It's close to midnight late at night.

The third battle between the righteous giant Taoist An and the little vixen ended. For the time being, the righteous Taoist master An suppressed the little vixen and let the little vixen nestle in his arms.

An Liang caressed Yang Maoyi's little head, and he asked casually,"How is the review of Fox Fairy Food recently?"

Yang Maoyi listened to An Liang's heartbeat, and she responded,"It is developing rapidly. Sister Ruonan and I have reached an agreement. Now, Nanruo Photography Studio has been acquired"

"In addition, I hired Sister Ruonan to be the general manager of Fox Fairy Food Review, and asked Ruonan to be responsible for expanding the photography team. I am planning to expand the evaluation team."The little vixen explained

"But now I encountered a problem."The little vixen said distressedly.

"what is the problem?"An Liang asked back.

"There are too many restaurants that applied to be reviewed."The little vixen sighed,"The root cause of this problem is the problem with our evaluation mechanism."

Foxian Food Review is a neutral non-profit evaluation mechanism. Foxxian Food Review charges neither review fees nor advertising fees. It will even pay for the meal itself.

Unless the restaurant being evaluated has passed the Foxxian Food Review Evaluation, then the cost of the Fox Fairy Food Evaluation signboard will be paid.

Such a free evaluation mechanism allows a large number of restaurants to apply for Fox Fairy Food Evaluation. The quality of these restaurants is naturally mixed, and there is a lot of fishing in troubled waters.

Anyway, the Fox Fairy Food Evaluation During the evaluation, you have to pay for the meal even if the evaluation is a meal. Isn’t it a good idea to apply for the evaluation and treat it as soliciting customers?

"Your Majesty, we have reviewed several stores in Shengqing before, but their quality was not good and it was a complete waste of our time."Yang Maoyi complained.

If it was just about spending money, Yang Maoyi would not be too disgusted, but it would be very bad to waste time.

Now the main evaluation work of Fox Fairy Food Evaluation is handled by Yang Maoyi, and the evaluation speed is very slow. If more time is wasted, Yang Maoyi will definitely be dissatisfied.

An Liang secretly thought about the difficulties Yang Maoyi encountered. As Yang Maoyi said, this difficulty was caused by the Fox Fairy Food Evaluation mechanism, and ordinary methods cannot solve the problem.

For example , If you use paid reviews, you will easily be criticized and your credibility will be questioned.

Yang Maoyi continued,"Sometimes I feel so angry when I think about it! I can’t wait to expose those garbage restaurants!"

According to the popularity of Yang Maoyi and Hu Xian's food reviews, such exposure is very likely to lead to the direct closure of some restaurants.

But there are also problems!

As the old saying goes, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

If Yang Maoyi's exposure leads to other people's If the restaurant closes down, then Yang Maoyi may suffer the other party's revenge.

Even if An Liang has the ability to foresee danger and arranges security personnel from Renyi Security Company around Yang Maoyi, but he can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can he prevent a thief for a thousand days?

In order to avoid this situation, An Liang said negatively,"We can increase the screening mechanism"

"How to filter?"Yang Maoyi was confused.

"Imitating ugly groups and niche reviews, our Fox Fairy Food Review is also open to user reviews, but our user reviews must be more detailed and authentic."An Liang explained.

Whether it is ugly groups or niche reviews, there are certain problems in the reviews of these two companies.

For example, the blocking of negative reviews.

After all, the two companies also have to pay attention to each other. In order to pay for advertising and traffic fees, the two companies have to pay attention to each other. Each company has selectively implemented a comment screening mechanism to block some comments they deem inappropriate.

As for what comments are considered inappropriate, of course, the final decision will be made by Ugly Group and Niche Dianping.

But in general , negative reviews for restaurants are basically inappropriate reviews.

It is for this reason that whether it is a ugly group or a niche review, there are very few negative reviews in the reviews

"If user reviews are open, what if there are malicious negative reviews?"Yang Maoyi asked the question

"Malicious negative reviews are a minor problem. An Liang stroked Yang Maoyi's smooth hair,"Getting good reviews is the big problem!""

"Does your Majesty have a solution?"Yang Maoyi asked back.

An Liang nodded,"We only allow real user reviews. If a user wants to submit a review, they must submit a meal receipt and payment record, and must provide clear picture proof."

"Only customers who have actually been there are allowed to leave reviews."An Liang added

"In order to limit malicious negative reviews or positive reviews, we only allow the same dining receipt and payment record to be reviewed once, and the same mobile phone registered account in the same restaurant can only be reviewed once within 30 days. An Liang continued to refine the rules.

Yang Maoyi asked hesitantly,"Only one evaluation is allowed within 30 days. Isn't it bad?""

"why not?"An Liang asked back.

"For example, if I like a restaurant and I go there three times in a month, can I only rate it once?"Yang Maoyi gave specific examples.

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