Imperial capital.

National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

Huang Guoxiang was thinking about the participants of [Operation Fuji] in his office.

Huang Guoxiang named this trip to Neon Fuji Mountain to investigate the thousand-year-old Astragalus"Operation Fuji", and he was silently selecting operators.

Almost five minutes later, Huang Guoxiang sent a message in the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software, calling Wei Hongzhi, chief of the second section of the Operations Department, and Li Fei, chief of the third section.

In less than three minutes, Wei Hongzhi and Li Fei arrived at Huang Guoxiang's office.

Huang Guoxiang spoke first,"Please sit down."

Wei Hongzhi and Li Fei sat opposite Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang personally poured tea for the two of them,"This is Longjing before the rain, try it."

Wei Hongzhi showed an embarrassed look,"Sorry, Mr. Huang, I don't understand tea."

Li Fei nodded in agreement,"Me neither Very understanding."

Huang Guoxiang didn't care. He asked casually,"Did the recent field mission go well?"

Wei Hongzhi answered affirmatively,"It went very well. Especially the overseas mission in Southeast Asia, they gave us a lot of help."

"Yes, Lao Wei is right, the help over there is very great."Li Fei agreed.

"What was your last target shooting score?"Huang Guoxiang changed the topic.

This time Li Fei answered first,"My last target shooting test was 148 rings!"

The pistol in the target shooting test had 15 bullets, and the full score was 150. Li Fei got 148, which is already a very good score.

Wei Hongzhi answered,"I am also 148."

"When was the last time you participated in a field operation?"Huang Guoxiang asked again.

Li Fei thought for a moment before responding,"The last time I participated in a field operation, it was related to that place, and I was responsible for receiving the goods sent from there."

Wei Hongzhi responded,"I just participated in the field operation last week and escorted three wanted persons back from South Vietnam."

Although the two are section chiefs under the Operations Department, they have not left the front-line field operations.

This time the stealing of thousand-year-old astragalus in Neon is a top-secret mission, which requires the participants to be absolutely reliable, so Huang Guoxiang carefully chose Li Fei and Wei Hongzhi knows both of them.

Both of them were once special investigators in the military and then joined the National Security Investigation Bureau. There is absolutely no problem with their identity and loyalty.

"Now there is a top secret mission. Huang Guoxiang explained,"We have a joint investigation operation with them over there. We want to select two personnel to perform field work. Do you want to participate?""

"Want to participate!"


Li Fei and Wei Hongzhi both responded without hesitation.

Huang Guoxiang laughed and said,"You go back and make preparations first. This operation is led by that side and may be taken at any time. As for the specific mission content, I won’t be able to tell you until the operation begins."

After Huang Guoxiang selected the operatives, he began to contact the military again and asked for the military's individual aircraft. Huang Guoxiang couldn't wait to steal the neon thousand-year-old astragalus back.

After all, he was safe!


Tianfu School of Economics, Dormitory 307.

When An Liang came back, his three sons were not in the dormitory again. An Liang wondered if they went to Western University of Finance and Economics again?

It's a bit outrageous to say that among the three sons, Lu Wenshan, who has the most average conditions in all aspects, is single, while Shen Shizhong, who has the best conditions, is single, and Ma Long, who is tall and strong, is also single.

This is indeed outrageous!

An Liang, an old father, was worried about his two single sons, fearing that they would go astray.

‘Xue Zhongrui: Mr. An, there was an accident here.’

‘Xue Zhongrui: An email was received in the external cooperation email address of Pair Video’

‘Xue Zhongrui: This email uses encryption technology. After we forwarded the email to Mr. Ji to crack it, we found that this email was for contacting Mr. An.’

‘Xue Zhongrui: [Encrypted email picture] '

An Liang checked the information in the encrypted email. This encrypted email reserved a contact information, indicating that he wanted to contact An Liang personally.

In order for An Liang to contact him personally, the other party also specially added a summary of the information on"Nuclear Contaminated Wastewater Harmless Treatment Technology"

‘An Liang: Got it’

‘An Liang: I will ask Mr. Ji’

‘Xue Zhongrui: Okay. '

The so-called 'Mr. Ji' is the Divine Calculator No. 4, and his real name is 'Ji Wancheng'.

An Liang immediately sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: Have you investigated the contact information sent by the encrypted email?’

‘No. 4: We have investigated and found that the contact information came from the dark web. The specific information cannot be determined, but it is certain that it came from Neon. '

Actually, when An Liang saw the summary of the information on [Nuclear Contaminated Wastewater Harmless Treatment Technology] in the encrypted email, he knew it was a reward from the previous mission.

He is just perfecting the rationality now

‘Number Zero: If I contact the other party, it should be safe, right?’

‘Number 4: Don’t worry, I can establish a secure line’

‘Number Zero: Then establish a safe line and I’m going to contact the other party.’

‘No. 4: Received’

‘No. 4: Please wait a few minutes. '

Two or three minutes later, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation prepared a safe line

‘No. 4: The security line preparation is completed and the other party is being contacted.’

‘Number 4: Do you want to load a voice changer?’

‘Zero: Plus. '

In less than half a minute, the secure line communication was answered. A young man's voice came from the wireless headset worn by An Liang, and the other party spoke in neon language.

"Good morning sir."Young man greets

"Hello."An Liang also replied to Neon Language

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Tomoe Aoyama, a technician at the Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center of Kyoto Electric Power Company. You can investigate."The young man took the initiative to speak.

An Liang used his mobile phone to send a message to No. 4

‘Zero: Investigate Tomoe Aoyama, a technician at Kyoto Electric Power Company’s Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center’

‘No. 4: Received. '

An Liang does not doubt Qingshan Zhiye's identity, but the investigation that should be done still needs to be done. For example, An Liang does not know Qingshan Zhiye's motives.

Why didn’t Qingshan Zhiye hand over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company?


Update time: September 3, 2021 00:01:59, good night.

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