The situation of Kyoto Electric Power Company was broken by an accident, which put Kyoto Electric Power Company into a very bad situation, and the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan was also affected.

Faced with such a situation, neither the Kyoto Electric Power Company nor the Neon Court was willing to admit defeat easily.

After all, once you admit defeat, it will mean a loss of hundreds of billions of yen. How can you give up easily?

Therefore, Kyoto Electric Power Company arranged a large number of naval forces to clean up the ground all over the world, striving to throw the blame for the accident of this real investigation operation to Xia Guo.

As long as the accident is attributed to Xia Guo's machinations, Kyoto Electric Power Company will have a chance to turn around, and there will be a glimmer of hope for the nuclear wastewater discharge plan.

In order to throw the blame on Xia Guo and turn the unexpected incident into a conspiracy theory, Kyoto Electric Power Company not only arranged a navy, but also found relevant personnel from the Nuclear Pollution Research and Treatment Center.

Naturally, Imamura Natsuki and Yamauchi Temple did not escape. When they faced the prisoner's dilemma, they told the truth of the matter without any resistance.

Faced with the truth revealed by Imamura Natsuki and Yamauchiji Ichi, the senior officials of Kyoto Electric Power Company were all silent.

How should I describe this accident?...

Coincidence of coincidences?

Seamlessly interconnected?

If Kyoto Electric Power Company had not formulated a plan within a plan to replace the nuclear-contaminated wastewater with ordinary seawater to conduct a real investigation operation, the nuclear radiation detectors in the harmless treatment workshop of the nuclear-contaminated wastewater would not have been modified.

Because the nuclear radiation detector has been modified, whether it is ordinary seawater or nuclear-contaminated wastewater, it will be judged as nuclear-contaminated wastewater by the nuclear radiation detector, allowing the real nuclear-contaminated wastewater to flow into the real investigation operation.

In addition, after Yamauchi Teraichi and Imamura Natsuki discovered the problem, they believed that only one Natsu member participated in the real investigation, and thus accidentally involved Araki Kunishi.

This is one accident after another, what a coincidence!

Yamamoto Arashi, the director of the Nuclear Pollution Research and Treatment Center, looked at Imamura Natsuki and asked sternly,"You treated the nuclear contaminated wastewater as ordinary seawater and flowed into the real investigation operation. Apart from the two of you, does anyone else know? Imamura Natsuki responded negatively,"No! Director Yamamoto, only we really know about this matter."

Yamauchi Teraichi's answer was the same. Only two people knew about this matter.

Both ignored the conversation in the bathroom.

Seeing that he could not ask more questions, Yamamoto Arashi reported the situation and waited for the decision from the top management of Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Less than ten minutes later, Kyoto Electric Power Company issued an order for Yamamoto Arashi to advise Yamauchi Teraichi and Imamura Natsuki to work together to avoid jail.

After all, Imamura Natsuki and Yamauchiji Kazuichi messed up this time. If they are held accountable, they will definitely go to jail.

In order to avoid being imprisoned, both Yamauchi Temple and Imamura Natsuki naturally agreed to cooperate.

"Director Yamamoto, please tell me, we are willing to cooperate! Yamauchiji said respectfully.

Imamura Natsuki seconded,"Yes, we are willing to cooperate.""

Yamamoto Lan took a deep breath and said in a low voice,"You still have the only chance now. We will arrange for Fuji TV to hold a press conference for you. You will announce at the press conference that you have been arrested by Xia Guo. Payer's video bribery deliberately did not start the harmless treatment process of nuclear contaminated wastewater, and directly sent out the raw liquid of nuclear contaminated wastewater."

Yamamoto Arashi continued,"Your motive is for 100 million yen. Pell Video promised to give you 100 million yen each, so you cooperated with Pell Video to create an accident."

"understand?"Yamamoto Arashi stared at Imamura Natsuki and Yamauchi Temple.

This is a poisonous plan!

Through this poisonous plan, Kyoto Electric Power Company threw the blame on Peer Video from Natsu Country.

This poisonous plan was in turn coordinated with Peer Video, because before You Canyong's rhetoric perfectly fits this poisonous plan.

Once this poisonous plan is implemented, Kyoto Electric Power Company will once again promote the Xia Kingdom conspiracy theory, saying that Xia Kingdom is targeting Neon, thus consuming more of Neon's economic strength.



Imamura Natsuki and Yamauchiji both answered in the affirmative.

Their current thinking is very simple. As long as they can avoid prison, everything will be fine.

As for framing other people, what does it mean?

Especially framed Xia people!

However, the two of them also have their own problems. Little thought.

Under the arrangement of Kyoto Electric Power Company, Fuji TV, which originally liked the Black Summer Country, quickly arranged a press conference and started an emergency news live broadcast.

At the Fuji TV press conference, Yamauchi Temple and Imamura Natsuki jointly threw the blame on Pere Video and blamed everything on Pere Video.

However, Yamauchi Teraichi and Imamura Natsuki changed their minds together and changed the motive of the 100 million yen benefit payment to Pere Video. They threatened the lives of their families to avoid being scorned by the people.

This little accident once again caused changes!

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