On the east side of Mount Fuji, a high mountain area with an altitude of more than 2,800 meters.

Wei Ziyang reported the specific situation to An Liang,"Part of the target's roots are embedded in the gravel. It will take some time to clean up the gravel.""

"Send live images back."An Liang ordered.

Wei Ziyang immediately transmitted the scene image

"Lao Sun, can you evaluate how much of it is embedded in the gravel? An Liang asked.

Sun Shizhong quickly analyzed,"Alpine varieties of Astragalus grow slowly in the alpine environment, so their medicinal effects will be more concentrated. Based on on-site image analysis, I estimate that the part embedded in the gravel is more than five centimeters, at least Can cut more than twenty thousand-year-old astragalus slices"

"so much?"An Liang was a little surprised.

Sun Shizhong suggested,"Let them dig violently and dig out the gravel together. Even if the astragalus is broken, it can be ground into powder anyway. There will be no difference in the final medicinal effect."

"Did you all hear that?"An Liang asked

"receive!"Wei Ziyang responded.

Originally, Wei Ziyang and others were worried about destroying the integrity of the thousand-year-old Astragalus. Now experts have given a solution. It doesn't matter even if it is broken. The trouble is no longer a trouble.

Wei Ziyang and the four immediately chose to dig violently!

When they When the violent excavation just started, the satellite network contact person issued a reminder,"The Earth Observation Optical Satellite discovered anomalies, and police officers appeared around Mount Fuji, and traffic checkpoints began to be set up."

The report from the satellite network contact person proved what An Liang said before about the exposure of the operation!

"Boost! An Liang reminded,"In addition, after you are done, retreat according to the backup plan. The vehicle you just used will be remotely destroyed.""

"OK"Wei Ziyang responded to An Liang while digging violently.

An Liang did not immediately destroy the two Land Cruisers remotely, because if they were destroyed now, wouldn't it mean that there was no silver in this place?

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator reported to An Liang on the satellite communication network Situation,"BOSS, there are unusual movements in the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, and we found that there are also unusual movements in the nearby base of the Bald Eagle Country. The Bald Eagle Country dispatched two armed helicopters."

"Damn it?"An Liang felt a little speechless.

Sure enough, Neon is not India!

When Renyi Security Company was in India, it killed everyone and easily obtained the thousand-year-old Astragalus.

No. 4 added,"In addition, We suspect that Neon is monitoring network information near Mount Fuji, and we recommend cutting off network communications as soon as possible."

"Um."An Liang responded.

"We have found out the cause of the exposure."Huang Guoxiang also informed An Liang on the satellite network

"what's the situation?"Anliang is curious.

"According to our investigation, it should be the satellite of the Bald Eagle Country that discovered our satellite.Observe Neon secretly, and then tell Neon this situation."Huang Guoxiang explained

"this...have a finger in the pie?"An Liang complained

"No, a father's meddling in his son's affairs does not count as nosy!"Huang Guoxiang responded

"No wonder two armed helicopters were dispatched!"An Liang complained again.

"It's dangerous this time! Huang Guoxiang said nervously

"Don't worry, we have a backup escape plan. An Liang reminded him,"Before this operation, we made the worst plan in advance, including the exposure of the operation."

"Our backup plan was almost seamless, since the enemy didn't know we had a manned aircraft."An Liang said optimistically.

"Activate your escape plan!" An Liang added the order.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded,"Roger it! The escape plan is officially activated, and relevant information has been sent to the corresponding members."

Huang Guoxiang listened silently to the exchange between Anliang and No. 4. He sighed secretly in his heart. The power in Anliang's hands seemed to exceed his expectations again?

On the east side of Mount Fuji, at a high altitude of more than 2,800 meters, The four of Wei Ziyang made huge profits by digging up the thousand-year-old astragalus from the mountains. Although the thousand-year-old astragalus was cut into two halves, at least they were able to completely dig out the thousand-year-old astragalus.

"Get the target and prepare to retreat!"Wei Ziyang ordered,"Everyone follow me and set off."

"BOSS, we have started an escape plan."Wei Ziyang reported

"receive. An Liang responded,"We have remotely activated the self-destruct mode of your previous vehicle. This is an escape."The last call before the call ends, you plan to maintain radio silence to avoid information leakage."

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 has warned that the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau may be monitoring network information. Although it takes time to retrieve big data, it is best to be careful.

"clear."Wei Ziyang responded.

After answering, Wei Ziyang took off the wireless communication headset and reminded the other three people to take off the wireless headset first and turn it off to keep the radio silent.

"Follow my instructions in everything that follows. If you do anything unusual, I will take any action depending on the situation."Wei Ziyang reminded me.

"Baozi, Captain Tian, ​​you don’t have to worry, we have a complete escape plan."Wei Ziyang added.

Bao Decai agreed carelessly,"No problem, we will follow the arrangement. Tian

Ziyang said hesitantly,"If we don't escape in the end, what are your plans?""

"I hope you can understand by destroying the target first and ending yourself secondly so as to avoid falling into the opponent's hands."Wei Ziyang said decisively.

Tian Ziyang breathed a sigh of relief,"I think so too!"

"The escape begins!"Wei Ziyang started the individual aircraft. He led the way and flew north as planned.

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