An Liang attaches great importance to cooperation with the Northern Bear Country.

As for the reason?

Of course, the Northern Bear Country is reckless enough!

Take the activities of countries around the world in the ocean as an example. Whether it is the Xia Kingdom or the Bald Eagle Kingdom, if they encounter pirates, they will usually warn and drive them away, and will not directly open fire on the pirates.

But the North Bear Country is different. The North Bear Country prefers to attack pirates and use force to drive them away.

As for not leaving?

Looking for death?

Another example is the issue of territorial waters conflicts.

Most countries will also choose to warn and expel.

However, the North Bear Country will choose to attack, and it is not the type to bully the weak. Even when a British ship is suspected of intruding into the territorial waters of the North Bear Country, the North Bear Country will choose to shoot instead of shouting through the radio.

In view of the fact that the Northern Bear Country is so reckless, and the economic situation of the Northern Bear Country is quite bad, coupled with the Northern Bear Country's strong military force, Anliang naturally likes to cooperate with the Northern Bear Country.

After all, if Anliang needs military support, the North Bear Country is the best choice.

It is precisely because of this that An Liang gave a generous gift to Emperor Push, thus deepening their cooperative relationship.

‘An Liang: As long as Emperor Pushi likes it!’

‘Dmitry: By the way, have you found out the identity of the person who purchased Thousand-year-old Astragalus?’

‘An Liang: None of the three buyers have any intention of keeping it secret.’

‘An Liang: Heart-Breaker is the power of Great Britain, I guess it is the immortal queen’

‘An Liang: Phoenix is ​​Fipzell from the Bald Eagle Country. This pharmaceutical company once came to our ancestral home and wanted to steal our treasures.’

‘An Liang: I originally thought Wan Gu Fang was the buyer of our Xia Kingdom’

‘Dmitry: Isn't it?’

‘An Liang: Indeed not!’

‘An Liang: Wan Gufang is the buyer of Neon. If there are no accidents, he should be the former chief minister of Neon.’

‘Dmitry: It turned out to be that unlucky guy. He was deceived and actually drank the nuclear-contaminated wastewater from Tomima Nuclear Power Plant.’

‘Dmitry: I really don’t understand why normal people would drink nuclear-contaminated wastewater?’

‘An Liang: He is not in his right mind!’

‘Dmitri: That makes sense!’

‘Dmitry: There should be no other possibility except that the brain is abnormal.’

‘Dmitry: There is one more thing. The Neon court is accusing us of stealing Neon’s national treasure.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: What do you mean?’

‘An Liang: Is there any evidence for Neon?’

‘An Liang: Could it be that you exposed something?’

‘Dmitry: Of course not!’

‘An Liang: Since there is no evidence, what reason does the Neon Court have to accuse us?’

‘An Liang: Just ignore them.’

‘An Liang: There is no evidence for this kind of thing, just let neon toss it around’

‘Dmitry: We thought you were going to hold a Millennium Astragalus Exhibition’

‘An Liang: I'm not that kind of person!’

‘An Liang: There is an old saying in our country of Xia: Make a fortune by muttering’

‘An Liang: We have already reaped the benefits, so let’s not stimulate neon any more, lest the neon dog jumps over the wall.’

‘Dmitri: That makes sense.’

‘An Liang: Let’s not talk about it for now. It’s dinner time at six o’clock in the evening here in Xia Kingdom. I’m going to eat.’

‘Dmitry: OK. '

Anliang ended his communication with Dmitri because he received a message from Liu Ling. Liu Ling said that he had arrived at the parking lot of Yachu and would come over immediately.

In less than three minutes, Liu Ling entered the elegant room.

An Liang looked openly at Liu Ling. This beautiful witch wearing Gongshang Bank work clothes was as young and beautiful as ever. If An Liang hadn't known that Li Xiyan was going to school in Shanghai, he would have thought that Li Xiyan was skipping classes.

The two are so similar!

An Liang stood up, pulled out the seat next to him, and said,"Auntie, please sit down."

Under normal circumstances, business dinners usually involve sitting across from each other.

Because face-to-face communication is more suitable for business communication.

A situation like An Liang asking Liu Ling to sit next to him represents the close relationship between the two parties.

These are all psychology tips.

Liu Ling sat next to An Liang without refusing. On the surface, she sat calmly next to An Liang, but she felt inexplicably nervous in her heart.

"Are you, AXA, planning to open a new project in Shiliwan?"Liu Ling deliberately started the topic of business communication, and it was a topic that had already been discussed, so as to hide the nervousness in his heart.

An Liang smiled and nodded,"Yes, what I told Auntie before is true. Our Ansheng Construction is indeed centered around A big project in Shiliwan"

"But can you, AXA, be busy enough?"Liu Ling was confused.

"Your AXA occupies a very large share in the Xicheng development plan. You have also launched the large-scale comprehensive commercial center project of the Sail Power Production Base. Now that you are launching the Shiliwan project, your AXA should not be able to handle it, right?"Liu Ling added.

Before the rise of Anliang, Ansheng Construction was just a 'small' construction company with assets worth tens of millions.

When Anliang secured the business of the Xicheng Development Plan for its own construction company, the valuation of Ansheng Construction Company rapidly increased. Improvement, soaring to the billion level.

However, the valuation is just a valuation, and the scale of AXA Construction Company has not increased much.

For example, the number of skilled construction workers is almost the same as in the past.

Liu Ling’s doubts are no problem , does AXA Construction really have enough energy to handle so many projects?

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