Because of An Liang's influence, You Canyong was full of distrust in the nuclear wastewater discharge plan.

But now the arrangements of Kyoto Electric Power Company make You Canyong vaguely confused.

Yamamoto Lan led You Canyong and Yokotani Asami into the harmless treatment center for nuclear contaminated wastewater. He introduced it in neon language,"Yu Sang, Supervisor Yokotani, this is the harmless treatment workshop for nuclear contaminated wastewater." You Canyong immediately issued an announcement. Asked,"How much nuclear-contaminated wastewater can you process every day?"

Yamamoto Lan was secretly shocked, and You Canyong captured the core issue sharply!

Faced with You Canyong's inquiry, Yamamoto Lan thought for a moment before giving a relatively reasonable answer.

"In this treatment workshop, we can process 10 tons of nuclear contaminated wastewater every day. There are 10 such treatment workshops in the entire Nuclear Pollution Research and Treatment Center." Yamamoto Lan responded quickly.

You Canyong asked again,"That means your nuclear pollution research and processing center can only process 100 tons of nuclear contaminated wastewater every day, but the total amount of nuclear contaminated wastewater in the Fukushima area has exceeded one million tons. You shouldn’t be able to handle it completely, right? Yamamoto

Arashi did not respond directly,"We are expediting the establishment of a new nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment workshop, and will eventually reach a single-day processing capacity of 1,000 tons.""

You Canyong asked again,"If you can achieve a processing capacity of 1,000 tons per day, with the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater, your Neon can even help the world treat nuclear contaminated wastewater in the future!"

Under normal circumstances, a nuclear power plant produces only more than one hundred tons of nuclear contaminated wastewater a year. According to Yamamoto Arashi, Neon's nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment capacity can indeed meet the needs of the world.

Yamamoto Lan secretly groaned in her heart, is this You Canyong really ruthless, and actually wants to treat the nuclear contaminated wastewater around the world?

Asami Yokotani changed the subject on the side,"Yu Sang, let's focus on how to deal with nuclear contaminated wastewater first. , and by the way, the harmlessly treated nuclear contaminated wastewater was sent to Wusang."

You Canyong didn't say anything, but he once again confirmed that there is a problem with the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater!

If the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater is really effective, according to what Yamamoto Lan just said, then Neon can completely help the world deal with nuclear waste. Contaminate wastewater and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Yamamoto Arashi glanced at Asami Yokotani gratefully, and he immediately introduced the process of harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater.

For almost two minutes, Yamamoto Arashi arrived with Asami Yokotani and You Canyong. In front of the nuclear contaminated wastewater that has been 'harmless treated'.

It was a cup of slightly turbid liquid. Any normal person living in Xia Country would not have the idea of ​​drinking it when seeing such turbid liquid.

You Canyong took a careful look Based on the size of the beaker, he found that the cup of treated nuclear wastewater was about 600 milliliters.

Yamamoto Arashi picked up the harmlessly treated nuclear wastewater and said with a relaxed face,"This is what happened. Although the nuclear-contaminated wastewater after harmless treatment looks a bit turbid, it has actually reached drinking standards."

You Canyong suppressed his laughter. He suddenly began to sympathize with Wu Wenbo.

After all, Wu Wenbo wanted to drink such water!

In fact, You Canyong also discovered a small problem, but he didn't say it out loud.

"Yu Sang, Supervisor Yokotani, now please film it throughout the process to avoid it being transferred or other accidents." Yamamoto Arashi said solemnly.

Asami Yokotani responded cooperatively,"Don't worry, we will film the whole process."

You Canyong just nodded to express his cooperation.

On the way back, Wen Zhenxing, the radio operator of You Canyong's team, suddenly said,"Boss You, I can't stand it anymore. I have to go to the bathroom. Could you please stop the radio."

You Canyong glanced at Wen Zhenxing, and he complained,"You can't bear it? Wen

Zhenxing responded awkwardly,"I really can't bear it anymore, Boss You. I ate natto in the morning and now I have diarrhea.""

You Canyong could only use neon language to explain the situation to Yamamoto Lan.

Yamamoto Lan agreed without hesitation, and explained the direction of the bathroom to Wen Zhenxing.

You Canyong took the radio equipment to replace Wen Zhenxing, and Wen Zhenxing hurried to He rushed to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Wen Zhenxing sat on the toilet, and then took out his mobile phone to check the information. He was going to take the opportunity to touch fish for a while.

Wen Zhenxing was going to look at the information on the Neon Internet. He was also proficient in Neon language. All the personnel who participated in a real investigation operation were proficient in neon language to avoid language barriers.

Less than two minutes after Wen Zhenxing was fishing in the bathroom, he heard footsteps outside, which sounded like two people.

Wen Zhenxing didn't care at first, but when the two people entered the bathroom and started talking, Wen Zhenxing used his mobile phone to record the video without hesitation.

Even though the image could not be recorded through the door panel, the sound could be recorded!

‘Is there such an inside story? Wen Zhenxing was filled with excitement. He never thought that when he went to the bathroom with a stomachache, he would encounter such a thing!

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