, can we take surgical treatment?"Abe Jinshan asked hopefully.

Taro Kawamura hesitated for a moment before responding,"I...unconfirmed"

"What does it mean to be unable to determine?"Abe Jinshan stared at Taro Kawamura.

Taro Kawamura responded,"Based on my experience, if there is no other way, given Mr. Anbe's situation, we can actually fight to the death."

A fight to the death?

Anbei Jinshan's face darkened. He didn't want a fight to the death. He wanted to be absolutely safe.

"What is the success rate of surgery?"Anbei Jinshan asked tentatively

"should...possible...Maybe 20 percent."Kawamura Taro said as much as possible to increase the success rate.

Kawamura Taro knew that Anbei Jinshan would definitely not accept this success rate, so he did not say a lower success rate.

They would not accept it anyway, 20% and 100%. What difference does a tenth make?

"Is it so low?"Anbei Jinshan sighed.

He originally thought that after getting this piece of thousand-year-old Astragalus, he might be able to solve the problem of colorectal cancer through medical surgery. As a result, the success rate was so low that it was impossible for him to accept it.

"If there are more thousand-year-old astragalus to further inhibit the activity of cancer cells and adjust Mr. Anbei's physical condition, the success rate of the surgery will definitely be higher."Kawamura Taro explained.

"How much more is needed?"Anbei Jinshan suppressed his irritable inquiry.

More thousand-year-old astragalus?

That means having to compromise with the other party again!

The last compromise was just a harmless thing, but who knows what will happen next time?

"Based on the effects produced by the first and second Millennium Astragalus tablets, it is conservatively estimated that three more tablets are needed. If you can get five tablets, that would be great."Kawamura Taro explained.

"..."Anbei Jinshan was speechless.

Need at least three more?

Doesn't that mean he needs to compromise three more times?

What a bad situation!

"Is there no other solution?"Anbei Jinshan asked tentatively. If possible, Anbei Jinshan did not want to have contact with the other party at all.

The former chief minister of Neon was very afraid of the other party!

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