After Dmitri discussed it with Emperor Push, he immediately contacted Anliang again and explained the situation.

An Liang naturally did not refuse.

Nearly ten minutes later, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation established a confidential communication network, and An Liang contacted Emperor Push.

After waiting for the communication to be answered, Emperor Pushi greeted him first,"Hello, I am Pushi."

Anliang responded calmly,"Hello, Emperor, I am very happy to speak with you."

Even though he was talking to Emperor Pushi, Anliang remained silent. Feeling calm, because An Liang is now at the top of the pyramid, and he is qualified to face anyone equally.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the two parties got down to business and began to discuss the world-class nuclear wastewater treatment plant.

"Where do you plan to locate the nuclear wastewater treatment plant?" Emperor Push asked

"There are three options."Anliang explained,"The first choice is South Curil Island. This choice is close to Neon, which is convenient for Neon to transport the nuclear contaminated wastewater from Fushishima Nuclear Power Plant."

"The second option is near the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, and the third option is Provitensky on the west side of the White Collar Channel."An Liang said all his choices

"It's up to you to decide which one to choose."Anliang handed over the choice to Emperor Push.

Emperor Push thought for two seconds and then responded,"South Curil Island is not suitable. We only have more than 10,000 people on South Curil Island. In addition, infrastructure construction is relatively backward, including the power system, which has certain limitations."

An Liang naturally knows this.

"It is also not suitable to be near the Pacific Fleet headquarters. If a leak occurs, it will be a disaster for the Pacific Fleet."The Great Push once again rejected the second option.

In fact, the real reason was that he was worried about espionage at the Pacific Fleet headquarters.

"I prefer the Provetensky region, where maritime transportation is convenient, the power system is stable, and the population is sufficient."Emperor Push made his choice

"No problem, then choose the Provitensky region."An Liang agreed directly.

"Regarding construction issues, given that the Provitensky area is too cold, we need to hire your local construction team from the Northern Bear Country."An Liang added.

"Secondly, there is the problem of construction period. We hope that the sooner the better, so we need more construction personnel, and it is best to be able to carry out construction 24 hours a day. An Liang made the request.

Emperor Push smiled and agreed,"That's no problem at all!""

This is not only not a problem, but it will solve the problem for the Northern Bear Country.

Because this can provide a large number of jobs for the Northern Bear Country."

"By the way, tax matters..."An Liang clicked on the tax preferential policies.

Emperor Push said in response,"We have studied the tax exemption policy of your Xia Kingdom. The most important tax exemption policy is three years of tax exemption and three years of half tax reduction."

This is Xia Kingdom's [three exemptions and three reductions] Semi】Tax preferential policies

"We provide tax exemption policy for six years and half tax reduction for six years!"Emperor Pushi directly doubled the preferential policies of Xia Kingdom.

This tax exemption policy is very sincere!

Emperor Pushi continued to add,"In terms of power supply, we can promise to give you priority in providing power supply and provide dual-line power. supply to ensure the stability of your electricity consumption"

"Secondly, in terms of the price of electric energy, we can provide a discount of at least 20%."Emperor Pushy added additional preferential conditions.

"If you need other preferential conditions, such as visa convenience and financial settlement support, we can tailor a corresponding plan for you."Emperor Push showed the utmost sincerity.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Thank you, Emperor, these conditions are very good. However, I hope we can deepen our cooperation!"

‘really! 'Emperor Pushi understood Anliang's hint.

But Emperor Push pretended not to understand and asked,"How do you want to deepen cooperation?"

"Regarding your country's oil resources, we can further cooperate."Anliang went straight to the point.

Dmitri's guess was correct. Anliang placed the world-class nuclear wastewater treatment plant in the North Bear Country. In addition to deepening the cooperative relationship with the North Bear Country, the biggest reason was to cooperate in petroleum..

If Xia State wants to target Bao Province, it will inevitably trigger a counterattack from Bald Eagle State.

The best way for Bald Eagle State to attack Xia State is to directly cut off Xia State's oil supply, thus causing Xia State to fall into an oil energy crisis.

It is precisely because of such a crisis that Xia Guo is making crazy efforts in the new energy vehicle project.

An Liang naturally knows how to alleviate such a crisis, that is to let the Northern Bear Country provide more oil to Xia Guo.

If the Northern Bear Country is allowed to The oil has replaced the oil cut off by the Bald Eagle Country. The Xia Kingdom is not worried about the blockade of the Bald Eagle Country at all. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the attitude of the Bald Eagle Country on the issue of Bao Province.

An Liang has always said that he does not care about the issue of Bao Province. , in fact, he has been paying attention secretly, and hopes to completely close the network!

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