Neon time, close to five o'clock in the morning.

In Kitagawa Town, more than 200 kilometers northwest of Mount Fuji, all sixteen members of the Triglav Special Operations Team successfully broke through and gathered at the retreat point.

They took advantage of the dim light in the morning to activate their individual flying devices and quickly flew away from the coastline to avoid being discovered by the Neon Man after dawn.

Nearly 70 kilometers away from the coastline, everyone landed one after another and used inflatable life jackets to float on the sea, waiting for the response from the North Bear Country submarine.

In less than a minute, a submarine surfaced less than a hundred meters away from everyone, and Ralph swam over with everyone.

After entering the submarine, Ralph had time to report on the integrated intelligence communication channel

"The operation is completed, we have obtained the target and are currently returning."Ralph reported.

An Liang said with a smile on the comprehensive intelligence communication channel,"Congratulations on completing the mission. We have sent personnel to your headquarters to hand over the target and brought gifts to you all."

"You need to take a good rest now. When you wake up, you can see the gifts I have prepared for you!" An Liang added with a smile.

Ralph suppressed his curiosity and responded gratefully,"Thank you, we really need to rest."

An Liang also needs to rest!

An Liang also paid attention to this operation all night long.

Nearly eight hours later, at around 12 noon, Xia Kingdom time, and around 7 o'clock in the morning, North Bear Kingdom time, An Liang woke up from his sleep and took aim. He glanced at his phone and saw that there was no message yet. It seemed that the submarine from the North Bear Country had not returned to the headquarters.

An Liang casually sent a message to the two sisters of the Xia family.

‘An Liang: @夏和心: @夏如意: Have you had lunch?’

‘Xia Ruyi: [Picture of Yuyue’s light food]’

‘Xia Ruyi: You are eating, are you awake?’

‘Xia Hexin: Yuyue’s light food is quite delicious.’

‘An Liang: Well, I just woke up. I had some work matters yesterday and needed to stay up late.’

‘An Liang: Let me order a light meal too.’

‘An Liang: Let’s have dinner together tonight?’

‘Xia Ruyi: Okay!’

‘Xia Hexin: What to eat?’

‘An Liang: [smirk]’

‘An Liang: Of course it’s you’

‘Xia Ruyi: [Humph]’

‘Xia Hexin: [rolls eyes]’

‘An Liang: You guys have a look at what you want to eat this afternoon and wait until you decide.’

‘Xia Ruyi: Okay, let’s take a look in the afternoon. '

The three chatted some more, and An Liang received a message from Fan Ping.

‘Fan Ping: Mr. An and Mr. Li from Xiongzhang Company sent a business letter saying that their Xiongzhang Company has completely divested itself of the quantum computer project and we can take it over at any time.’

‘An Liang: This guy finally let go! '

Xiong Zhang Company's progress on the quantum computer project is very slow. An Liang has completed the random tasks of the Life Winner System before, but Li Hongyan just doesn't let go.

Now that he has finally let go, Anliang finally has the opportunity to make plans in the field of quantum computers!

‘An Liang: Let you handle this matter?’

‘Fan Ping: I’m afraid not’

‘Fan Ping: Mr. Li from Xiongzhang Company said that he would come to Tianfu in person tomorrow and that he hoped to communicate face-to-face with Mr. An. '

What does Li Hongyan, an old fox, want to do?

An Liang secretly guessed what Li Hongyan's purpose was, but no matter what Li Hongyan's purpose was, An Liang decided to meet Li Hongyan.

‘An Liang: Okay’

‘An Liang: When will the other party come?’

‘Fan Ping: The other party’s red-eye flight today’

‘An Liang: Then arrange their accommodation in the Nina Hotel next door to us, and directly arrange the presidential suite.’

‘Fan Ping: Received’

‘An Liang: When you and the other party confirm the hotel, please confirm the time for tomorrow. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, we will directly meet in the conference room of our Anxin Investment.’

‘Fan Ping: Got it. '

From the current point of view, Xiongzhang Company is indeed relatively poor, but Xiongzhang Company is now in the accumulation stage, and their family has many potential technology projects.

From a technical perspective, Xiongzhang Company is indeed at the forefront in artificial intelligence technology, far surpassing Goose and Sanshi Company, which focus on games and investments.

But Bear Paw Company also had a big problem. Bear Paw Company had relatively few sources of economic income, so it could only find solutions through the advertising business, and eventually it became a company that everyone hated.

An Liang doesn't like Xiongzhang Company very much, but he covets Xiongzhang Company's technology.

Whether it is a quantum computer project, an artificial intelligence system project, a smart city project based on artificial intelligence system development, or a future city concept integrating 5G communication technology, etc.

These are the technologies that Anliang covets.

If these technologies can be obtained from Xiongzhang Company, then Xiongzhang Company will be considered a great meritorious deed.

At present, An Liang has developed the quantum computer project of Xiong Zhang Company. If there is a chance, An Liang hopes that the next target will be Xiong Zhang Company's artificial intelligence system.

But the difficulty is very high!

After all, artificial intelligence technology is the core technology of Xiongzhang Company!

Bear Palm Company has developed a large number of derivative technologies around artificial intelligence technology. It is naturally impossible for Bear Palm Company to sell artificial intelligence technology!


Update time: September 16, 2021 00:03:20, good night


An Liang: Why is this so?

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