Facing the inquiry from Intelligence Minister Kazama Yuki, Nagai Shota secretly felt bitter. How could he have any good news?

"Mr. Kazama, we have found two things."Shouta Nagai responded

"Talk about it." Kazama Yushu asked

"From the satellite network data we intercepted before, after our analysis and restoration, we pieced together a relatively complete image. Xia Guo's action seems to be to collect something from Mount Fuji."Shouta Nagai explained.

"What about images? Yuuki Kazama asked immediately.

Shota Nagai operated on his mobile phone and sent the image on the mobile phone to the big screen in the conference room. The corresponding image was a picture of a deep pit after the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus in the mountains had been violently excavated.

"We have already analyzed that the scope of the other party's excavation was about 30 centimeters and the depth was close to 50 centimeters. According to the analysis, the other party took away a considerable amount of soil and rocks."Analysis by Shota Nagai.

Kazuki Kiuchi of the Operations Department looked at the guessed analysis of the image,"Is the other party obtaining soil information and rock information, and detecting the mountain information of Mount Fuji, and finally designing an explosion plan to cause Mount Fuji to erupt?"

Mount Fuji is an active volcano!

Although according to historical records, Mount Fuji last erupted in 1707 and became dormant after that, but what if Xia Guo has a way to cause Mount Fuji to reactivate?

Yuuki Kazama did not refute this, which sounded fanciful. Tan's guess.

Because it involves the Xia Kingdom, no matter what the outrageous guess is, they must consider the possibility.

If Anliang knows their guess, I'm afraid Anliang will laugh like a pig!

Reactivate Mount Fuji?

This is also That’s ridiculous!

"Have you found this location? Yuuki Kazama asked.

Shota Nagai responded,"We have arranged for the local police department to conduct a drone investigation. We guess that the other party did not destroy this pothole when they left.""

In fact, there really isn't!

After all, there's not enough time.

"We need to find this pothole as soon as possible and learn more about the specific situation." Yuuki Kazama added

"What about the second thing?"Kazama Yushu asked again

"We also processed half of the image."Shouta Nagai showed half of the image. It was a rather weird image, as if it was missing many pixels. It felt a bit transparent, like a hollow painting.

"In this half of the picture, we can see that the other party seems to be digging for stones. We don't understand the importance of these stones for the time being."Shouta Nagai added the explanation.

Yushu Kazama looked at this half of the image, he frowned slightly, then thought about it, and then ordered,"Send this half of the image to me, I want to consult someone."

Nagai Shouta immediately sent the picture to Kazama Yuuki on his mobile phone, but did not ask Kazama Yuuki who he wanted to consult.

After Kazama Yuuki received the picture, he sent the picture again and added additional information, requesting The other party recognized the situation of this picture.

However, in less than a minute, Yuuki Kazama’s phone rang. Yuuki Kazama looked at the caller ID and answered the call without hesitation.

"Where did you get that picture?"Anbei Jinshan's voice came over.

Yushu Kazama asked,"What is that picture?"

"Didn't you guess it?"Anbei Jinshan asked back.

"you sure?" Kazama Yushu asked again.

Anbei Jinshan snorted,"I'm sure! Where did this picture come from?"

"Mount Fuji."Yuki Kazama didn't hide it either.

"Mount Fuji? Anbei Jinshan was stunned for a moment,"When did it happen?""

"yesterday."Yuki Kazama responded

"Oops!"Abe Jinshan gritted his teeth and said,"The previous unusual actions of the Northern Bear Kingdom's Pacific Fleet, coupled with what you discovered, I can conclude that Anxin Investment is behind the scenes!"

"I believe you should know about Anxin Investment’s global search for thousand-year-old Astragalus?"Anbei Jinshan asked back.

"In order to seize a thousand-year-old astragalus plant in India, Anxin invested in it and even uprooted the strongest local forces. They are bound to get the thousand-year-old astragalus plant!"Anbei Jinshan added

"Hurry up and block Neon and bring any suspicious situations under control!"Anbei Jinshan said eagerly.

If the thousand-year-old astragalus is found in Neon territory, then Anbei Jinshan will be saved!

After all, it is extremely difficult to get the thousand-year-old astragalus from Anxin Investment, but Nihong The Hong Imperial Court has obtained the thousand-year-old astragalus, and it will be much easier for Anbei Jinshan to obtain it.

"It's too late!"Kazama Yuuki smiled bitterly.

Although Anbei Jinshan has confirmed the information about the thousand-year-old Astragalus, the confirmation time was too late. According to the information received by their Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, Xia Kingdom's operatives have arrived in the North Bear Country. South Curiel Island

"What's the meaning?"Abe Jinshan asked back.

Yushu Kazama briefly explained the situation, and finally concluded,"The other party has succeeded and arrived at South Curiel Island in the North Bear Country. We have no way to track the other party."

"idiot!"An Bei Jinshan cursed angrily.

The thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus in Neon territory was actually broken in and stolen by Anxin Investment. What kind of thing is this?


Update time: September 11, 2021 00:09:25, good night.

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