Imperial capital.

National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

Tian Ziyang, captain of the first team of the second section of the Operations Department, and Bao Decai, a member of the third team, came to Huang Guoxiang's office together.

Huang Guoxiang signaled the two of them to wait in the reception area. He was checking the information of Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen.

Renyi Security Company once exposed a large number of security personnel in the life extension plan, and all members of the Suzaku Team were exposed. Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen were members of the Suzaku Team.

A moment later, Huang Guoxiang came to the reception area. He said straight to the point,"The bureau needs you to perform a field mission with over there."

Both Tian Ziyang and Bao Decai knew what 'over there' meant.

Huang Guoxiang continued,"The other party is responsible for the command of this operation. Your task is to follow the other party. No matter what the other party does, you will follow the other party."

"The target of this field mission is a thousand-year-old astragalus on Mount Fuji. They hope to bring back the thousand-year-old astragalus quietly. You will help each other complete the task. Once the task is completed, you will immediately send a message back."Huang Guoxiang explained the details.

"If there is an accident, you must try your best to protect your own safety. A backup evacuation plan is prepared over there, do you understand?"Huang Guoxiang reminded me

"clear!"Tian Ziyang answered first.

"receive."Bao Decai also responded.

"This is the information of the operatives over there. Take a look at it first, and we will start taking action today."Huang Guoxiang handed Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen's information to the two of them.

Tian Ziyang and Bao Decai picked up the information and looked at it.

When Bao Decai saw Wei Ziyang's information, he was slightly stunned.

Huang Guoxiang noticed this difference, and he immediately Ask,"Xiao Bao, do you have any questions?

Bao Decai hesitated for two seconds before responding,"I know Wei Ziyang.""

"oh?"Huang Guoxiang looked at Bao Decai in confusion.

Bao Decai explained,"Our Operations Department's field missions sometimes require us to deal with them. When our team performed field missions in the Imperial Capital before, the cooperating personnel arranged there were It was Wei Ziyang, and I became friends with him, and we even drank during the break.

Huang Guoxiang laughed,"This is a good thing!""

"This action is very important, Xiao Bao. You need to establish a good relationship with the other party and try to make the action go smoothly."Huang Guoxiang reminded

"OK"Bao Decai agreed repeatedly.

At nearly six o'clock in the evening, Tian Ziyang and Bao Decai met Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen smoothly in a safe room near the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Wei Ziyang looked at Bao Decai in surprise,"You guys They actually chose you!

Bao Decai said proudly,"Why can't you choose me?" Wei

Ziyang suddenly switched to neon language and spoke,"This operation is very important. Do you know neon language?" Bao

Decai responded affirmatively in Neon dialect,"Of course there is no problem. My Neon dialect is very good, and there is almost no problem with my accent.""

Tian Ziyang answered in neon language,"I don't have a problem either."

Gui Changwen participated in the exchange,"Since everyone is proficient in neon language, from now on, if we need to communicate, we will use neon language to communicate."

Wei Ziyang agreed firmly,"No problem! Let’s first develop the habit of using neon words to avoid letting slip in action"

"OK Bao Decai responded.

Tian Ziyang naturally agreed.

"Have you got your equipment ready? Wei Ziyang asked.

Bao Decai responded affirmatively,"Of course!" Four sets of individual aircraft, four sets of anti-infrared thermal radiation detection individual suits, plus real-time support from the satellite network."

Bao Decai said as he took out a headphone box and showed the wireless headphones to Wei Ziyang and Gui Changwen for inspection.

"These headphones all use graphene batteries with a battery life of up to six hours, and the communication staff assigned to us are all proficient in neon language. Bao Decai added.

Wei Ziyang nodded slightly,"Not bad!" Details are well thought out!

Bao Decai asked,"Are you ready for specific actions?""

"Of course no problem."Wei Ziyang answered affirmatively,"We will take the equipment to the Imperial Capital International Airport now and take off on time at eight o'clock. We are expected to arrive at the planned jump location around ten o'clock."

"In order to avoid being detected by the neon coastal defense radar and to cooperate with the aircraft's route, we need to jump off the plane about 40 kilometers away from the coastline, and then use an individual aircraft to fly at an ultra-low altitude to land."Wei Ziyang explained the plan.

"Our landing location this time was finally chosen in the Hakone Town area, where we have already deployed a response team and prepared a corresponding action plan."Wei Ziyang added

"Okay, I’ll leave everything to you! Bao Decai responded, pointing to the four silver suitcases,"Individual aircraft and anti-infrared thermal radiation detection individual suits, one set for each person. They have been checked in advance and there are no problems."

Wei Ziyang ordered,"Check the equipment again to make sure there is no problem!""


Update time: September 8, 2021 00:01:54, good night.

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