In Anliang's view, according to the current situation of Kyoto Electric Power Company, if Aoyama Intelligent Industry hands over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company, it will be equivalent to saving Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Qingshan Zhiye may become a senior executive and shareholder of Kyoto Electric Power Company by virtue of its harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater!

So what is the reason why Qingshan Zhiye did not hand over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company?

"While you are investigating my identity, let me first introduce the technology for the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater."Qingshan Zhiye explained

"The harmless treatment technology for nuclear contaminated wastewater I developed can filter and treat nuclear contaminated wastewater and concentrate harmful substances to about one percent, thereby greatly reducing the difficulty of treatment."Qingshan Zhiye explains the technical issues

"Taking the troubles encountered by Kyoto Electric Power Company as an example, Kyoto Electric Power Company currently has more than 1.2 million tons of nuclear-contaminated wastewater reserves. If these nuclear-contaminated wastewater can be concentrated to one percent, whether it is deep burial treatment or Storage treatment or secondary treatment are both better."Qingshan Zhiye gives an example.

Kyoto Electric Power Company currently stores more than 1.2 million tons of nuclear contaminated wastewater. If it only needs to store 1%, then Kyoto Electric Power Company can just turn around, right?

"In addition, the harmless treatment technology for nuclear contaminated wastewater I developed is also very advantageous in terms of cost."Qingshan Intelligent Industry continues

"Kyoto Electric Power Company previously listed multiple options when studying how to deal with nuclear contaminated wastewater. The most expensive one is the solidification treatment plan, which refines nuclear contaminated wastewater into solid, thereby greatly solving the source of pollution and reducing the volume. However, the price of each ton of nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment exceeds 290,000 yen, which is equivalent to 17,000 yen. Xia Guoyuan."Qingshan Zhiye listed the data.

The cost of treating one ton of nuclear contaminated wastewater is as high as 17,000 Xia Guoyuan!

Such a price is indeed very expensive!

"Because the treatment cost is too high, Kyoto Electric Power Company chooses to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, so the treatment cost is less than one percent." Qingshan Zhiye added

"In fact, I suspect that Kyoto Electric Power Company is not prepared to deal with nuclear contaminated wastewater at all. They plan to discharge it directly into the sea!"Qingshan Zhiye reasonably questioned

"The cost of the harmless treatment technology for nuclear contaminated wastewater I developed is between 2% and 5% of that of solidification treatment. The specific cost depends on the scale of the industry, human resource costs, land resources, and energy costs. But the highest level is only 5%."Qingshan Zhiye explained

"Once Mr. obtains this technology, he can provide nuclear contaminated wastewater harmless treatment services to nuclear power plants around the world. This is an exclusive service, and the annual profit may exceed 10 billion Xia Guoyuan."Qingshan Zhiye described the future.

This Qingshan Zhiye must know An Liang's identity, because when it comes to money data, he thoughtfully converted Japanese yen into Xia Guoyuan.

An Liang asked,"Why do you want to use this technology? Give it to me instead of giving it to Kyoto Electric Power Company?"

This is a fundamental problem!

If Qingshan Zhiye hands over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company, he will not only receive a large monetary reward, but even become a neon hero!

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Qingshan Zhiye He asked,"Sir, do you know about neon?""

"More understanding."Anliang responded.

Qingshan Zhiye responded negatively,"Sir, you don't understand neon at all!"

"In Mr.’s eyes, what does our neon look like?"Qingshan Zhiye asked.

However, Qingshan Zhiye did not wait for Anliang's answer. He asked and answered his own question,"In the eyes of people from other countries, our neon is very good, whether it is economy, culture, or technology. , our neons are all very good"

"But is this the truth?"Qingshan Zhiye sneered

"Our neon is really bad! Qingshan Zhiye said mockingly,"I hate neon from the bottom of my heart!""

"Sir, you said one thing wrong. I actually planned to hand over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company, but I had an extra thought and handed over the most rudimentary technology to Kyoto Electric Power Company. However, the result is terrible!"Qingshan Zhiye said helplessly.

"According to my husband's guess, if I hand over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company, I should receive huge rewards and even become a senior executive of Kyoto Electric Power Company, right?"Qingshan Zhiye asked back.

An Liang seconded,"I think it is possible for you to get the stock options of Kyoto Electric Power Company."

"Sir, you really don’t understand neon!"Qingshan Zhiye's merciless response

"The gentleman is talking about Xia Guo, not Neon!"Qingshan Zhiye continued,"If this is your Xia Kingdom, what you said is absolutely right, but our Neon has a seniority system. I have only been in Kyoto Electric Power Company for two years, and I am a newcomer with no status."

"I said before that I planned to hand over the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater to Kyoto Electric Power Company, but after I handed over the most rudimentary technology, it actually became the credit of Yamamoto Arashi. That old guy Yamamoto Arashi even He didn’t know much about technology or even what nuclear physics was, yet he actually became the chief scientist in charge of developing the technology for the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater!"Qingshan Zhiye's tone was full of anger.

"Sir, are you okay with this? Qingshan Zhiye asked back.

An Liang is not unaware of Neon’s merit sequence system, but does such a system actually exist in technical positions?

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