When An Liang and Wu Wenbo were making a fuss on the campus wall, the leaders of Tianfu School of Economics were also discussing this matter.

In the office of Qin Daorong, dean of Tianfu School of Economics, in addition to Qin Daorong, there are also Duan Li, director of the Department of Finance, Zhong Xuewen, director of the Department of International Trade, and Xue Zhiping, director of the Academic Affairs Office.

Qin Daorong shook off the cigarette ashes and spoke first,"You should all know about the dispute between An Liang, a student in Class 3 of Finance in 2019, and Wu Wenbo, a student in Class 1 of International Trade in 2020, right?"

Duan Li nodded silently.

Zhong Xuewen also nodded affirmatively, indicating that he understood the situation.

Xue Zhiping said nothing because this was a troublesome matter.

Qin Daorong continued,"What do you think about this matter?"

Zhong Xuewen first looked at Duan Li and found that Duan Li had no intention of speaking. He then looked at Xue Zhiping, and it turned out that Xue Zhiping also had no intention of speaking. So Zhong Xuewen also chose to remain silent.

Qin Daorong looked at the silent three people and sighed,"I believe you all know about the situation of the two classmates."

Zhong Xuewen secretly screamed in his heart!

Although Zhong Xuewen is the dean of the Department of International Trade, Zhong Xuewen is very aware of An Liang’s situation. After all, An Liang has already booked the honor of [Famous Alumni]

"Some of the remarks posted by Wu Wenbo on the campus wall are indeed controversial. From Wu Wenbo's remarks, we can all judge that there is something wrong with this student's thinking."Qin Daorong added

"Dean!"Zhong Xuewen heard Qin Daorong's subtext.

Anliang is very important to Tianfu School of Economics, and Wu Wenbo is a new student, and there are major ideological problems.

In such a situation, isn't it obvious how to choose?

Zhong Xuewen reminded,"Dean, their affairs are a bit big, especially the Brave Game they agreed on, which may lead to lives!"

_ There is no information, nor are any short video apps."

As Xue Zhiping's words fell, the other three people sighed secretly. How could they, the old fritters, not know the underlying meaning of Xue Zhiping's words? The fact that Anliang can achieve such information control represents a powerful force in itself. energy.

So do we still need to consider how to choose?

Zhong Xuewen fought hard for the last time,"If Wu Wenbo really has an accident in the end, what should we do?"

Zhong Xuewen added,"His family will definitely seek accountability from the school. Duan Li answered,"

Old Zhong, you can consider the issues, but that classmate can't?" Xue

Zhiping added on the side,"I guess that classmate must have a perfect plan, and it is even possible to completely remove himself, and the whole thing will not have anything to do with him."

Zhong Xuewen frowned,"But he posted these posts on the campus wall."

"Then what? Xue Zhiping asked,"Although these posts represent certain information, they have no effect on him at all.""

"Lao Zhong, this matter is beyond our control. If we block this matter, we will definitely become enemies with that classmate. Do you think it is worth it?"Xue Zhiping added.

Although some words may not sound good, this is the truth of the world.

In most cases, profit values ​​control everything behind the scenes.

For example, a well-known automobile manufacturer once produced One of the car models has a defect in the fuel tank design. In the event of a rear-end collision, the fuel tank may explode.

The automaker quickly calculated the cost of modifying the design and determined that after modifying the design plan, the final total cost would increase by 1 US$37.5 million.

However, according to the analysis of car accident data provided by the Traffic Safety Department of Bald Eagle Country, after the car manufacturer discovered that the car had a safety accident, the amount of compensation would hardly exceed US$50 million.

Analyzing from the perspective of the car manufacturer , should we choose the cost increase of US$137.5 million, or the compensation that will hardly exceed US$50 million in the future? Needless to say, right?

As for the people who died in the car accident?

It’s just an unfortunate car accident!

Every year There are so many car accidents, why should we care too much?

For some people, life is just a series of numbers, just a part of cost accounting.

Some people may think that this story happened nearly fifty years ago, and it is already 2020. It has completely changed.

But An Liang just wants to say that such people are naive!

Whether to change or not is always a relatively dialectical relationship.

Times are indeed changing, and the Qing Dynasty has long since died, but some things have never changed.

For example, human beings Greedy nature!

This has not changed since ancient times. Similar stories are constantly happening in the era of 2020....

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