Anliang likes win-win cooperation!

Because Anliang knows very well that only win-win cooperation between both parties can be stable and lasting.

If only Anliang benefits, then why should the Pacific Fleet cooperate with Anliang?

Could it be that An Liang has the aura of a domineering king?

Isn't that just nonsense?

"Of course we cooperate in good faith!"Dmitri agreed with a smile.

After dealing with the matter of the thousand-year-old astragalus, Anliang didn't say anything more. He just said a few words of blessing and ended the call. The laptop screen showed the 'Off-Line' sign. , which means Anliang is offline.

Dmitri greeted everyone,"North Bears, let the friends of Xia Country feel our enthusiasm!"

Old bachelor Green directly picked up a bottle of vodka and cheered,"We polar bears are extremely enthusiastic! Ula!"

Ralph agreed,"Triglavs, let our friends understand our fighting power!"


"call! call!"

The members of the Triglav Special Operations Team cheered one after another. Qin Tianxiang smiled bitterly, these Bears are poisonous!

They are indeed Bears who can use antifreeze as vodka, right?

Dmitry originally also He wanted to participate in the drinking event, but he received a private contact from An Liang. He did not answer An Liang's private contact in the canteen, but answered it after he left.

"Anything else?"Dmitri asked first.

"Do you know the Neon Nuclear Pollution Wastewater Discharge Plan?"Anliang asked back.

Dmitri responded doubtfully,"I know, didn't Neon announce a suspension?"

Dmitri continued,"I remember that you were targeting Neon's nuclear wastewater discharge plan before. This time Neon's nuclear wastewater discharge plan was forced to be suspended. It seems that you are behind the scenes, right? An Liang did not deny it,"

Then do you know why I want to target the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan?" Dmitri was a little unsure of what An Liang meant. He joked tentatively,"Could it be that you are an environmentalist?""

The nuclear wastewater discharge plan formulated by Neon once aroused crazy opposition from environmentalists.

If Anliang is an environmentalist, does it make sense?

Anliang sneered and skipped the topic of environmentalists. He He said casually,"I have a brand new cooperation project. In the long run, the annual income of this project can reach 10 billion.""

"ruble?"Dmitri asked immediately.

If it is 10 billion rubles, it is equivalent to only 879 million Xia Guoyuan.

An Liang responded negatively,"I am from Xia Guoyuan, of course I mean Xia Guoyuan"

"Xia Guoyuan!"Dmitri couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because 10 billion Xia Guoyuan was converted into rubles, which was more than 113 billion!

"I estimate that this project will be profitable for at least thirty years. Are you interested? An Liang asked.

Dmitri responded without hesitation,"I'm interested!" Very interested! What project? How do we work together? An

Liang answered,"This project is about the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater. We have the technology for the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater.""

"I see!"Dmitri suddenly realized!

"No wonder you are crazy about Neon’s nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan!"Dmitri said to himself,"Neon's nuclear contaminated wastewater reserves have exceeded 1.2 million tons. If they discharge this nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, you will lose one of your largest customers."

In Dmitri's view, this is all a battle of interests!

Because Neon's nuclear wastewater discharge plan involves huge interests, Anliang can make a lot of money through the nuclear wastewater discharge plan, so Anliang will target Neon. Hong's nuclear wastewater discharge plan.

An Liang guessed Dmitri's thoughts, but Anliang had no intention of correcting him. Isn't this misunderstanding good?

It just gave him a motive for the nuclear wastewater discharge plan.

"How do you plan to collaborate?"Dmitri asked again

"At present, the harmless treatment technology of nuclear contaminated wastewater we have mastered has passed technical verification. Through our technology, we can reduce the harmful substances in nuclear contaminated wastewater to as low as one percent."An Liang introduced the situation.

"Based on this technology, we hope to build a world-class harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater to treat nuclear contaminated wastewater for nuclear power plants around the world."An Liang described potential customers.

"The land costs, labor costs, energy costs, and tax costs of our country are all too high, so we hope to place this world-class harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater overseas."An Liang explained.

At this point, An Liang paused for two seconds before continuing to add,"There are currently three alternatives. The first one is Tyrande. I believe you should know our influence on Tyrande. force."

Dmitri did not refute. They cooperated with Anliang and naturally investigated Anliang.

"The second choice is Spain. I have a good relationship with their future queen. If I choose Spain, I should be able to get good tax incentives."An Liang added

"The third one is your Northern Bear Country."Anliang said three alternative answers, which was actually to put pressure on Dmitri and show that he had other options, thereby avoiding the negotiation from becoming passive.

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