Renyi Security Company has the advantage of Renyi Security Company, which is the almost unlimited supply of funds from Anliang.

Therefore, Renyi Security Company is very fast in terms of development speed, and when laying out the plan, the budget is also very sufficient, so that it is almost foolproof.

At the foot of Mount Fuji on the east side, two Land Cruisers spontaneously ignited. A raging fire broke out in a short period of time, quickly devouring various equipment in the car.

Such a situation was naturally discovered by Neon, but since the two Land Cruisers were designed with self-destruction systems, they were fully prepared.

Just three minutes later, with the help of combustion accelerants, the two Land Cruisers turned into steel skeletons. Except for some charging wires that were retained, nothing else was left at all.

If you want to investigate more information through two Land Cruisers, it is completely nonsense.

When the Operations Division of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau arrived at the parking spot of the two Land Cruisers, the flames had already burned out, and the scene was cordoned off by Metropolitan Police Department personnel.

Personnel from the Operations Division of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau immediately began further investigation, including the arrival time of the two Land Cruisers, footage captured by security surveillance cameras along the way, etc.

It was less than an hour after they confirmed that the two Land Cruisers had arrived. The staff of the Operations Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau breathed a sigh of relief. Because Mount Fuji is very large, they couldn't do much in less than an hour. things.

However, they didn't know that Wei Ziyang and his team owned a personal aircraft!

This is the intelligence crushing brought about by the advantages of technological equipment.

The north side of Mount Fuji.

Wei Ziyang led the way and flew quickly. Although the radio was kept silent, Wei Ziyang had received the specific escape plan in advance.

Their target was Otsuki City, about thirty kilometers away in the north-east direction.

Given that there are mountain roads all the way, this escape route is absolutely impossible to choose under normal circumstances, but the individual aircraft offset all mobility difficulties.

Only twenty minutes later, Wei Ziyang and his party traveled through the mountains and forests to Dayue City, and successfully contacted the escape plan executors of Renyi Security Company.

Renyi Security Company has prepared a van in Otsuki City. The van has also been deeply modified and has charging equipment inside to facilitate the charging of individual aircraft.

The van took four people from Otsuki City all the way to Imabetsu Town at the northernmost tip of the island, a journey of nearly a thousand kilometers.

The journey went very smoothly, it just took most of the day.

Fortunately, An Liang didn't need to go to school every day. Otherwise, how would he have time to pay attention to the escape operation?

On the outskirts of Imabetsu Town at the northernmost tip of Neon Island, the four of Wei Ziyang used individual aircraft to easily cross the strait of more than 20 kilometers, and once again met with the personnel of Renyi Security Company's escape plan.

Renyi Security Company has a great influence in Hokkaido, mainly because Hokkaido is relatively backward in the development of Neon. The entire Hokkaido feels like a large rural area. The Neon Court did not pay enough attention to Hokkaido, so it gave Renyi Security Company an opportunity to develop..

After entering Hokkaido, Wei Ziyang canceled radio silence and used the deep network to contact An Liang.

"BOSS, we have entered Hokkaido, the target is well preserved, and it is estimated that it will take eight hours to cross Hokkaido."Wei Ziyang reported

"Received, follow the escape plan and the relevant identification code has been sent to you. When you cross the sea and enter South Curil Island, remember to send the identification code to the fleet on the North Bear Country."An Liang said remindingly.

"receive."Wei Ziyang responded.

After An Liang contacted Wei Ziyang, he took the initiative to contact Huang Guoxiang.

After Huang Guoxiang connected to the voice contact of the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software, An Liang spoke first,"The escape plan was successful. Our team has arrived in Hokkaido. It is expected that Enter South Curiel Island in eight hours"

"Is there no risk in Hokkaido?"As soon as Huang Guoxiang heard this, he knew that Wei Ziyang or Gui Changwen had contacted An Liang, and he immediately asked worriedly

"Don’t worry, our power in Hokkaido is quite strong."An Liang took the initiative to reveal the information.

Huang Guoxiang was silent for a few seconds before responding,"Your tentacles are stretching longer and longer. What exactly do you want to do?"

"Would you believe me if I said I didn’t want to do anything?"An Liang replied casually

"Do you think I believe it or not?"Huang Guoxiang complained

"It's just in case. For example, if we encounter the current situation, wouldn't it be better if we are prepared in advance?"An Liang replied jokingly.

Huang Guoxiang didn't believe a word An Liang said....


I don’t even believe the punctuation! in case?

Isn’t the price of this precaution too high?

In fact, the real reason is still the arrival of economic resources.

An Liang can earn a lot of economic benefits in more than a year, but in the real world, the resources that An Liang controls are still lacking. Therefore, An Liang converts economic resources into other resources to accumulate his own foundation and increase himself. of control.

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