Ralph and Anliang had the same idea, and he responded affirmatively,"Received."

In the comprehensive intelligence communication channel, Dmitri asked casually,"How long do you think it will take for Neon to discover the disappearance of the patrol?"

Anliang responded casually. After a sigh,"This period of time will not be too long, it may be only five minutes, or even shorter."

Dmitri agreed,"I guess it won't be too long."

Dmitri added Said,"I just hope that Neon will move slower. After all, they have to go up the mountain to check the patrol team. In the late night environment, they shouldn't move too fast, right?"

An Liang said negatively,"I doubt they will Send out the helicopter!"

"this..."Dmitri said hesitantly,"It shouldn't be possible, right?"

Dmitri continued,"We have observed with Earth observation optical satellites that there are no areas for helicopters to land near the four suspicious areas, even if Arranging for a helicopter to go there shouldn't be of much use."

An Liang asked negatively,"Why do we need to land?"

"How to conduct ground inspection without landing?"Dmitri asked the same question.

An Liang asked curiously,"Hasn't your Northern Bear Country practiced helicopter hovering and air landing?"

Dmitri explained a little awkwardly,"About the hovering and air landing of helicopters, it is actually not as simple as you think. Let's not talk about the night environment problem. Just the air landing environment on mountain slopes is very bad."

"To put it simply, it is actually more difficult to hover and land by helicopter."Dmitri concluded.

Anliang casually proposed the second possibility,"What if the other party fires directly in the sky?"

"..."Dmitri could not argue with this.

While Anliang and Dmitri were discussing, the Hokuma Earth Observation Optical Satellite spotted a helicopter taking off from the parking lot at the foot of Mount Fuji on the east side.

An Liang's words came true!

Dmitri immediately contacted Ralph on the comprehensive intelligence communication channel,"Ralph, you guys need to hurry up. The satellite has discovered that Neon has dispatched helicopters."

An Liang added a reminder,"Neon has dispatched eight helicopters. Helicopter!"

"..."Ralph was speechless.

But the next moment, An Liang continued to add,"We found the target!"

"Ralph, Andre from your group hit the target!"Anliang reminded.

Ralph immediately greeted,"Andre, stop immediately. There is a target in the image you took. Wait for the order."

Andre had a look of surprise on his face,"Have I found the target?"

"This is the intelligence fed back from headquarters."Ralph responded.

In less than two minutes, Ralph found the thousand-year-old Astragalus under the command of An Liang. He immediately ordered,"Dig out the target immediately, and notify the other three groups to retreat and run away according to the predetermined plan."

"receive."Ralph gestured to his teammates to dig up thousand-year-old astragalus, and at the same time ordered the other three groups to retreat through wireless headsets.

Anliang made a retreat plan for the Triglav Special Operations Team, and still followed the retreat route of Otsuki City, but No longer taking the direction of Hokkaido, but directly across the Neon Island, and then flying to the sea with the help of individual flying devices, and finally being picked up by the submarine of the North Bear Country. The members of the Triglav Special Operations Team practiced before setting off For the training related to digging the thousand-year-old astragalus, Ralph and the four men used engineering shovels to dig quickly. In less than three minutes, they dug out a thousand-year-old astragalus that was more than 20 centimeters long.

After the Ralph team got the thousand-year-old astragalus, they dug out the thousand-year-old astragalus. After Huang Qi, he also ran away quickly. Less than a minute after they left, Neon's two helicopters arrived at the place where the patrol disappeared and discovered that the patrol had been killed.

This situation made the Neon court furious. Angry, they quickly launched a search operation on Mount Fuji.

However, the advantages of the individual flying device were too great, both in terms of maneuverability and concealment, and they easily avoided the helicopter search arranged by Neon. Nihong time, it was close to four o'clock in the morning.

Yuuki Kazama of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau asked with a tired face,"Still haven't found the operatives this time?"

Operation Director Kazuki Kinuchi reported,"By checking the conditions of eight operational patrol members, we determined that the firearms used by the other party were all the most advanced models of the Northern Bear Country."

"What Kiuchi-kun means is that the operatives this time are from the Northern Bear Country? Kazama Yuuki asked back.

Kiuchi Kazuki responded hesitantly,"Can't be sure." We all know that that person has a very good relationship with the North Bear Kingdom. During his previous actions in the East China Sea of ​​the Xia Kingdom, the North Bear Country even arranged a fleet to protect him, so we can’t be sure whether it was the North Bear Kingdom that was acting or that person from The Northern Bear Country has acquired the most advanced equipment"

"boom!"Yuki Kazama punched the conference table.

"Where are the traces of those operatives?"Yuki Kazama snorted coldly,"We arranged a large number of personnel to blockade Mount Fuji, but the opponent still broke through our defense line, killed eight of our patrols, and even escaped our tracking."

"Could it be that all the people we arranged are a bunch of pigs?"Kazama Yushu was angry.

"Even if they are really a bunch of pigs, they will at least grunt and chirp twice!"Kazama Yushu's heart was full of anger, because this time Neon's performance was really bad. The situation this time was almost exactly the same as the last time. Their Neon's defense power was played around and there was no resistance at all.

Kiuchi Kazuki responded,"We have strictly blocked traffic to the Hokkaido area, including the strait between the main island and Hokkaido, and have also deployed strict defense forces. Once the other party wants to go to South Curil Island, we will You will find each other."Kuchi Kazuki said confidently.

Kazama Yuuki breathed a sigh of relief,"Strictly check all suspicious situations. If this operation fails again, I will definitely not feel comfortable, but you don't want to feel bad either!"

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