Anliang does have the ability to build nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plants in other countries.

An Liang's forces have a global presence. Although they are not exposed too much, they are actually like icebergs on the sea. There seems to be only a small piece on the surface, but no one knows how huge it is under the sea level.

Judging from the situation that An Liang currently controls, in addition to Xia Kingdom, he can choose three countries as alternatives.

The first one is naturally Tyrande.

Tyrande is the country with the highest level of Anliang control besides Xia Kingdom.


To be precise, An Liang's control over Tyrande even exceeded that of Xia Kingdom.

An Liang's power in Tyrande is too great!

Taking Guman, the capital of Tyrande, as an example, An Liang combined with Song Ren's power to control almost all aspects of Guman.

For example, if the Tyrande court wants to arrest someone in Guman, if this person is a security guard of Renyi Security Company, or is protected by Anliang, then the Tyrande court will definitely not be able to catch him.

If the Tyrande court wants protection in GumanPersonally, as long as An Liang wants this person to have an accident, then this person will definitely have an accident.

If the Tyrande court wants to find someone or investigate something in Guman, then the forces under Anliang must find someone first, or investigate something clearly earlier.

If it is outside Guman, the forces under Anliang's banner have penetrated even more thoroughly, almost to the extent that they have completely penetrated the local court.

This is An Liang's control over Tyrande!

Fortunately, Tyrande's development is relatively backward, and due to the constraints of many parties, Anliang can even possess Tyrande.

The second alternative address is the Western Hemisphere.

Because of Lenore, Anliang deployed a lot of power in the Western Hemisphere and continued to invest, including wine estates, coffee estates, and security companies.

With Anliang's layout and power in Spain, coupled with the relatively poor economic environment in Spain, he can definitely build a nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant in Spain.

The third option is Northern Bear Country.

Anliang and the Northern Bear Country already have a good cooperative relationship, especially the last shipwreck treasure salvage operation, which brought the relationship between Anliang and the Northern Bear Country to a higher level.

Even if the people of the North Bear country are simple and do not accept the infamous nuclear wastewater treatment plant, with the influence of the North Bear country, they can definitely bring the nuclear wastewater treatment plant to the Ulan country.

Based on Ulan's past experience, there should be little resistance to locating the nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant in Ulan.

An Liang conducted a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the three alternatives with the Xia Kingdom. Whether it was Tyrande, Xibanya, or the North Bear Kingdom and the Ulan Kingdom, all seemed to be better than the Xia Kingdom?

All three alternatives have land cost advantages.

Especially Tyrande!

According to Anliang's power in Tyrande, if you choose a city other than Guman and it is a non-tourist city, it is possible that the land price will be directly free of charge.

But An Liang did not choose Tyrande immediately.

Tyrande does have advantages, and the advantages are huge, but Tyrande also has huge disadvantages, the core of which is the energy issue.

There is indeed some controversy over the nuclear wastewater treatment plant, but it can also bring good development opportunities, such as providing jobs, providing relevant taxes, etc.

According to the annual profit of 10 billion Xia Guoyuan, even with preferential tax treatment, Xia Guoyuan will be provided with at least nine-digit tax every year.

This tax is a huge sum of money for local courts in some countries!

An Liang's first choice is the North Bear Country.

The North Bear Country is very powerful, but its economic situation is very bad.

If you cooperate with the North Bear Country through the nuclear wastewater treatment plant, it will be equivalent to building a relationship with the North Bear Country. When Anliang is in trouble in the future, the North Bear Country will not be a good thug when it is inconvenient for the Xia Country to take action. ?

In the previous operation to salvage sunken treasures, the Northern Bear Country showed a fearless attitude, and An Liang liked this kind of Northern Bear Country.

After An Liangzhong made a preliminary decision, he called Avora's phone number. The other person's father was the minister of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the North Bear Country, and he happened to be in charge of the matter of the nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment plant.

Waiting for the call to be connected, Anliang took the initiative to greet him,"Aflora, are you back to school?"

Avrola asked back,"Do you want to treat me to dinner?"

"No problem at all."An Liang responded with a smile.

"Aren't you worried about your girlfriend being jealous?"Aflora teased.

An Liang responded calmly,"Which girlfriend are you talking about?"

Before Aflorala responded, An Liang continued to add,"My girlfriends have very good personalities and they won't be jealous."

"..."Avora is speechless

"Do you have something to do with Alek?"Aflora changed the topic. She felt that she could not speak to Anliang.

Anliang responded negatively,"I have Alek's contact information. I am looking for you today. Do you have time recently so we can have dinner together?"

Aflora's appearance score is as high as 95 points, and her body score is also as high as 95 points. What's more important is that this Bei Xiong girl from the fighting nation is 1.8 meters tall, and she has really long legs!

"I'm quite busy recently."Aflora declined. She knew about Anliang's situation. She also knew that Anliang had multiple girlfriends.

Anliang didn't care about being rejected by Aflorala. He was not narcissistic enough to think that any woman would like him.

"Then I want to ask you something. An Liang continued,"I want to talk to your father. Can you make arrangements?""

Aphrola immediately understood in her heart that An Liang didn't really want to invite her to dinner, but just wanted to contact her father.

"Okay, I'll tell my dad."Aphrola naturally agreed.

"Thanks."An Liang said gratefully.

"You're welcome, but remember to treat me to dinner next time."Aphrola's teasing response showed that she had seen through An Liang's tricks.

An Liang agreed,"No problem!"

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