An Liang has always believed that"It is everyone's responsibility to protect the marine environment and try to prevent the Neon Court from dumping nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea!" 】The special task is regarded as an impossible task.

For this task, An Liang worked really hard!

The last time, in order to force the Neon court to abandon its plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater, An Liang even launched a terrorist attack against Neon behind the scenes.

However, the Neon Court was very tough and unwilling to bow down at all, and Anliang was not a real terrorist, so the terrorist attack could only end in vain.

After all, An Liang can't be as ruthless as he says!

What makes the damage caused by the attack on Neon exceed the cost of the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan, etc., is just lip service.

Does An Liang really want to be a terrorist?

An Liang wouldn’t want to!

An Liang has a strong conscience. He has his own bottom line. He can talk about some things, but he cannot actually do them.

Although An Liang can indeed create a terrorist attack on Neon's side and make Neon suffer a huge price.

Then what?

What are the consequences?

The most likely consequence is that Neon arranges secret agents to target An Liang. Even if An Liang cannot be solved, at least the people around An Liang can be solved.

The people An Liang cares about are indeed protected by Renyi Security Company, but who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?

In addition to Neon's revenge, there are also fears from other countries' courts!

For example, wouldn't the Xia Kingdom's court be wary of Anliang?

An Liang can carry out a terrorist attack in Neon, but who can guarantee that one day in the future, An Liang will carry out a terrorist attack against Xia Kingdom?

Therefore, after some testing, Anliang decisively stopped his plan to continue terrorist attacks.

Facts also proved Anliang correct.

Anliang has found a way to solve the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, and now there is a glimmer of victory!

An Liang secretly looked forward to this impossible task. What kind of reward would it provide?

What if the Life Winner System has no bottom line and provides any immortality cultivation spell?

An's conscience moved, and he asked directly in his mind, 'Is the system here? '

The Life Winner System completely ignored An Liang's intentions.

Under normal circumstances, the Life Winner System almost ignores An Liang and is always quiet and has no sense of existence.

‘If I complete the task of preventing the discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater, should I be rewarded with a magic spell? ' An Liang made a tentative request.

An Liang has long discovered that the rewards of the Life Winner System are very in line with his requirements, and he will check for and fill in the gaps in a targeted manner.

If you make a request now, the Life Winner System should satisfy it, right?

The silent life winner system finally gave a response, 'Please give up the host's fantasy, there is no corresponding reward option. '


Sure enough nothing has changed!


That's not scientific!

An Liang sighed secretly, he could only hope that the reward would be enough



Kyoto in winter.

After NHK TV station's emergency news broadcast, a demonstration suddenly appeared in winter Kyoto to oppose the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan. The scale of the demonstration was originally small, but as the demonstration continued, more and more people participated. Only one Within a few hours, a demonstration of more than 100,000 people broke out.

This situation is happening in large cities across the country, especially in coastal cities with developed fisheries, where huge enthusiasm has erupted.

Coastal cities with developed fisheries have been opposing the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan, because after the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan is implemented, Neon's fishery will definitely be devastated.

Now that Kyoto Electric Power Company's harmless treatment technology for nuclear contaminated wastewater has been exposed, how can the fishery practitioners in these coastal cities let go of such an opportunity?

As a result, a large-scale demonstration broke out!


Neon Intelligence Bureau.

In the office of Intelligence Minister Yuuki Kazama, Director of the Cyber ​​Security Department Shota Nagai is reporting information

"According to our investigation, most of the negative information on the Internet about Kyoto Electric Power Company and the nuclear wastewater discharge plan are made by people within our country and do not come from the Xia Kingdom’s navy."Shouta Nagai said with a slight embarrassment.

Faced with the overwhelming negative reviews and negative information on the Internet, Shota Nagai originally thought he was a troll arranged by Xia Guo. But he didn't know until he checked. When he checked, he was shocked. Most of them were negative. The information all came from within their Neon?

This is outrageous!

Yuuki Kazama sighed,"There is something wrong with the real investigation operation arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company this time!"

Nagai Shota didn't answer.

To be honest, Nagai Shota didn't agree with Kazama Yuuki's words. He felt that Kyoto Electric Power Company's arrangement was fine and the game within the game was very exciting, but the problem was that Kyoto Electric Power Company had a group of pig teammates.

Obviously the opponent has given the opportunity and allowed Kyoto Electric Power Company to seize the opportunity to arrange the game within the game. However, such a good opportunity was wasted by the pig teammates and even had the opposite effect. Who can withstand this?

Anyway, Nagai Shota found it difficult to accept it!

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