The essence of the food delivery platform is the service industry. As an intermediary service provider, the food delivery platform integrates and allocates services to the needs of customers, restaurants, and delivery personnel to achieve a relatively reasonable solution.

These services are fixed!

Taking Yuyue as an example, the customer found Yuyue on the food delivery platform and placed an order. Yuyue cooked the food after receiving the order. The food delivery platform gave the delivery personnel information and asked the delivery personnel to go to Yuyue to pick up the light snacks ordered by the customer and then deliver them. into the hands of customers.

This process is also the same for braised chicken and rice. There is no essential change, but why are the service charges different?

Just like the real estate agency industry!

A house worth 2 million yuan, based on an agency fee of 1.5%, is 30,000 yuan.

But for a house worth 5 million yuan, the agency fee will soar to 75,000 yuan.

However, are the services provided by real estate agencies different?

Aren’t they all taking clients to see properties?

In essence, whether you are looking at a property worth 2 million or 5 million, the service process is the same and there is no change.

But the service fee has been abruptly increased from 30,000 to 75,000. Who can accept this?

It is for this reason that many buyers like to bargain on the service fees of real estate agents. The fundamental reason is that they feel that the services of real estate agents are not valuable!

As for some people who say that you should never cut the house agency fee, after all, the other party is a service provider. If you bargain, it will make the other party uncomfortable and hide the problems with the house.

Regarding such a statement, An Liang could only say that such people are either stupid or bad!

"Mr. An, you know that our Yuyue’s ingredients are very high-end, and we are very strict in food safety management. We will never sell any overnight light food products."Feng Jie explained.

"In view of our strict food safety management, coupled with the high commissions charged by the takeout platform, and our high investment in ingredient costs, the profits of the light food department on the takeout platform are minimal. When encountering abnormal weather and platform activities, We directly experienced negative profits."Feng Jie added.

In fact, some businesses that specialize in takeout have reduced the cost of ingredients to less than 20% of the selling price, so the quality of most takeaways is not mentioned.

But most businesses They all need food delivery platforms to divert traffic, so they can just survive.

"In this case, cancel the cooperation with the food delivery platform. An Liang made a decision,"However, after canceling the cooperation with the food delivery platform, do you have any new plans for food delivery?"

Feng Jie responded affirmatively,"Of course!" Speaking of which, I would also like to thank classmate Bai Yue. Classmate Bai Yue made a suggestion for us, Yu Yue, to set up our own takeout system."

"oh?"An Liang was confused.

"Our customer group in Yuyue is quite special, especially light food customers, almost all of whom are students and young people from commercial office buildings or gyms near Yuyue."Feng Jie explained

"According to Bai Yue’s suggestion, we can recruit delivery personnel through work-study programs. After all, our customer concentration is relatively high and the delivery environment is simple. In addition, we have our own app and official account, so we It’s completely possible to take takeout into your own hands."Feng Jie explained

"In terms of delivery costs, we can increase some costs. For example, the delivery cost of a light meal is 5 yuan, and set additional reward rules. According to our historical order analysis, it is only the average order of Mr. An’s school every day. There are more than 50 copies. For work-study students, this market is enough for at least three people."Feng Jie used data to illustrate

"Opposite Tianfu Normal University, the average daily orders in the past month have exceeded 200. This volume is fully sufficient to support the self-built distribution plan proposed by Bai Yue. Feng Jie added.

An Liang nodded slightly,"There is indeed no problem.""

Yuyue Light Food has a relatively concentrated customer base, and the delivery environment is relatively simple. It is indeed possible to use work-study students for delivery.

"But please note that for school delivery, both boys and girls can be delivered. For commercial areas or residential areas, choose male delivery as much as possible to avoid unexpected situations."An Liang added

"In addition, if you want to order takeaway in remote areas, the service is directly restricted."An Liang added

"OK Feng Jie responded.

The two parties discussed some detailed issues and finally decided on building a self-made food delivery system, thereby completely eliminating the vampire of the food delivery platform.

Logically speaking, the commission of the food delivery platform is really too high. High.

Yuyue happens to have the ability and conditions to escape from the control of the food delivery platform, so why should he accept the other party's exploitation?

Anyway, Anliang cannot accept such a high commission from the food delivery platform.

As long as the commission is lower, Anliang will choose to accept it.

Of course, if Yuyue had to rely on a food delivery platform, Anliang would also be forced to accept it.

But Yuyue had a choice!

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