Near the northernmost coastline of Hokkaido.

Wei Ziyang was keenly aware that someone was following the coastline, and there were police patrols at the dock.

Something is wrong with this situation!

Wei Ziyang once again contacted An Liang through the dark web. After waiting for the contact, Wei Ziyang immediately reported the situation here.

‘Suzaku 1: Boss, what should we do now?’

‘Zero: This situation is normal. '

An Liang told him about deliberately betraying intelligence.

‘Zero: You have a single-soldier aircraft, and the other party's patrols have no effect at all. You choose a suitable opportunity and fly directly to South Curiel Island in the North Bear Country.’

‘Zero: We have made arrangements. The warships from the North Bear Kingdom will cover you.’

‘Zero: We arranged a private jet on South Curiel Island, detoured from the northern bear country, and finally flew back to the country. '

Under normal circumstances, flights should fly directly from Neon Country to Xia Country.

But Anliang is worried about an accident!

What if the Neon Kingdom becomes insane?

Even in the era of 2020, some crazy courts still use missiles to attack civilian airliners.

Therefore, we should be prepared for the hidden dangers that we should be prepared for.

‘Suzaku 1: Got it. '

Wei Ziyang interrupted the network connection, conveyed An Liang's message, and then the four of them jointly selected the 'smuggling' location.

For the four people who own individual air vehicles, any stealth location is suitable, but they need to choose a location without patrols.

After some screening, they selected a cliff that was not suitable for ships to land on, and then activated the individual aircraft to jump down and take off.

Less than a minute after they took off, they were discovered by the guided missile frigates of the Pacific Fleet of the Bear Kingdom. Fortunately, they had the identification code provided by Dmitri.

The six warships of the North Bear Kingdom's Pacific Fleet turned a blind eye to the four of Wei Ziyang and allowed the other party to approach, and finally leapt over the six warships and flew directly to South Curil Island.

On the guided-missile destroyer Svarog, Captain Ruslan looked at the four operators who used individual aircraft to cross the warship, and he smiled.

"Dima, our mission is accomplished, right? Ruslan asked another destroyer captain using the communicator.

Dima responded in the communicator,"Yes, our mission has been completed, but there is still more than one day left. Let's compete in fishing?""

"One hundred thousand bets? Ruslan asked back

"It's a bit small. Let's raise the stakes a little. How about one million? Dima asked back

"no problem!"Ruslan agreed with a smile, he is a fishing master!

Wei Ziyang and the four of them flew past the six warships of the North Bear Kingdom with worry, and finally landed on South Curil Island, and then went to the airport of South Curil Island according to their escape plan.

When they were waiting for the South Curil Island Airport, the private plane arranged by An Liang was already waiting, and then took them to the North Bear Country, and then from the North Bear Country to the Xia Kingdom Imperial Capital.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Wei Ziyang took advantage of the information provided by the aircraft. Satellite network, he contacted the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan on the dark network. He did not contact An Liang directly this time because he was worried about the network problem in the plane.

So Wei Ziyang contacted the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan. In this way, even if the private plane provided If there is a problem with your network, it will be blocked by Number Four.

‘Suzaku 1: We are already on the return flight and it is estimated that it will take four hours to arrive at the Imperial Capital.’

‘No. 4: Received’

‘No. 4: The private plane you are traveling on is a private plane registered by the Northern Bear Country and is protected by the Northern Bear Country.’

‘No. 4: Once you leave the polar bear country, our satellites will follow you all the way, and there will be no security problems.’

‘Suzaku 1: Okay. '

Neon Intelligence Bureau.

Yuuki Kazama held a high-level meeting again. He pounded the conference table with a gloomy expression,"Just now, the Hokkaido Police Department and the branch there have received the latest information. It was discovered that four personnel were suspected of using a single device. The military flying device set off from the cliffs of Rausu Town and flew directly over the Northern Bear Kingdom's fleet to South Curiel Island."

"Those fleets from the Northern Bear Kingdom had no obstruction at all!" Kazama Yushu said angrily.

"The North Bear Country and the Xia Country are on the same side!"Yushu Kazama was filled with anger.

"Mr. Takeda, please contact the intelligence personnel of the Pacific Fleet and ask them what their situation is." Kazama Yuuki ordered.

Takeda Akimura said with a wry smile,"The dark network contact information given by the other party is invalid, and our intelligence personnel cannot contact the other party."

"Damn it!"Kazama Yuuki snorted. He realized that the previous information fees seemed to be deceived.

Because although the information given by the other party was true, it was seriously insufficient in timeliness.

Takeda Akura was also aware of such a problem, so Takeda Akira The village can only pretend to be quail, shrinking its neck and not daring to speak

"Kiuchi-kun, have you found any clues?" Kazama Yuuki asked.

Kiuchi Kazuki responded slightly awkwardly,"We have investigated the modified car industry in coastal areas, but did not find anything suspicious. The other party's modified cars do not seem to be completed in coastal areas, and we are expanding the investigation. Area"

"Nagai-kun, I hope you can give me good news!"Yuki Kazama stared at Shota Nagai of the Cybersecurity Department.

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