In a warehouse near Panyuan, Renyi Security Company placed all of the more than 100,000 pieces of fine porcelain salvaged from the sunken treasures.

Zhang Zhiwen discovered the super boutique among them at a glance - the pastel heart-turning bottle!

"Over here!"Zhang Zhiwen led Zhao Zhuangkang towards the pink color heart-changing bottle.

An Liang lowered his voice and asked Zhao Wanxi,"What is the heart-changing bottle? Could it be some kind of transit souvenir?"

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang, then explained in a low voice,"Simply speaking, a revolving bottle is a large hollow bottle on the outside and a small porcelain bottle on the inside. If you turn the inner bottle, you can see the porcelain bottle inside through the hollow on the outside. of exquisite patterns"

"understood! A matryoshka doll!"An Liang responded casually.

Zhao Wanxi was too lazy to continue explaining. She knew that An Liang didn't understand porcelain, let alone the value of pastel revolving bottles.

Zhao Zhuangkang and Zhang Zhiwen were observing the pastel revolving bottles carefully, and they even took out Turn on the flashlight function on your mobile phone and observe the pastel revolving bottle

"What a good thing!"Zhang Zhiwen said with a sigh.

Zhao Zhuangkang seconded,"It is indeed a good thing that has been opened for generations!

An Liang answered on the side,"Since the two old men like it, I'll give it to you.""

Zhang Zhiwen asked teasingly,"Should it be given to me or to Lao Zhao?

Zhao Zhuangkang responded without hesitation,"Of course, give it to me!" An

Liang did not respond directly,"Two old men, just look at it. Whatever you like, just pick it up and I'll give it to you.""

"Do you know the price of these porcelains? Zhang Zhiwen asked.

An Liang shook his head first, then nodded,"I don't know, but we plan to invite experts to evaluate the price, and we will independently invite more than three waves of experts to evaluate the price." Zhang

Zhiwen pointed to the pastel revolving bottle and said,"The price of this pastel revolving bottle is very high. In 2010, there was a pastel revolving bottle at an auction in Longton, Great Britain.""

Zhang Zhiwen continued,"Before the shooting started, Langton's experts estimated the price at 1.2 million to 1.5 million pounds, which is probably less than 16 million Xia Guoyuan."

"What about the final price? An Liang asked back.

Zhang Zhiwen sighed,"After just three rounds, the appraisal price was exceeded. The final price exceeded 54 million pounds. According to the exchange rate at the time, the hammer price reached 554.1 million Xia Guoyuan!""

"So expensive?"An Liang was surprised

"Although this pastel revolving bottle is not as outstanding as the other one, I estimate it is worth at least 300 million. After Zhang Zhiwen finished speaking, he looked at An Liang again,"Are you still willing to give it away?""

Facing Zhang Zhiwen's question, Zhao Zhuangkang laughed first, Zhao Wanxi couldn't help laughing, and An Liang laughed without saying a word. Zhang Zhiwen looked at the three of them doubtfully.

An Liang asked,"Grandpa Zhang doesn't care about the family's financial situation, right?"

Zhang Zhiwen shook his head. He really didn't care about these 'little things'.

Zhao Wanxi explained on the side,"Grandpa Zhang should know about the good things about the Sunset Canyon Gold Mine in Arlia, Africa, right?"

"In this incident, he distributed 6.6 billion Xia Guoyuan to the Li family, the Yun family also received more than 5.2 billion in benefits, and Hu Xiaoyu's family directly received more than 10 billion in benefits."Zhao Wanxi explained in detail

"The four of us hold one-third more shares than Hu Xiaoyu’s family."Zhao Wanxi continued to add.

Zhao Zhuangkang said jokingly,"Young boy An really doesn't care about a small bottle!

Zhang Zhiwen was slightly embarrassed,"I really didn't pay attention to these things.""

"I just wanted to remind Mr. An that the porcelain in this warehouse is roughly worth ten billion, so I asked him to pay attention to his safety." Zhang Zhiwen added

"Is it so valuable? An Liang was surprised.

Zhang Zhiwen nodded affirmatively,"The final value is only a lot more!""

Zhao Zhuangkang seconded,"I think so too."

"In this case, I will give all these porcelains to Grandpa Zhang and Grandpa Zhao."An Liang said calmly.

"Um?"Zhang Zhiwen looked at An Liang in surprise.

Zhao Zhuangkang also looked at An Liang in surprise.

"you sure?"Zhang Zhiwen asked hesitantly.

"I am sure that since both Grandpa Zhang and Grandpa Zhao like these porcelains, there is no need to sell them. We can use them to set up a private porcelain museum."An Liang suggested.

"We are building the Heavenly Baiyujing Club in Longtan West Lake Park. We can build a private museum specifically for the two old men."An Liang added

"In addition to these porcelains, we also salvaged almost 200,000 silver coins, which can also be given to the two old men."An Liang added.

"All in museum form?"Zhang Zhiwen was shocked by An Liang again

"certainly! An Liang responded with a smile,"If the two old men feel that a private museum is not suitable, then we can also donate these porcelains to the National Museum and ask the National Museum to open a separate porcelain collection branch.""

If the pastel heart-turning bottle was given to Zhang Zhiwen in a private name, it would be suspected of giving a gift to ask for benefits.

Even if it is a private museum, there is still a suspicion of asking for benefits.

But An Liang directly stated that he could cooperate with the National Museum. That makes him look upright, as if he has no intention of asking for benefits at all.

"Good boy! Zhang Zhiwen sighed.

Zhao Zhuangkang responded with a smile,"Our family Wanxi has good taste, right?""

Zhang Zhiwen frowned.

Zhao Zhuangkang quickly changed the subject,"Old Zhang, I think it would be good to cooperate with the National Museum. What do you think?"

"I also think it would be more appropriate to cooperate with the National Museum. Zhang Zhiwen responded, and added,"We will select the best products and cooperate with the National Museum. Some ordinary models are not necessary.""

"An boy, what do you think?"Zhang Zhiwen asked An Liang's opinion.

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