After An Liang ended the call with Qingshan Zhiye, he showed a smile.

Kyoto Electric Power Company failed too!

Sato Mirai, who mastered the fourth-generation nuclear power technology, gave up Kyoto Electric Power Company, and Aoyama Chiye, who mastered the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater, also gave up Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Is this kind of Kyoto Electric Power Company particularly failed?

An Liang re-sends the message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: Can we create a Xia nationality identity now?’

‘Number Zero: Just like the real Xia people, it has birth records, study records, medical records, life records, etc.’

‘No. 4: No’

‘No. 4: We can only create fake identities that look like real ones. Without thorough investigation, the false identities we create will be just like the real identities.’

‘No. 4: We simply cannot produce birth records, study records, medical records, life records and other supporting information.’

‘Number Zero: Forget it’

‘Number Zero: I’ll let the National Security Investigation Agency handle it.’

‘Number 4: Okay. '

An Liang contacted Huang Guoxiang through the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication soft voice.

After waiting for the voice connection, Huang Guoxiang's voice came first,"What do you want?"

"I needed a real identity, as was the case before."An Liang stated his needs straight to the point.

"Who else did you arrest?"Huang Guoxiang was surprised

"You should ask who else has chosen to take refuge in me! An Liang retorted with a hum.

Huang Guoxiang asked again,"Okay, so who chose to join you this time?"

An Liang replied,"You will know. You first prepare a real identity and require all records to be flawless. At least other than you, no one else can investigate and find any problems.""

"Fine! Huang Guoxiang agreed,"When do you want it?""

"tomorrow?"An Liang responded

"If there are no accidents, this guy who has taken refuge in me will arrive tomorrow."An Liang added

"Send me the other party's basic information and I will arrange for processing immediately."Huang Guoxiang explained

"no problem."An Liang responded.

An Liang does not need to contact Qingshan Zhiye to obtain basic information, because the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation has already investigated all the basic information, whether it is Qingshan Zhiye's photo, height, weight and other information.

An Liang will Qingshan Zhiye's Basic information was sent through the National Security Investigation Bureau’s confidential communication software, and a message was sent to remind Huang Guoxiang.

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, move faster!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: OK. '

National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

After Huang Guoxiang received the information sent by An Liang, he put Qingshan Zhiye's photo into the National Security Investigation Bureau's human facial feature recognition program for scanning.

The NSA's facial recognition program has access to demographic data from the entire Xia Kingdom.

After more than half an hour, the matching of the human facial feature recognition program ended, and no information matching Qingshan Zhiye was found.

If An Liang knew about Huang Guoxiang's operation, he would definitely laugh out loud!

Because Qingshan Zhiye is from Neon, how can it be possible to find relevant information in Xia Guo's population database?

Seeing that there was no matching data, Huang Guoxiang didn't think much about it, and then personally created relevant information for Qingshan Zhiye.

The National Security Investigation Bureau stores ready-made 'breeding identity' information, and it only needs to be adjusted to Qingshan Zhiye.

While Huang Guoxiang was dealing with the breeding status, An Liang was considering how to arrange the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater.

This is a great technique!

As Qingshan Zhiye said, once this technology is industrialized, annual profits may exceed 10 billion Xia Guoyuan.

For an industry worth tens of billions, Anliang is naturally very concerned about it.

‘If this technology is applied domestically, it means establishing a domestic nuclear wastewater treatment plant. 'An Anxin thought silently.

It is very difficult to establish a nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant in Xiaguo!

Mainly because nuclear pollution has such a bad reputation!

Although the harm of nuclear-contaminated wastewater can be solved through harmless treatment technology of nuclear-contaminated wastewater, there are risks after all.

What if nuclear contaminated wastewater leaks?

For example, was it leaked during transportation?

If a nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant must be built within the Xia Kingdom, site selection will become a huge problem.

In order to facilitate transportation, nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plants can only be chosen to be located on the seaside, thus making it easier to transport nuclear contaminated wastewater from all over the world for treatment.

But it would be very difficult to build a nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant in Xia's coastal cities.

The first is the high cost of land!

The land price in Xia's coastal cities is very expensive. Although the nuclear pollution wastewater treatment plant is a high-tech industry, nuclear pollution makes people talk about it. How many cities welcome it?

Secondly, labor costs are very high!

It is now 2020, and labor costs in Xia State are already very high. A large number of local labor-intensive companies in Xia State have chosen to build factories in Southeast Asia, where labor is cheaper.

On top of this, there are high energy costs.

The electricity supply in Xia Kingdom is divided into two prices. The price of ordinary civilian electricity is very low, but the price of commercial electricity is relatively high.

The harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater is a large energy consumer. If a nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant is established in Xia, it will also be a big problem in terms of energy costs.

Not to mention the pressure on the fishing boat!

So Anliang is thinking about whether to build nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plants in other countries?


Update time: September 4, 2021 00:02:23, good night.

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