An Liang is very good at manipulating people's hearts. He can always seize the weaknesses of human nature and exploit them.

For example, in this negotiation with the Northern Bear Country, Anliang once again acted out of common sense.

Naturally, Dmitri could not decide on the major matter of annual income of 10 billion rubles. He once again contacted Emperor Push and reported the specific situation.

Emperor Push also fell into silence. After almost a minute, Emperor Push asked,"What do you think his purpose is?"

Dmitri hesitated for a moment, then responded,"I have some ideas."

Demetri Terry continued to add,"According to Waiters' investigation, that person has a very good reputation in the Xia Kingdom and likes to share interests in cooperation, thus forming a long-term interest group."

"So this time too?"The Great Pushi laughed,"Which one hopes to form a solid interest group with us?"

"very possible!"Dmitri responded affirmatively.

"So I have a guess." Dmitry added

"Talk about it."Emperor Pushi answered.

Mitri spoke in detail,"According to the comprehensive analysis of the intelligence we have, that person is very deeply involved with the Xia Kingdom's court."........................................

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Dmitri denied,"If it is just cooperation, the other party will definitely not give us equity."

Emperor Push suddenly realized,"It turns out to be an equity exchange!"

Dmitri definitely agreed,"Yes, the other party is willing to give up some equity. With annual profits of tens of billions of rubles, one must hope to obtain corresponding resources, such as the property rights of oil fields."

Dmitri added,"If it is just exporting, there may be changes at any time, but if the other party holds the equity of the oil field, then It’s different!"

"Great Emperor, how should we handle this matter?"Dmitri asked tentatively.

The North Bear Country and the Xia Country are indeed allies and core strategic partners. They are holding hands against the Bald Eagle Country.

However, they are not the same family after all!

The North Bear Country has the North Bear Country. The interests of the Xia State also have the interests of the Xia State. On this core issue, Emperor Pushi did not directly decide

"What do you think?" Emperor Push asked Dmitri.

Dmitri said cautiously,"If we bring in that person's capital and according to that person's reputation, we will indeed have good development opportunities."

"Secondly, Xia State is very dependent on oil. Even if we provide support, it will only alleviate the problem."Dmitri added.

There are more than 50 countries in the world that provide oil to the Xia Kingdom, and the North Bear Country is only one of them, accounting for less than 10% of the average annual total supply.

"Great Emperor, I think you can speak to that person in person and discuss the situation."Dmitri made a suggestion.

Emperor Push thought secretly. He is the emperor of the North Bear Kingdom, and his every move will be watched. If he contacts Anliang personally, if he is discovered, a series of consequences will occur. Influence.

Dmitri added,"That person has very skilled network technology experts under his command. The contact between us can be carried out through a confidential communication network to avoid being discovered by the outside world."

Hearing this, Emperor Push said in agreement,"In that case, let's contact the other party."

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