Yachu, Yaxuan private room.

Facing the questions raised by Liu Ling, An Liang did not answer them immediately. He handed the tablet to Liu Ling.

"Auntie, you order first."An Liang signaled Liu Ling to order.

Liu Ling did not refuse. She swiped the ordering tablet to view the dishes, and then chose a fish maw stewed chicken soup, a steamed Eastern Star Pancake, and a salted cabbage sum.

"Is three dishes enough for the two of us? Liu Ling asked.

An Liang took the ordering tablet. He ordered a baked meat crab with ginger and scallions, and then asked casually,"Auntie, would you like a drink?""

Hearing An Liang's proposal to drink, Liu Ling's mind suddenly thought of the late night snack she had with An Liang. When she was a little drunk and An Liang supported her. At that time...

Liu Ling responded in a strange way,"I'm very tired from work today, so I just have a drink to relax.""

"The dishes we ordered are relatively light, so how about we choose white wine?"An Liang asked Liu Ling for his opinion.

"Um."Liu Ling responded a little absent-mindedly.

An Liang chose a white wine with a four-digit price. This price is already the highest-end white wine in Yachu.

While waiting for the dishes, An Liang answered the questions that Liu Ling had asked before.

"The problem that Auntie is worried about does exist. Our AXA Construction does have certain limitations in terms of scale."An Liang said frankly.

"At present, the main force of our AXA Construction is in the Xicheng development plan, and a small number of AXA Construction employees are invested in the large-scale comprehensive commercial center project of the Sail Power Production Base."An Liang added

"So for the Shiliwan project, we at AXA Construction are ready to outsource the work."An Liang proposed a solution.

This solution was proposed by An Shengyu.

Who stipulates that builders cannot outsource construction work?

Ansheng Construction does engage in construction, but there are no legal provisions. Can’t the construction work be outsourced?

According to Anshengyu’s suggestion, Ansheng Construction can invite external bids for the development work of Shiliwan, raise the requirements, and then personally supervise the work.

Ansheng Construction is a builder, of course it knows about construction work If there are any problems, big or small, Ansheng Construction personally serves as the supervisor, and the outsourced work cannot be fooled.

So there is no problem with this solution.

After An Liang explained, Liu Ling nodded slightly," Seems to make sense"

"Auntie, you can be more confident. We at AXA Construction are a professional company in the field of construction. We certainly know what we are doing, so it must make sense."An Liang responded with a smile.

While Liu Ling and An Liang were communicating, dishes were served one after another, and white wine was also served. An Liang poured wine for Liu Ling himself.

The two continued to communicate while eating and drinking.

"How much money does AXA plan to invest in the Shiliwan project? Liu Ling asked tentatively.

An Liang smiled and explained the specific situation of the Shiliwan project.

"The Shiliwan project is a project of [Anxin Life Group]. As I said before, the Shiliwan project is to build a world-class life science research center to conduct research and development of cutting-edge technologies in the life field." An Liang explained.

Liu Ling nodded affirmatively.

An Liang continued to add,"According to Anxin Life Group's plan, the total investment in the Shiliwan project exceeds 20 billion, and this investment is construction investment!"

"Such a high investment?"Liu Ling was shocked.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"That is inevitable. After all, if Anxin Life Group wants to build a world-class life science research center, the investment will not be cheap."

In fact, the investment of 20 billion is just the beginning. The subsequent scientific research equipment, salaries of scientific researchers, and scientific research investment are the bigger expenses.

An Liang is very optimistic that this life science research center will burn 1,000 yuan." If there are any results before Yixia Guoyuan, thank God.

An Liang hopes to use this life science research center to decipher the hidden life science codes of mutated holly seeds, Shiliwan natural selected peach gum, thousand-year-old astragalus, and even golden Tai Sui.

If Cracking these life science codes will bring Anliang huge wealth and unparalleled influence.

After all, who doesn’t want health and longevity?

Whether it’s Millennium Astragalus, Golden Tai Sui, or even the second-class Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Glue is a good helper in health and longevity, so Anliang has to develop its efforts in the field of life sciences.

This field is the core of Anliang’s next development stage!

In addition, artificial intelligence and quantum computers are also the development of Anliang. The focus, especially the artificial intelligence system, is that An Liang hopes to get the artificial intelligence project of Xiong Zhang Company.

It’s a pity that Xiong Zhang Company won’t sell it!

An Liang and Liu Ling were chatting about the Shiliwan project while drinking white wine, praising a full bottle. After drinking the white wine, Liu Ling's face turned red.

"Our Gongshu Bank will definitely support your AXA project in Shiliwan. I will make a detailed plan when I go back."Liu Ling expressed her support.

An Liang said with a smile,"Auntie, you'd better not drive after drinking. I'll take you back."

"Didn't you drink too? Liu Ling asked back

"I have a driver."An Liang smiled.

Liu Ling could have chosen to hire a driver, but she did not refuse An Liang's kindness....


This is also automatically updated. The author’s wonderful journey ends tomorrow.

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