During the more than two hours of traveling from Kyoto in winter to the Fukushima area, under the guidance of Araki Kunishi, Wu Wenbo cleared the Kyoto Electric Power Company and the nuclear wastewater discharge plan.

An Liang found in the live broadcast room of Pair Video that some barrages actually believed Araki Cunshi's words. He didn't know whether the senders of these barrages really believed it or were just trolls purchased by Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Regarding Araki Cunshi's self-justification, An Liang had to admire him!

If [an accident] had not happened, this real investigation would have been a complete victory for the Kyoto Electric Power Company and the Neon Court behind the scenes.

‘As expected, none of these guys are fools! ' An Liang sighed secretly.

This real investigation operation, on the surface, seems to be just a confrontation between An Liang and Wu Wenbo, but in fact it is a confrontation between An Liang and the Neon Court.

How could the Neon Court be a fool?

If the courts of these powerful countries are really fools, how can they become powerful?

This time An Liang wanted to use Wu Wenbo to target the neon and nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, but An Liang did not pay attention to the reaction of the neon court, and he almost overturned.

Fortunately, there is the support of the Winner System in Life, otherwise Anliang would have completely failed in his plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater.


Neon, Kyoto in winter.

In the yard of the former chief minister of Neon, Abe Shinzan was watching the live broadcast of Fuji TV. When he watched Araki tell his self-supporting theory, his face became a little ugly.

Because Anbei Jinshan also guessed that Kyoto Electric Power Company and he were not of the same mind!

Abe Shinzan is under the control of Anliang. He now hopes that the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan will be thundered instead of letting Kyoto Electric Power Company completely whitewash the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan.

"idiot!"Abe Shinzan cursed.

Takeda Kenta knelt down next to Abe Shinzan. He just lowered his head deeply because he also discovered that the Kyoto Electric Power Company was no longer within their control.

"Mr. Takeda immediately contacted the other party and said that the matter of Kyoto Electric Power Company had nothing to do with us and that we were betrayed by the other party."Anbei Jinshan ordered

"Hi!" Kenta Takeda responded.

In the neon Internet, as Araki's remarks spread, the trolls arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company immediately began to take action. The trolls spread Araki's self-justifying theory on the Internet and advocated The spirit of neon craftsmanship means that it is impossible for neon to discharge hazardous nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea.

These remarks are more or less supported by some neon people. After all, neon people do not want to see their country do that. Despicable things.

There are also trolls arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company on the Xiaguo Internet, and there are quite a lot of trolls. These trolls posted various arguments on the Xiaguo Internet, indicating that this time the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan was manipulated. Unjust.

Faced with such a situation, Anliang did not order Anxin Media to snipe because it was not the time yet. Now was the time when Kyoto Electric Power Company’s trolls had the strongest firepower, and some netizens also believed Araki Kunishi’s self-justification.

An Liang only needs to wait patiently for [an accident] to happen, and he can completely reverse this incident!


It's about eleven o'clock at noon.

Araki Cunshi and Wu Wenbo arrived in the Fukushima area by car.

Since the radiation content at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant still exceeded the standard, they did not go to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant immediately. Instead, they filmed at the Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center outside the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

Kyoto Electric Power Company had already made preparations at the Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center, with Wu Wenbo sitting in the core position and Araki Cunshi sitting on the left side of Wu Wenbo.

The director of the Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center is Yamamoto Arashi. He is responsible for related matters of the research center and assists in the execution of today's real investigation operations.

On the side, Araki introduced Yamamoto Arashi to Wu Wenbo. After the two parties greeted each other politely, Araki looked at Asami Yokotani and You Canyong.

"Supervisor Yokotani, Yu Sang, I need to ask you to handle the next thing. Your photography team needs to film our harmless treatment process at the Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center, and send the treated nuclear contaminated wastewater to Wu Sang."Explanation of"Barren Trees and Stones"

"In order to avoid cheating, we hope that you will record the entire process live. Is this okay?"Araki Cunshi asked tentatively.

This kind of inquiry fully demonstrated Araki Cunshi's confidence.

After all, the whole live broadcast record, you can't cheat, right?

You Canyong responded affirmatively,"No problem."

Yokotani Asami also agreed,"Hi! Please rest assured, Araki-kun, we will definitely film the whole process."

As the two agreed, Araki looked at Yamamoto Arashi,"Director Yamamoto, the rest of the matter will be left to you. You will lead Supervisor Yokotani and Yu Sang to take photos of the harmless treatment process of nuclear contaminated wastewater. I will accompany Wu. Sang, introduce our neon special dishes to Wu Sang."

Yamamoto Arashi responded politely,"Hi!"

"Musang, our lunch includes sashimi, sushi, and tempura. What are your taboos?"Araki Cunshi asked casually.

Wu Wenbo said repeatedly in the negative,"I don't have any taboos. I like sashimi, I also like sushi, and I also like tempura."

"It would be great!"Araki Cunshi responded with a smile, and immediately ordered lunch to be prepared.

You Canyong glanced at Araki Cunshi, and he ordered the main camera to stay and film Wu Wenbo, and then took the secondary camera to follow Yamamoto Arashi to film the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater. Asami

Yokotani also personally led the team, and she also took the initiative to greet You Canyong and get close to her. However, You Canyong's lukewarm attitude gave Asami Yokotani a hard time.

‘They actually arranged to film the whole process. What on earth did these guys want to do? You Canyong secretly guessed,"Is it true that there is no problem after the nuclear contaminated wastewater has been treated harmlessly?" '

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