An Liang has no habit of talking nonsense.

After all, anyone who talks loudly on the Internet is either a bully or a boxer.

So An Liang directly proposed the game of Brave and handed the choice to Wu Wenbo, who would make his own choice.

Although on the surface An Liang gave Wu Wenbo the right to choose, after clearing the fog and seeing the truth, he realized that An Liang did not give Wu Wenbo a choice.

No matter Wu Wenbo chooses to give in or choose to be tough, he has completely lost!

For example, Wu Wenbo chose to give in?

That is the scene of a large-scale social death!

After all, Wu Wenbo jumped up and down the campus wall to fight against the crowd with one click, and his various rebuttals were quite sharp. Once Wu Wenbo gave in, would everything he said before be bullshit?

How could the students who had been refuted by Wu Wenbo's elegant and easy-going attitude simply let Wu Wenbo go?

I'm afraid Wu Wenbo will be ridiculed by all kinds of cynicism throughout his college career!

As for Wu Wenbo's choice of Brave Game, as Wu Wenbo's classmate Hua Danying said, it was a choice of dignity.

Anyone who is a little smarter can see the secret.

So the real situation is that An Liang gave Wu Wenbo no choice at all.

As long as Wu Wenbo's attitude is a little better, or Wu Wenbo's position is more favorable to Xia Guo, An Liang will leave a path for Wu Wenbo to choose.

But Wu Wenbo is really hopeless!

If it were placed in the past era, Wu Wenbo might have had some problems, so An Liang mockingly called him"Wu Taijun" in his post.’


Tianfu College of Economics Male Dormitory, Dormitory No. 202, Building 6.

Wu Wenbo naturally saw An Liang's"The battle of ideas, which determines the outcome and life and death!""Post, faced with such a provocation, Wu Wenbo did not act recklessly. He quickly calculated the gains and losses.

However, the more Wu Wenbo thought about it, the uglier his face became, because Wu Wenbo also analyzed that An Liang did not give him a choice at all, and even if he chose to give in, he would not have a good life.

The only choice now is to retain the last bit of dignity, make a bloody choice, respond positively to An Liang, and accept the game of the brave proposed by An Liang.

Only in this way can we have a chance to make a comeback!

Wu Wenbo fantasized in his heart that this incident could be completely hyped up. After all, this incident was a good opportunity to promote Neon, and it was even possible to use this incident to leave a good impression on Neon, so as to benefit the future. Lay the foundation for immigration.

Wu Wenbo was determined to join Neon. He felt from the bottom of his heart that Neon was better, so naturally he would not let go of such an opportunity.

As for the possibility of problems with nuclear contaminated wastewater, Wu Wenbo has not thought about it, but Wu Wenbo is still too naive. He believes more in the Neon Court, and he believes that the Neon Court has integrity.

If An Liang knew what Wu Wenbo was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud!

Does the Neon Court have integrity?

Are you sure you're not participating in a neon comedy variety show?

Although An Liang did not believe that the Neon Court had integrity, it would be fine if Wu Wenbo did. Wu Wenbo took a deep breath and posted another post on the campus wall in response to An Liang.


《As you wish, the brave man is fearless!》:

@An Liang, Class 3 Finance Class 2019: My classmate is right, a real man should be passionate. I accept your proposal. Let’s play a game of the brave.

As a special note, I have a passport and a valid visa for multiple trips to Neon. As long as An is ready, I can accept the challenge of Jumanji at any time.

I’ll leave the rest to Classmate An! gratitude!


Wu Wenbo chose to confront An Liang's game of the brave!

This incident immediately spread on the campus wall, and some good people posted the excitement on the campus wall of Tianfu School of Economics on Weibo, but it was quickly discovered by the information screening system reserved by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, and was dealt with in a timely manner..

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan did not delete the information simply and rudely, because the effect of deleting information was not good, but it could easily lead to rebellious psychology. He only limited the flow of information to prevent the information from spreading.

This kind of processing method is almost equivalent to deleting the information, but it does not delete the information, thus preventing the poster from becoming angry and disseminating the information through more channels.

At 5:15 p.m., An Liang saw Wu Wenbo's reply post in his dormitory. It was impossible for An Liang to remain indifferent, so he immediately replied to the post on the campus wall.


《Send Taijun on his way!》:

@Wu Wenbo, Class 1, Class 1 of Guomao Class of 2020: Got it!

Let me explain in advance that since our agreement is somewhat controversial and involves uncertain risks, it will take some time to prepare.

Today is Thursday, and we will work overtime today to handle the relevant preparations, including legal documents, schedule arrangements, live broadcast team arrangements, as well as coordination and communication with Neon.

If there are no unexpected circumstances, we will set off tomorrow night and try to complete this Game of the Brave within two days, Saturday and weekend.

Finally, I would like to give my best wishes to Mr. Wu, and send Mr. Wu off on his way tomorrow!


An Liang's reply clearly showed that he doesn't like Wu Wenbo. Is this person really ignorant of life and death? How dare he accept the game of Jumanji?

Does he not know the dangers of nuclear contaminated wastewater?

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