Often, ownership of shipwreck treasures is disputed.

First up is the shipwreck site!

Taking the Xia Kingdom as an example, if a shipwreck is within the Xia Kingdom's territorial waters, it will most likely be owned by the Xia Kingdom's court, unless the sunken ship has clear ownership rights.

The second is the ownership of the sunken ship.

For example, if a ship of the Neon nationality sank in the waters of Xia Kingdom, as long as it is confirmed that the sunken ship is of the Neon nationality and has the corresponding owner, then Neon can contact the Xia Kingdom court and obtain permission to salvage the ship.

This is usually the case in modern times.

People like An Liang who found sunken treasures need historical research to prove the ownership of the ship.

For example, if the sunken ship An Liang salvaged belongs to Neon's A Co., Ltd., but now A Co., Ltd. has closed down, then this sunken ship is an ownerless shipwreck, and the ownership rights must return to the legal provisions of the place where it was found.

If the place of discovery is on the high seas, then basically refer to the conventional rules, that is, whoever finds it belongs to whom.

An Liang responded,"The discovery location was in the high seas area."

"As for the ownership of the sunken ship, it is impossible to determine because we have not found any wreckage at all."An Liang explained.

"During the salvage operation, we carefully searched the sea area and found no wreckage at all. Naturally, we were unable to determine the specific ownership of the ship."An Liang added

"Hahaha, what a boy!"Zhao Zhuangkang laughed loudly.

Zhang Zhiwen also nodded slightly.

The two mature old men understood An Liang's subtext. An Liang meant that during the shipwreck salvage operation, the wreckage of the shipwreck should be carefully and properly resolved and would not be involved based on the wreckage of the shipwreck. Troublesome ownership issues

"As for the issue of historical research, although there may be certain risks, we can control the corresponding risks."An Liang added.

What An Liang means is that he cannot guarantee 100% that there will be no problems, but he can 100% guarantee that the person who raised the problem will be solved! If the problem cannot be solved?

Then solve the person who raised the problem!

An Liang just finished speaking here, Zhao Wanxi As soon as she walked into the house, she greeted Zhang Zhiwen first,"Grandpa Zhang! Zhang

Zhiwen nodded slightly,"Wanxi is back. Is this young man your boyfriend?""

Zhao Wanxi's face turned red. She hesitated for a moment before responding,"We are just friends."

"Haha, I, an old man, will not get involved in the affairs of you young people. I am different from your grandfather."Zhang Zhiwen had something to say.

Zhao Zhuangkang showed a sad look.

Zhang Zhiwen continued to add,"I will follow you to see it later."

Zhao Wanxi quickly agreed,"Okay! Then let’s call her Sister Shangzijin?"

"She is very busy recently. She is planning to create a charity fund to protect stray cats and dogs in the city. I heard that it was you who promoted it?"Zhang Zhiwen asked casually.

An Liang answered,"Yes, we have promoted the stray cat and dog protection program in Tianfu before, and now we plan to promote it in the Imperial Capital."

"Well, these things are very good, I will pay attention to them in the future."Zhang Zhiwen responded. An

Liang smiled and nodded. He also understood Zhang Zhiwen's subtext and what the other party meant. If this thing is done well, he wouldn't mind helping.

"Then thank you Grandpa Zhang. An Liang said politely.

Zhao Zhuangkang interjected,"It's already past four o'clock. Let's go see something first?""

"OK!"An Liang agreed.

Since Zhang Zhiwen was accompanying him, An Liang drove the car himself, Zhao Wanxi sat in the passenger seat, and the two old men sat in the back seat. The security personnel of Renyi Security Company and the two old men's security personnel followed in their cars.

An Liang drove a bulletproof version of the Audi A8L all the way to Panyuan. He introduced,"We salvaged a lot of porcelain this time, and they are all high-quality, so we are planning to open a store in Panyuan for external sales."

Although selling porcelain is only a small amount of money, Anliang does not pack it up and sell it at a loss.

If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate trickles, you can't become a river.

Near Panyuan, Renyi Security Company rented an 800-square-meter building Although the warehouse is located in the core area of ​​the imperial capital, the rental price of the warehouse is quite cheap.

The price per square meter per day is 1.2 yuan, and the monthly rent for an 800-square-meter warehouse is less than 30,000 yuan.

The only The problem is that security is complacent.

However, Renyi Security Company is a security company!

An Liang parked the bulletproof version of Audi A8L next to the warehouse. The staff of Renyi Security Company had greeted him in advance and controlled the surrounding security environment.

"Grandpa Zhao, Grandpa Zhang, everything is normal around here, let’s go in and take a look?"An Liang said invitingly.

The two old men naturally did not refuse.

When they walked into the warehouse, they were immediately shocked by the scenery in the warehouse, because in the warehouse, there were a large number of high-quality products on the shelves one after another. Porcelain, as if you are in the world of porcelain!

"It turned out to be a pastel heart-turning bottle!"Zhang Zhiwen looked at a porcelain vase in surprise.

"where?"Zhao Zhuangkang asked quickly.

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