Faced with the three choices proposed by An Liang, Dmitri responded without hesitation,"Of course we must choose our Northern Bear Country!"

"oh? An Liang pretended to be confused,"What's the reason?""

Dmitri said analytically,"First of all, let's talk about Tyrande's problem. Your power in Tyrande is indeed very large, but Tyrande's transportation is a big problem."

"What's more critical is that Tyrande cannot provide stable power!"Dmitry added.

Tyrande's infrastructure is indeed relatively backward. Except for the capital Guman, the power supply system in other regions really cannot guarantee stable and continuous supply.

After all, Anliang wants to build a world-class nuclear wastewater-free facility. Chemical treatment plants have huge demand for electricity.

"As for the Western Hemisphere..."Dmitri thought carefully before responding,"The price of electricity in the Western Hemisphere is even higher than that of Xia Country. The labor costs there are also very expensive. Under the same conditions, they are definitely not as good as our Northern Bear Country."

Dmitry continued,"If you choose our country, we will provide the most favorable conditions, whether it is land cost or tax policy. We are willing to provide the most favorable conditions.""

"Can you make decisions?"Anliang asked back.

Dmitri denied,"I can't make a decision, but I can make suggestions, and I can be sure that both Emperor Push and others will agree to such conditions."

"I suggest you discuss the basics first. An Liang reminded him,"When you have a definite answer, we will discuss it in detail.""

"Wait a moment, I will contact Emperor Pushy immediately to report the situation."Dmitri responded and hung up the phone.

Dmitri directly contacted Emperor Push, reported in detail the project Anliang mentioned, and waited patiently for Emperor Push to think. Emperor Push was silently thinking about the harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater. It took almost five minutes before Emperor Push responded to Dmitry.

"Dmitry, you strive to keep this world-class nuclear-contaminated wastewater harmless treatment plant in our country. This plant will bring new jobs and a new supporting industry chain. These are all We have to fight for it!"Emperor Pushi explained.

A world-class harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater is located in the North Bear Country. Will it at least drive economic development in the surrounding areas?

For example, the catering industry?

Or products related to nuclear radiation protection?

Another example is the related business of transporting nuclear contaminated wastewater from around the world, etc.?

Emperor Push explained the bottom line of the negotiation to Dmitri in detail, and finally reminded,"As long as the other party's request is not particularly excessive, then Just agree to the other party's request."

Dmitri replied affirmatively,"Understood."

After the exchange between Dmitry and Emperor Push was over, he took the initiative to contact Anliang again.

Anliang asked first,"Is there any result?"

"Um!"Dmitri said confidently,"We can provide quite a lot of preferential policies!"

In order to retain Anliang, Emperor Push made a lot of concessions and gave Dmitri considerable authority to build a world-class harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater in the North Bear Country.

So Dmitri is full of confidence..

However, Anliang did not ask Dmitri what preferential policies he could provide. He directly threw out Wang Zha

"I can give you 10% of the equity of this world-class harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater."Anliang said calmly.


Dmitri thought he was hallucinating!

"Boss An, you...What did you just say?"Dmitri asked back.

An Liang said it again calmly, and then added,"You can distribute and arrange this 10% equity as you wish. However, they only have dividend rights and do not have any management or voting rights."

"Of course, if you want to arrange for a manager to come in, we also support it."An Liang added an explanation.

The subtext of this is that An Liang accepts the issue of Northern Bear Country arranging financial personnel to come in to supervise the accounts.

Dmitri hesitated, gritted his teeth and said,"If this is the case, I need to re- Contact Push the Great."

How could Dmitri expect that Anliang, a guy like him, would directly come up and throw a tantrum?

Whether it was Dmitri or Emperor Push, they just wanted Anliang to determine the location of a world-class harmless treatment plant for nuclear contaminated wastewater. The North Bear Country, thereby bringing certain economic development to the North Bear Country.

As a result, Anliang threw away huge profits as soon as he came up. Who can withstand this?

Anliang described to Dmitri that world-class nuclear contaminated wastewater is harmless Dmitri himself has roughly estimated the profitability of the chemical treatment plant. Even if there is a difference between the real situation and what Anliang described, the difference should not be big.

Now that Anliang has given them 10% of the shares, that is equivalent to Earn tens of billions of rubles in dividends a year.

Dmitri cannot decide such a big thing!


Update time: September 17, 2021 00:01:36, good night.

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