An Liang has a pretty good relationship with his roommates, but when it comes to flirting with girls, everyone acts very realistically.

It's obviously a fish pond bureau. If a big shark like An Liang joins in, wouldn't it be a chaotic shark?

An Liang didn't care about his three sons flirting with girls, so he sent another message to Bai Yue.

‘An Liang: Classmate Baiyue, let’s have lunch together?’

‘Bai Yue: Classmate An is back?’

‘An Liang: Are you playing with your mobile phone in class?’

‘Bai Yue: [blushing]’

‘Anliang: At noon, Yuyue Light Food, Nanfeng 3rd Road Main Store’

‘Bai Yue: Okay, I'll listen to the lecture first’

‘An Liang: Stop talking nonsense. You are taking Gao Turtle's class. This Gao Turtle's level is limited. He spends most of the time bragging about how awesome he was back then.’

‘Bai Yue: Actually, Teacher Gao is still...Quite humorous. '

This little white flower has also learned how to embody the yin and yang's strange energy and connotate people?

Gao Turtle is quite humorous?

Doesn't that mean Gao Turtle's lectures are funny?

‘An Liang: [Like]’

‘An Liang: See you at noon. An

Liang sent another message to the two sisters of the Xia family, indicating that he had returned to Tianfu and made an appointment for dinner. The two sisters naturally agreed.

An Liang took care of the girls' affairs and drove the Maisari version of the Audi RSQ8 to Nanfeng No. 3 Road.

After a while, An Liang arrived at Yuyue Headquarters, and Feng Jie happened to be in the store

"Hello, Mr. An!"Feng Jie respectfully greeted him.

At present, Feng Jie has been promoted to the general manager of Yuyue and is fully responsible for all operational matters of Yuyue. His annual salary has risen to the height of one million, officially entering the high net worth of 50,000 Sequence.

In addition, Feng Jie also owns 1% of Yuyue's profit dividend. Although it is only profit dividend and not equity, it still makes Feng Jie full of fighting spirit.

"How is Yuzuki's situation lately?"An Liang asked casually.

Feng Jie quickly reported Yuyue's situation. Yuyue's development momentum is very good. Although Yuyue's profits have been reduced due to Teacher's Day activities, in the foreseeable future, Yuyue's marketing income will be Will definitely be improved further

"How is things going in the light meals department?"An Liang asked again.

Feng Jie replied with a smile,"The light food department is developing very fast. Health topics are becoming more and more popular. More and more people pay attention to healthy eating. Our customers have spread from the student group to the surrounding young groups."

"Mr. An, speaking of the light food department, I just have one thing to report."Feng Jie added

"What's up?"An Liang answered smoothly.

"Regarding the light food department’s withdrawal from the takeout platform."Feng Jie reported,"Currently, the cooperation between the light food department and the takeout platform is relatively difficult. The takeout platform's commission is too high, which has led to the light food department even experiencing negative profits on takeout orders."

"deficit? An Liang was surprised,"Is it so outrageous?""

"I also think it’s quite outrageous! Feng Jie complained,"These food delivery platforms are simply vampires. They provide fixed services and actually take a commission based on our selling price. Our cost on the food delivery platform can account for up to 35% of the selling price.""

"If it is 35% of the time, negative profits may indeed occur. An Liang responded,"But why can the cost of a food delivery platform reach such a high level?""

"Our ratio of 35% is actually not the highest. The commissions taken by some small restaurants are really scary."Feng Jie first complained about the issue of commission ratio.

"The first is the fixed commission of 25% for the food delivery platform, and the second is the share of vouchers, activity subsidies, and delivery fee subsidies that we need to bear. After calculating these costs, the maximum has reached 35%. Condition."Feng Jie listed the cost information.

"Fortunately, we at Yuyue do not need PPC. If we still need PPC, it will require at least 10% of the cost, or even 20% of the cost."Feng Jie added.

An Liang complained,"Do you really work for a food delivery platform?"

"Who says it's not? Feng Jie complained,"It's obviously a fixed service, but we insist on charging service fees according to the selling price. The price of our light meals is slightly higher, but aren't the services provided by the takeout platform the same?""

Yuyue Light Food focuses on high-end quality, and the price is slightly higher. Taking a light steak and salmon and vegetable salad as an example, the price of the light steak is 88 yuan, and the price of the salmon and vegetable salad is 68 yuan. Takeaway The platform takes 25%, which is a service fee of 39 yuan.

However, if a braised chicken and rice restaurant sells takeout, and a serving of braised chicken and rice costs 20 yuan, then the service fee is only 5 yuan.

But no matter Is it Yuyue or braised chicken and rice? For a takeout platform, isn’t it a fixed provision of information display services and distribution service matching work, which consumes no more resources? Why does

Yuyue have to undertake more services ? Cost?

Just because Yuyue’s customer price is higher?

This is obviously unreasonable!


Update time: August 20, 2021 00:01:54, good night.

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