IFC underground parking lot.

Xia Ruyi and Xia He found the Ferrari 488 Pista, which was like a blazing red flame. The main reason was that An Liang's Maxari Audi RSQ8, which was like a black warrior, was right next to it.

"Sister, are you coming? Xia Ruyi asked.

Xia Hexin refused,"If you don't like it, you better come.""

Xia Hexin's personality is more quiet. She doesn't like violent sports cars, so she chose the mediocre Porsche Cayenne.

"All right."Xia Ruyi has a more lively personality. She first unlocked the car and then got into the driver's seat of the Ferrari 488 Pista. Xia Hexin was naturally the passenger seat.

To be on the safe side, Xia Ruyi first asked An Liang if he had anything to pay attention to. Tell Xia Hexin that when a novice driver drives a Ferrari, he can simply adjust the driving mode to 'Wet' without thinking.

In this mode, the electronic assistance system is highly involved, and both the traction control system and the stability control system are maximized. This level of assistance is Ferrari's highest safety-oriented mode.

Of course, Ferrari also has a mode called CT-OFF mode. This mode is nicknamed 'death mode' because it turns off almost all electronic control systems.

After turning off most of the electronic control systems, there will be bad situations such as skidding when accelerating, drifting when cornering, sudden braking, and even overturning.

Even if An Liang has professional elite driving skills, he doesn't like CT- OFF mode.

Xia Ruyi followed An Liang's prompts and selected Wet mode on the mode selection dial on the steering wheel, and then drove the violent red Mustang back to school.

"Wow, sister, it's easy to control."Xia Ruyi said happily

"But uncomfortable!"Xia Hexin felt the vibration of the Ferrari 488Pista when it passed the speed bump or the manhole cover. Coupled with the sports-style seats, she really didn't like it.

Xia Ruyi didn't care about these small details, and she returned to school at a high speed. , in the open-air parking lot, it also attracted the attention of some freshmen.

However, most of the students at Tianfu Normal University knew their relationship with Anliang, and also knew that this car belonged to Anliang, so it didn’t matter. It was such a sensation.

In Nina Hotel, Anliang did not get up lazily. He received a message from Dmitri. Dmitri said that the action team arranged by their Pacific Fleet had arrived at the strait of South Curil Island.

An Liang immediately sent a message to Huang Guoxiang in the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, have you done it over there?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It’s done!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: The thugs you contacted are already in place, right?’

‘An Liang: The thugs just sent a message that the retreat plan has been completed.’

‘An Liang: Now there is a way out even in the worst case scenario, so we can take action’

‘Huang Guoxiang: OK!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Who are you over there?’

‘An Liang: I will arrange for someone to contact you’

‘An Liang: Actually, you know Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen. Do you have information about them? '

Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen both came from the Zhuque Group, codenamed Zhuque 1 and 2, and were exposed during the life extension operation.

Renyi Security Company exposed a lot of people during the life extension operation. These people turned from covert to covert, and were naturally discovered by the National Security Investigation Bureau.

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are really cautious!’

‘An Liang: It should be!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Have you made arrangements for the operation?’

‘An Liang: Of course!’

‘Yasuo: At eight o'clock this evening, a private plane took off from the imperial capital and headed for Neon Winter Kyoto. Four of our operators jumped off the plane midway and landed in the Hakone area with the military's individual aircraft.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Is there no problem with this private jet?’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry, they are all our own people, and the private plane used to have a legitimate reason. It was a business cooperation visit in the rubber field.’

‘An Liang: The rubber merchants from Tyrande first came to Xia Kingdom for negotiation, and then went to Neon for negotiation. Everything was a well-documented business transaction.’

‘An Liang: Hakone Town has also made arrangements in advance. Just follow our arrangements.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Don’t worry, they will obey the arrangement. '

Huang Guoxiang doesn't mind the loss of command. Anyway, his goal is the Millennium Astragalus. As long as the operation goes smoothly and the Millennium Astragalus is obtained, no matter who is in command, whether the National Security Investigation Bureau is in charge of the whole process, does it matter?

If he wasn't worried that An Liang would monopolize the thousand-year-old astragalus, Huang Guoxiang wouldn't even want to send anyone. It would be best for him to sit at home and wait for Anliang to deliver slices of the thousand-year-old astragalus.

Of course, Huang Guoxiang knew very well that if the National Security Investigation Bureau did not participate in the operation, Anliang would probably say that the Thousand-Year Astragalus had not been found.

After all, if it were Huang Guoxiang himself, if Renyi Security Company had not participated in this operation and their National Security Investigation Bureau field staff had found the thousand-year-old Astragalus, he would have wanted to keep it for himself, right?

What’s wrong with swallowing a thousand-year-old astragalus medicine?

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