The four of Wei Ziyang checked the individual aircraft and the anti-infrared thermal radiation detection individual suit again. After confirming that there were no problems, they took the equipment to the Imperial Capital International Airport.

Xia country time, eight o'clock in the evening.

A private plane registered in Tyrande took off from Teito International Airport and was destined for Dong Kyoto International Airport. The estimated flight time was more than two hours.

The four Wei Ziyangs left no security check records or registration records at the Imperial Capital International Airport, and set off like four ghosts.

Two hours and a quarter later, Wei Ziyang and the other four had put on anti-infrared thermal radiation detection individual suits and carried individual aircraft on their backs. They were about to jump out of the private plane.

"Count down for one minute, jump out of the aircraft after one minute, and then turn on the individual aircraft when it is less than 200 meters above sea level, and use anti-collision mode to allow the individual aircraft to control itself as much as possible."Wei Ziyang ordered.

The other three people responded affirmatively.

All four people communicated in neon language, obviously in order to fully integrate into the neon environment.

A minute later, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company on the private plane prepared the safety After the protection, the cabin door was ready to be opened, allowing the four Wei Ziyangs to jump out of the plane.

As the cabin door opened, the air pressure inside and outside the plane was imbalanced, and strong winds suddenly rose.

The four Wei Ziyangs quickly jumped out of the plane and fell freely in the air.

The four people's descent speed was very fast. Quickly, when it descended to two hundred meters above sea level, the individual aircraft started, and the speed of descent began to slow down, finally stopping about one meter above sea level.

Wei Ziyang asked through the wireless headset,"Everyone reports the situation"

"Number two is normal."Guichang Wenhui Bao

"Number three is normal."Tian Ziyang replied

"Number four is fine."Bao Decai was the last reply.

"Follow the plan and fly as close to sea level as possible."Wei Ziyang ordered.

The four of them further lowered their flight altitude with the help of the individual aircraft and flew towards the coastline.

When Wei Ziyang and the four of them were taking action, An Liang was instructing the Dongming Holy King organization in the Corea area, as well as Yuan Yuan during the Yagu gold mine incident. The 'bad guy' hacker group formed by Hao will attack Neon's power supply network together.

Yasuyo plans to start from Ninomiya Town from east to west to Shizuoka, and solve all the power supply systems of coastal cities along the way.

Even if the power supply cannot be completely solved system, or at least interfere with the normal operation of the power supply system, causing riots in these coastal cities, thereby facilitating the landing operations of Wei Ziyang and his party. The

Dongming Holy King organization has repeatedly attempted to prevent the discharge of nuclear contaminated wastewater. Three attacks on Neon's network. Although the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan has been suspended, it still does not prevent Anliang from controlling this hacker organization. The bad actor hacker organization established by Yuan Hao is directly funded by Anliang as a behind-the-scenes control With the existence of manipulation and control by the attackers.

With the two hacker organizations, and the silent assistance of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, how can those coastal cities with relatively backward infrastructure resist hacker intrusions? In just half an hour, the ten coastal cities selected by Anliang In addition to Shizuoka, the power systems in the other fourteen areas are almost collapsed.

The power system in the Hakone Town area is also in collapse. A large number of members of the Metropolitan Police are struggling to deal with the power system. The trouble caused by the collapse.

In such a miserable situation, the four of Wei Ziyang arrived at the coastline and successfully landed with the support of the shore personnel.

Renyi Security Company arranged two neon vehicles in the Hakone Town area, which are common in the area. The Toyota Land Cruiser off-road vehicle was used as a response vehicle and was deeply modified. All rear seats were removed and charging equipment was installed to charge the individual aircraft.

Wei Ziyang and Bao Decai shared the same vehicle, Gui Changwen and Tian Zi One car and two Land Cruisers detoured outside Hakone Town and headed directly to the Mount Fuji area.

From the coastline of Hakone Town to Mount Fuji, the straight-line distance is only more than 40 kilometers, and the road journey is nearly six months. Ten kilometers takes about half an hour, which is just the time to charge the individual aircraft.

While driving, Wei Ziyang told Bao Decai,"Baozi, prepare to connect to the satellite network. We need the implementation support of the satellite network, especially for the ground Observational optical satellite support"

"Okay, I'll contact the bureau immediately. Bao Decai responded.

In less than a minute, a neon voice came from the wireless earphones of the four people,"The satellite is online and will provide real-time satellite network communications. Earth observation optical satellites provide large-scale intelligence support, and meteorological satellites Forecast abnormal climate information, etc."

"At the same time, the satellite network will link H and A."The satellite network contact person reminded me.

The so-called‘H’and‘A’Naturally representing Huang Guoxiang and An Liang

"receive."Wei Ziyang said in response.

The two Land Cruisers drove all the way to Mount Fuji. The Earth Observation Optical Satellite continued to observe the situation around the two Land Cruisers and continued to report information.

"No abnormality has been found yet, and everything behind the vehicle is safe!"Reported by the satellite network contact person.

As early as forty years ago, low-Earth orbit optical satellites could basically clearly photograph vehicles on the ground. In today's era, even in the dark night, optical satellites can still distinguish the situation on the ground..For example, whether there are vehicles that are continuously tracking behind the two Land Cruisers, etc.

Neon is not India, and it is not appropriate to put it in Neon when it comes to miracles, so An Liang will join forces with Huang Guoxiang, thus Let the National Security Investigation Agency provide these high-tech support methods!

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