The next day.


Just after seven o'clock in the morning, An Liang and Bai Yue had breakfast together in the second cafeteria of Tianfu School of Economics.

This is Bai Yue's happiest time!

Bai Yue enjoys spending time with An Liang

"Classmate An, I have good news!"Bai Yue said happily.

"What good news?"An Liang asked cooperatively.

"Our Animal Star Rescue Foundation has completed negotiations with the Tianfu Imperial Court. The Tianfu Imperial Court has passed a new pet sales and adoption, as well as the abandonment bill, which will take effect from tomorrow and will last for a ten-day buffer period. Starting from the 1st of next month, the National The ceremony officially begins during the celebration."Bai Yue said briefly.

Bai Yue continued to add,"The new bill stipulates that pet sales agencies within Tianfu must register the buyer's real-name identity information and contact information when selling pets, so that they can be written under the pet's skin. in chip"

"This regulation includes online sales channels. Pets sold from other places to Tianfu also need to comply with this regulation. Otherwise, if they are caught, the lightest penalty will be Qianxia Guoyuan."Bai Yue explained

"The same is true for adopting a pet. The pet needs to be injected with a subcutaneous chip and the adopter's information is written in."Bai Yue added

"Regarding the abandonment of pets, the new bill also stipulates that if you need to abandon a pet, you must contact our Animal Star Rescue Foundation and send the abandoned pet to the Animal Star Rescue Foundation to complete the registration and change the pet's subcutaneous chip. information before you can legally abandon your pet."Bai Yue added

"If you discard your pets carelessly as you did in the past, once discovered, such behavior may be recorded in your personal integrity file, and may even affect your credit report. Bai Yue explained the punishment for abandoning pets.

An Liang asked,"What if the pet is lost?""

"For lost pets, pet owners can register with our Animal Star Rescue Foundation. Once the lost pet is found, we will contact the pet owner for re-adoption."Bai Yue replied

"If there is a continuous loss, we will analyze and determine whether the pet owner intentionally lost it, so as to achieve the purpose of abandonment."Bai Yue added

"How to deal with existing pets?"An Liang raised a new question.

Bai Yue responded fluently,"According to the regulations of the Tianfu Court, pets that have not yet been injected with subcutaneous microchips will be notified of the new bill, so that existing pets can receive subcutaneous microchip injections."

"What about people who don't comply with the rules?"Anliang has a new problem.

Bai Yue explained again,"It is still linked to the personal integrity file. If you feed a pet but do not register the pet subcutaneous chip, once it is found, it will be recorded in the personal integrity file. in file"

"The second is the free application period. Starting from the announcement of the new bill tomorrow until October 31st, all pet hospitals can provide subcutaneous chip injections for pets for free. The Tianfu Imperial Court and our Animal Star Rescue Foundation will handle this together. business, we share the subsidy costs."Bai Yue said a little embarrassedly

"After the free period, a certain fee will be charged according to market conditions, and this fee will be borne by the pet owner."Bai Yue's additional explanation

"We have also proposed a QR code linkage mechanism. We will provide each pet with a QR code tag, so that ordinary people can also obtain pet-related information."Bai Yue added

"Classmate An, you can check out the official website of our Animal Star Rescue Foundation. We have fully listed the new Tianfu Pet Act. Bai Yue responded.

An Liang opened the official website of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation on his mobile phone. While checking the new Tianfu Pet Act, he said casually,"After the new act is implemented, do you think it will be effective?""

"It definitely works! Bai Yue affirmed without hesitation,"And the effect will be very good!""

"This time, the Tianfu court is determined to control the pet industry and completely solve the problem of stray animals, so the governance intensity will be very high. Once someone violates the new law and records the relevant information in their personal integrity files, others will understand that the violation of the new law The cost of the bill."Bai Yue sighed softly.

This is a standard way of killing the chicken to scare the monkey!

An Liang naturally understood this truth, and he responded with a smile,"Actually, this is also good. The more stringent Pet Management Act, whether it is for people or pets, All are better options."

The proportion of modern people abandoning pets is very high. Once pets are abandoned, a series of problems will arise, especially some treatment methods are quite controversial.

In order to avoid these controversial treatment plans, more stringent management plans are naturally A better choice.

After all, stricter laws will reduce the probability of abandoning pets from the source.

"Yeah, I also support stricter management bills."Bai Yue agreed with An Liang's view.

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