An Liang was checking the Kyoto Electric Power Company's real investigation operation and live broadcast of the accident on Neon's Internet. He obviously underestimated the second-level proficiency of Neon netizens.

With the support of these second-rate netizens, An Liang felt that there was no need to arrange for more trolls to add fuel to the fire.

An Liang switched his attention back to the campus wall of Tianfu School of Economics. He wanted to see the attitude of his classmates.

On the campus wall of Tianfu School of Economics, An Liang discovered a popular post posted by Wu Wenbo’s roommate Liao Zhilin.


《My roommate is gone! 》

Have students watched the live broadcast?

In fact, when watching the live broadcast, I already believed that Kyoto Electric Power Company might actually have a plan for the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater.

Especially when I saw the neon man drinking nuclear contaminated wastewater with classmate Wu Wenbo, my trust level was raised to the highest level.

Who knew the situation would take a turn for the worse!

When the leader of Peer Video questioned the Neon Man, I knew that things were not simple.

Now it seems that Kyoto Electric Power Company is really cheating. Wu Wenbo is just a pawn of Kyoto Electric Power Company, and now he has become an abandoned pawn.

I only hope that Wu Wenbo can survive this crisis safely.

Finally, best wishes to Wu Wenbo!


An Liang read Liao Zhilin's popular posts, and he felt that Liao Zhilin was a descendant of the Yin Yang Sect, because the content of the posts looked normal, but was full of weird Yin Yang flavor.

Bless Wu Wenbo?


It’s strange that An Liang believed it!

Wu Wenbo is really grateful to this roommate!

An Liang's dormitory group also popped up a message

‘Shen Shizhong: I admire you!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang is awesome!’

‘Shen Shizhong: I originally thought that Brother Liang would suffer a loss this time, but in the end, Brother Liang came out one better!’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang bribed the other party’s employees, right?’

‘An Liang: I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!’

‘Lu Wenshan: 66666!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Anyway, I believe in gentlemen!’

‘Ma Long: While trembling, did Brother Liang think one more step? '

Actually, this time, the winner system of life is checking for leaks and filling in the gaps. An Liang missed one step. He is not God and cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.

‘An Liang: Don’t bully me, bitches!’

‘An Liang: I am just a melon-eater.’

‘Shen Shizhong: I understand, I understand!’

‘Lu Wenshan: I understand. We all understand how to separate the relationship!’

‘Ma Long: Brother Liang, don’t worry, we won’t talk nonsense. '

An Liang is too lazy to pay attention to these bitches. He is really trying to distance himself from the relationship.

Among the large group of 2020 students from the International Trade Department of Tianfu School of Economics, Wu Wenbo’s affairs are also being discussed at this moment.

‘Qian Yining, Class 1 of the 2020 Guomao Class: Oh! A classmate is cool!’

‘Jiao Guoyou, Class 1, 2020 Guomao: I am full of sadness now!’

‘Jiao Guoyou, Class 1, 2020 Guomao: [Sad look on his face.Jpg] '

As we all know, emoticons represent the opposite!

‘Tong Suxin, Class 1, 2020 Guomao: Three seconds of silence! If Mr. Wu needs help, I will definitely lend a helping hand’

‘Hua Danying, Class 1, 2020 International Trade Co., Ltd.: We should thank our classmates for their contributions. Their spirit of self-sacrifice is worth learning from. He let us know that Kyoto Electric Power Company has no bottom line, no ethics, and is even against all mankind!’

‘Yang Li, Class 2 of Guomao Class of 2020: [Cloud Music shares a song:"You're Not an Actor"》】’


The crowd in the Department of International Trade was abuzz with demons, and neither the tutor, counselor, nor the head of the department spoke up.

The reason is still the issue of interest measurement.

They gave up on Wu Wenbo before, how could they care about Wu Wenbo now?

When Anliang checked the Internet and people were gloating about his misfortune, the trolls arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company had already begun to clean up the situation.

In the 2CH forum, the trolls from Kyoto Electric Power Company posted a floor cleaning post


《Please don't let the Xia people's conspiracy succeed! 》

Everyone, please calm down!

Please let us calmly analyze whether there are flaws in Kyoto Electric Power Company’s harmless treatment technology for nuclear contaminated wastewater!

This question was raised by You Canyong, the director of Pair Video Live Broadcast from Xia State. His remarks seemed to have no problem, but in fact there were huge loopholes.

According to You Canyong, Kyoto Electric Power Company planned to cheat, but an accident occurred in the initial stage. This statement seems to be correct.

If you think deeply, you should understand that if there was a mistake in the initial stage, the staff of Kyoto Electric Power Company should notify Araki Kunishi to prevent Araki Kunishi from being implicated.

In addition, the second doubt is, how did You Canyong know about Kyoto Electric Power Company's plan?

Let’s make a bold guess. With You Canyong’s confident analysis, could it be that You Canyong bribed the employees of Kyoto Electric Power Company, thus causing such an accident?

According to the information released by our Neon Court, if we implement the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan, we only need to spend 3 billion to 4 billion yen to perfectly solve the nuclear contaminated wastewater problem at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

But if we abandon the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater and choose other solutions suggested by other courts, we may have to spend more than 350 billion yen to solve the problem.

Given the huge cost gap between the two, we have reason to suspect that Xia Guo is plotting to force us to choose the more expensive solution.

Gentlemen, please calm down, please analyze carefully, and please consider carefully, Xia Guo is the mastermind behind this!

We can't let Xia Guo's conspiracy succeed!


An Liang looked at this post and sneered in his heart, Kyoto Electric Power Company is still washing the floors?

But this time the floor washing was doomed to fail!

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