In response to the large-scale negative information appearing on the neon Internet, Nagai Shota is not only uncomfortable, but also uncomfortable!

This generation of neon people is so difficult to lead!

It has been agreed that Neon and Xia Guo have conflicts. Once the two sides get into trouble, will everyone agree to talk to the outside world?

As a result, you are now slandering your own people?

Although Kyoto Electric Power Company should indeed be sprayed!

After all, what has Kyoto Electric Power Company done?

Nagai Shota thinks that all the guys at Kyoto Electric Power Company are idiots!

"Nagai-kun, you must strictly control speech on the Internet and block all inappropriate speech."Yuki Kazama made a request

"Hi! Nagai Shouta agreed,"Your Excellency Kazama, how to deal with the people's demonstrations?""

"I will instruct the local police departments to handle it."Yuki Kazama felt very tired. He even wanted to suggest to the chief minister to suspend the nuclear wastewater discharge plan.

After all, under the current situation, if the nuclear wastewater discharge plan continues to be implemented, Neon will be boycotted by the whole world!

In fact, At this moment, Chief Minister Neon is also considering whether to suspend the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan. It used to be a fig leaf for the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater, but now this fig leaf has been lifted. Even if they use strong words, other courts will definitely We will use this incident of a real investigation operation as an excuse to request participation in the review of the harmless treatment technology of Kyoto Electric Power Company's nuclear contaminated wastewater.

How can Kyoto Electric Power Company's harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater withstand the review?

Anyway, it has been If you can't afford censorship, why should you humiliate yourself?

The Neon court also wants face, and the Neon people also want face, so they simply retain the last bit of dignity.

After careful consideration, the chief minister of Neon decided to hold a cabinet meeting and invite cabinet members to join the meeting Discuss the resolution on the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan.

After nearly an hour of discussion, the Neon Imperial Cabinet made the final decision and reluctantly passed the resolution to suspend the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan.

As for how to deal with the nuclear-contaminated wastewater, it was temporarily shelved.According to the remaining capacity of the nuclear-contaminated wastewater storage device in the Fukushima area, it can be delayed until 2022. They have enough time to further discuss how to deal with nuclear-contaminated wastewater. After the cabinet meeting, the current chief minister called the former chief minister After waiting for the minister’s contact number to be connected, Chief Minister Neon spoke first,"Your Excellency Anbe, you win!"

The former chief minister of Neon, Abe Shinzan, had already received the news after the cabinet meeting. He sighed softly,"The nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan was originally a wrong resolution. Mr. Guan Yi, I am just correcting it. error"

"does it worth?"The chief minister seemed to be confused and asked.

"What do you think?"Anbei Jinshan asked the same question.

"worth!"The chief minister said affirmatively,"Your Excellency Anbei has very little left in his life journey. When there is an opportunity to extend his life journey, everything will be worth it!"

"Yes, it's all worth it."Anbei Jinshan sighed,"I have not betrayed the country, nor have I betrayed the people. I believe Your Excellency Guan Yi understands what I mean."

"If it were not for the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, I would definitely not agree."Anbei Jinshan added

"I know."The Chief Minister responded affirmatively.

"Regarding the treatment plan for nuclear contaminated wastewater, Mr. Anbei, do you have any suggestions? asked the Chief Minister

"Feel sorry!"Anbei Jinshan refused directly and said,"Your Excellency Guan Yi is the chief minister. Such difficult problems are of course things that Your Excellency Guan Yi needs to think about. I no longer have the energy to think about it."

"Understood!"The chief minister breathed a sigh of relief, because Anbei Jinshan had already revealed that he had no intention of having an official career. After all, people are going to die, so what else should they think about?

"If Mr. Guan Yi has nothing else to do, let’s talk about it next time. I need to deal with something here."An Bei Jinshan is going to ask An Liang for reward.

Although a series of accidents occurred in the real investigation operation, the final result is good, so of course An Bei Jinshan has to shamelessly ask for reward.

Life and death are no small matters!

"Okay, let’s talk next time."The chief minister ended the call directly.

Abe Shinzan immediately ordered Takeda Kenta to contact Shimizu Makoto, and Shimizu Makoto contacted Anliang.

Naturally, Shimizu Makoto did not dare to delay, and he immediately sent a message to Anliang

‘QQQ: Sir, I have received the message from the boss. Our boss has completed the task you assigned.’

‘QQQ: At present, the Neon Court Cabinet has passed a resolution to temporarily suspend the nuclear wastewater discharge plan.’

‘QQQ: Sir, when will we hand over the remuneration?’

‘AAA: Your thoughts are too beautiful, right?’

‘AAA: Does this incident have anything to do with you?’

‘QQQ: Although there are certain surprises, the final result is good, isn't it?’

‘AAA: If we weren't lucky enough, I'm afraid we would all be fooled by Kyoto Electric Power Company this time! '

This is a fact!

Kyoto Electric Power Company's game-within-a-game plan was very good, including both Abe Shinzan and Anliang. If [an accident] had not happened, Kyoto Electric Power Company and the Neon Court would have won a big victory this time.

Under such circumstances, Anbei Jinshan still has the nerve to demand payment?

‘QQQ: Your Excellency, even if we have no merit, we still have hard work, right?’

‘AAA: You are right!’

‘AAA: Your Xia Mandarin is very good, and you also know that there is hard work without credit, so I will give you a reward for your hard work, how about 100 million yen?’

‘QQQ: Sir, you know, we don’t want money!’

‘AAA: You don’t want this! After Anliang replied to the message, he stopped the communication and ignored Qingshui Cheng, because the Life Winner System had already issued a reminder, indicating that Anliang had completed the impossible task.

An Liang can't wait to see the mission rewards!

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